Were there you go, see what happens when you just go and type something out without double checking in all the way through

What I should have said is that it is a single shot, bolt-action, magazine fed rifle you don't have to worry about recoil from additional shots in the round beyond the first. Unfortunately this is not Semi-automatic, Semi-automatic rifles differ from the manual repeaters in fact that semi-automatics used some amount of the energy, generated by the each shot fired, to commence the reloading cycle.
Regading the Bullpup configuration, according the CC (Pg. 74) -"
This makes the weapon more compact and concealable, and also provides 1 point of recoil compensation."
Regarding the silenced barrel, I was already combining this in my head with the Barret Model 121 from CC (i.e. -giving this weapon a silenced barrel) which would preclude the muzzle brakes. Again, this is the case of hastily typing out a reply without reading it over once. I would consider a silencer to be necessary in an urbane environment, these things are load and you really wouldn't be able to fire one without any neighorhood nearby thinking that war had started (even in Redmond). One thing about real life silencers is that they are absolutely the best flash suppressors around.....does anybody else allow silenced weapons to have an automatic flash suppressor?
And finally I know that there is no way I could fire a normal Barret (at least the model 82) from a standing position. I have fired it from a prone position and can't imagine just how innaccurate not having it braced and on the bipod would be. That also brings me to my next point, in the CC we are told that each shot of the Barret Model 121 gives a +2 target numbe modifier due to the size of the round (I am assuming 12.7mm / .50 cal). I tend to think that this number is a little low, considering the use for these rifles is the extreme penetration and range! (I use the alternate range tables provided by Raygun). I would probably consider changing that recoil number to +3 or even +4.