Aug 19 2004, 08:21 AM
Yes folks, I know. This topic has been beaten to death, but I just can't find it.
Where is the list of ambience music that several people have put together?
Also, if people feel so inclined, throw me your lists of good ambience music for shadowrun--you can sort it out by types of activities or just one big list...
And for everyone who is going to tell me to use the search engine, I most gladly will after I am told how to get around this...
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in D:\Sites\\sources\Drivers\mySQL.php on line 101
Aug 19 2004, 11:42 AM
Let's see, good shadowrun music...
For chase scenes: Rollin' (Limp Bizkit)
For general mood: Anything from the Vagellis Bladerunner themes line
During combat: Engel (Ramstein), Firestarter and Breath (Prodegy)
Just some random thoughts there.
Aug 19 2004, 01:34 PM
My list of favorites:
Fight Club soundtrack
Haujobb, Solutions for a Small Planet, Ninetynine, Freeze Frame Reality, etc.
Bush, Deconstructed
Juno Reactor
Collide, Chasing the Ghost
KMFDM, Retro
Massive Attack
Powerman 5000
The Crystal Method
Curve, Gift
A few others to explore:
Gus Gus
Jah Wobble
Junkie XL
My current Shadowrun mix cd playlist:
Delerium featuring Kirsty Thirk, "Flowers Become Screens"
Garbage, "Not My Idea"
Incubus, "Pardon Me"
Juno Reactor, "God Is God"
KMFDM, "Brute"
Moby, "Machete"
Nine Inch Nails, "Starfuckers, Inc"
Orgy, "Fiction (Dreams In Digital)"
Powrman 5000, "Public Menace, Freak, Human Fly"
Faith and the Muse, "Porphyrogene (Laboratory X mix)"
The Dust Brothers, "Jack's Smirking Revenge"
Genitorturers, "Terrorvision"
Zeromancer, "Eurotrash"
Haujobb, "Perfect Average"
Juno Reactor, "Rotorblade"
Sneaker Pimps, "Waterbaby"
Aug 19 2004, 02:35 PM
My god, someone else that knows Collide!
Ancient History
Aug 19 2004, 02:42 PM
Down boy.
Aug 19 2004, 03:12 PM
Actually, I don't even like them all that much..
Aug 19 2004, 05:19 PM
That's a shame. I like them quite a bit, and I'm disappointed that I'll miss seeing them at Dracula's Ball in Philly September 1.
Regardless, I like their cover of "White Rabbit" and think it would be good for a Matrix run.
Black Isis
Aug 19 2004, 08:00 PM
Collide is very cool.

How is their new CD? I haven't picked it up yet.
I've been having trouble finding stuff for my games background because I want stuff that isn't too intrusive -- and I find that a lot of stuff with lyrics can definitely be distracting. A lot of what I've picked out is Aphex Twin, ambient Delerium tracks (like the ones on Spheres), or movie or game soundtracks.
Aug 19 2004, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (Black Isis) |
Collide is very cool. How is their new CD? I haven't picked it up yet. |
Vortex? Don't know yet; I won't have the money to pick it up for a while, unfortunately. I am looking forward to it, however.
The least non-intrusive stuff on my list would be things like the Fight Club soundtrack, Juno Reactor, some of the haujobb, Gus Gus and Jah Wobble.
Aug 20 2004, 01:29 AM
A new one I just picked up that I've been using more and more:
Dismantled's cd "Postnuclear."
Dismantled is good for you.
Aug 20 2004, 02:13 AM
Maybe you'd like to add the Ghost in the Shell Soudtrack, the Matrix Soundtrack (the first one, though the Animatrix one is nice too, haven't heard the other two), and maybe a little bit of Rob Zombie and Rage Against the Machine.
Aug 20 2004, 07:14 AM
And if you all are REALLY good, I might find some way to give you some of the music from the Shadowrun CD that was made back in the 90's.
It's not something I can just post on
my webpage afterall since I've trying to figure out who owns it, if they're dead, and so on, and so on...
BTW, I'm going to have to update the site. My schedule pushed back the ShadowOut 2 update till Sep at the earliest since we're getting underway.
Damn Typhoons.
Aug 20 2004, 10:30 AM
QUOTE (Pistons) |
Haujobb, Solutions for a Small Planet, Ninetynine, Freeze Frame Reality, etc. |
I still can't thank you enough for bringing this to my attention. It almost makes me wish I didn't fuck up so badly in your dare at GenCon a few years ago. Too bad the lead singer of Haujobb really shouldn't be even near a microphone.
Aug 20 2004, 02:02 PM
Aww, he's not
that bad.

I gather haujobb's worked for your games like the Fight Club soundtrack has?
Aug 20 2004, 03:09 PM
No, I never play Haujobb during my games. I did play the Fight Club soundtrack a while, but there's nothing quite as good (and as a hard to find) as the Darklight Conflict soundtrack. I swear by it. There's nothing better for Shadowrun than this.
Aug 21 2004, 01:47 PM
Most of the soundtrack to Gunparade March seems to work well, but not for everything.
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