Aug 21 2004, 06:01 PM
Is there any info on the city on Hong Kong in the Shadowrun books? Also is there anywhere where I can find a map of the Hong Kong metroplex?
Demonseed Elite
Aug 21 2004, 06:29 PM
Don't think there's even been a map printed of the Hong Kong 'plex, but it's gotten plenty of mentionings in books.
Brainscan, Portfolio of a Dragon, Blood in the Boardroom, Survival of the Fittest, Sprawl Survival Guide, Year of the Comet, I think all of those books have at least some info on Hong Kong. There's probably others too that I'm forgetting.
Aug 21 2004, 06:42 PM
For a map of Hong Kong, I would check Borders or any other decent bookstore in the travel section. Then take a marker to it and go nuts, or maybe not so nuts, depends on how you want your view of HK to be reflected.
otaku mike
Aug 22 2004, 09:41 AM
Hong Kong (or Macao or Singapore for that matter) hardly qualifies as a "Metroplex". Being geographically limited by their location on a island or an isthmus, their development options are not limitless. So, there may be a lot of people there, but I won't call a city of less than 100 km² a metroplex.
That to say, when you play in such place, have your players remember it's a small place, where people tend to remember other faces (or notice new ones) and everything eventually gets to the wrong ear...
Demonseed Elite
Aug 22 2004, 01:40 PM
It's a geographically tight city, but it's not really small. At least population-wise. Hong Kong has roughly 6.8 million people right now, compared to Boston's 5.8 million. But yeah, HK isn't a sprawl, in the common sense of the word. It tends to grow vertically, instead of grow across the land.
Aug 22 2004, 06:30 PM
There's some bits and pieces about it in Dragons of the Sixth World, as well.
Cynic project
Aug 22 2004, 08:36 PM
By the 2060s you would have building sticking out of the sea measured in the kilometer range.
Aug 22 2004, 09:17 PM
It figures that I only have one of those books mentioned (Year of the Comet) but I have some questions if they could be answered, thanks.
-Anywhere on-line I can get a map of the city?
-Is the city similar to Seattle in its standard of living or is it different?
-I'm figuring the triads own the place, but do other groups like the yakuza (sp?), the Rings and other underworld groups hold sway?
-Is their a war of somewhat between the groups for control (or even between the various triads)?
-Wuxing is probably the biggest game in town but anything on how the other AAA's treat or affect the City?
-What about the AA's who's who and how are they in the city?
-Does Lung take a major interest in the city or is it a passing thing, and what if any other dragons are part of the Hong Kong life?
Aug 22 2004, 11:13 PM
QUOTE (prettz) |
-Anywhere on-line I can get a map of the city? |
Check out this URL: is part of a larger site (Lonely Planet), you can find maps of many other parts of the world here as well as Hong Kong.
Aug 23 2004, 12:12 AM
Hong Kong's
Octopus Card is a great example of what a credstick should be like. Anonymous and Wireless, makes it faster than a credit card and yet as anonymous as cash.
Kanada Ten
Aug 23 2004, 12:28 AM
That is exactly what a certified credstick is like other than the totally wireless aspect, which its weakest link to theft.
Young Freud
Aug 23 2004, 02:07 AM
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Aug 22 2004, 08:40 AM) |
It's a geographically tight city, but it's not really small. At least population-wise. Hong Kong has roughly 6.8 million people right now, compared to Boston's 5.8 million. But yeah, HK isn't a sprawl, in the common sense of the word. It tends to grow vertically, instead of grow across the land. |
There's a possiblity that could change, especially if there's enough money thrown at it. The international airport at Chek Lap Kok was built on an island expanded using landfill at the expense of $20 billion and six years. The current size of Chek Lap Kok is approximately three times it's original size
It could be quite possible for that Hong Kong Island could expand to at least twenty percets it's current size by 2050-2060 using the same methods. I could see HK building some large corporate commerce center in the harbor, or building cheap residental housing on the shoreline, on top of some shoal of recycled materials.
BTW, I don't think finding a street map will help, unless it's for the major throughfares and highways and landmarks and government buildings. It's been said that HK, like Tokyo or perhaps any densely populated city, has an almost shifting urban landscape. A street might suddenly deadend or an pedestrian alley may now be a street opened to car traffic.
Aug 23 2004, 05:39 AM
I've got some information on Hong Kong culled from some of the books. Give me a couple days to get back home and recover and I'll post it. Also, if I remember rightly there was talk of Hong Kong getting a section in the possibly forthcoming Shadows of Asia. Not sure what the status of that book - still ongoing, scrapped, submission stage, being wrtitten etc. - is though.
Edit: And why is it threads like these, and ones on Hong Kong in particular, always seem to come up around GenCon? :/
Aug 23 2004, 01:01 PM
The HK Octopus card is an awesome card, I used it to buy stuff from vending machines, at some of the small stores located inside the metro stations and also for the various buses, trams, and ferry.
The buses are cool, they have the double decker buses and the smaller light bus that holds only sixteen people. But all of them (well it seemed like 95%) have small flat screen tvs that constantly bombard the passengers with ads, the Ro
ADshow they called it...
Hey Young Freud, you're correct in the speculations.
They are constantly working expanding outward from HK and the Kowloon side and the land are slowly moving towards each other in the land reclamation projects. That said, some of the taxi drivers are saying what used to take 20 minutes for the ferry to get across now only takes 10 minutes (or something sort like that). Actually I looked at one of the guide books and they stated this temple, Tin Hau station) that was several city blocks inside the HK landscape right by one of the metro stations used to be at the waterfront. My mom used to live in this one area on the Kowloon side (Tiu Keng Leng) that used to be a large harbour area) and it is has now been reclaimed and all sorts of developments are made.
There is currently some public outcry about the continuing expansion into the water that fills up the gap. You can use this for possible runs with environmentalists and corporations having runs for/against the expansion projects.
Additionally on the Kowloon side they are leveling the mountains so that they can have more land. I kid you not, it's a sight to see as they cart off the tons of dirt. When I visited Guangzhou six years ago, they were doing similar projects, driving by these projects are awesome (in terms of the construction/manpower and it makes the engineer in me all giddy. well, not really, but close.

If you ever see the skyline, this city has a huge amount of skyscrapers, it's a great view since it's a double skyline, one on each side of the waters.
One cultural aspect of the city:
Most of the inhabitants of the city live in cramp apartments, many of them living with their folks until they are married whereupon they finally move out. Often times you meet your friends out for tea at the many diners/restaurants/etc... throughout the city. HK has one of the highest density of eating establishments I have ever seen. They hardly ever invite each other into their homes, only those who are really close and it's considered an honour. Other than that only those who have a nice large pad would consider inviting other folks.
HK is a modern city, but the average native HK person doesn't earn that much money as compared to the US equivalent, thereupon food and such is cheap for the local restaurants, but luxury items are really expensive.
One of the coolest sight to see is on the southern end of the island near Stanley, it is a very touristy spot, but there is an old british barracks that they had dismantled from the city and rebuilt there (but now houses restaurants instead of troops). There's a hotel built right by the mountain overlooking the coast, it has a large 'hole' in it. The reason is that local rumors is that there is a mountain spirit (dragon) that dwells in that particular mountian and the hole is to allow for that spirit a way pass the building. So remember folks, the whole geomancy stuff if VERY important in this city.
Man, I should take the time and write out what I've experienced of this place, there's just so much!
Aug 23 2004, 01:15 PM
I have heard that some of the government buildings are designed with geomancy in mind, not just the private civillian ones.
Aug 23 2004, 01:21 PM
Of course, what thread on Hong Kong would be complete without a mention of film director John Woo. Check out the multitude of cop/triad action films made there.
As for Shadowrun, Dunkelzahn's Secrets: Portfolio of a Dragon had a good chunk of game info about Hong Kong as a location. Mostly characterisation and several distinct neighbourhoods, nothing as in depth as the original Seattle sourcebook. No maps though.
Shadows of Asia is currently a "work in progress" and will most likely include Hong Kong. But don't expect anything too soon. I'd reckon next year at the earliest.
Oh, and Lonely Planet is a great source for information to adapt for your campaign. Lots of flavour and detailed information if you've got the willpower to trawl through the data and add a little creative sweat.
Aug 23 2004, 01:25 PM
QUOTE (toturi @ Aug 23 2004, 08:15 AM) |
I have heard that some of the government buildings are designed with geomancy in mind, not just the private civillian ones. |
A lot of the buildings are made with geomancy in mind. One particular building, you can see in the pictures with the jagged top that's all black, created a stir of controversy when it was built because of the bad feng-shui it had on the surrounding areas.
One building I saw in the Kowloon side which was really cool, I think it was a modest 40 story building, it had what looked to be a building/house/castle like structure at the top. It reminded me of something similar to the tv cartoon, gargoyles, or something like that. An excellent spot for a run similar to that one run in survival of the fittest. hehe.
Aug 23 2004, 02:04 PM
Wow, thanks for the replies there loaded with gems of info, please keep them coming.
I noticed that a couple of people bought up expansion projects, so the question is, would HK have expanded over the years or would city have remained the same size?
Also on the cultural side: How would HK have dealt with VITAS, UGE, Globinization, natural diasters and the other things that changed the world?
Note: The reason I'm curious is the characters in my game might become Company Man for Wuxing and they will be re-located to HK if they accept the position so I need a crash course in HK. Also theories and conjecture about all the questions are welcome and probably needed sense I doubt that my 1,001 HK questions are all answered in canon.
Aug 23 2004, 02:15 PM
You could always just have them assigned to some Wuxing site in the current area of the game or something. I'm sure that there are several sites along the Pacific coast, for example.
Aug 23 2004, 02:23 PM
QUOTE (prettz @ Aug 23 2004, 09:04 AM) |
I noticed that a couple of people bought up expansion projects, so the question is, would HK have expanded over the years or would city have remained the same size?
Also on the cultural side: How would HK have dealt with VITAS, UGE, Globinization, natural diasters and the other things that changed the world? |
For the first question:
It depends on how the land shortage/price is for the city. If the population is not hit hard by the VITAS plagues and there is still a housing shortage there will be a need for more land space. It's usually easier for the corp to get the permits to buy the cheap mountain or fill in the waters and create new land than to buy up/out the residents of particular buildings and then demolish the building and then build their own stuff, especially in the high rent/commercial areas. Plus, for putting up in the new water or on the new mountains, the buildings you put up gives you magnificient views of the skyline... usually at the expense of the people you're blocking off...
Over the years, until there's a strong enough backlash, it could end up with the narrowing between the HK island and the Kowloon peninsula to the point where it's literally a stone's throw across. But if that is to happen, I can see lots of public and environmental backlash. Plus, it can be bad for certain businesses like tourist and shipping. The magnificient skyline view getting marred is bad for lots of businesses and the ever shrinking size of the channel is bad for the boats. As it is, I heard there is a noticeable increase in the water flow caused by the decreasing size (kinda like shrinking the pipe diameter would have an increase in water flowrate if you have the same volume of water coursing through). And shipping is a big business for the city of Hong Kong. There are large areas for the shipping terminals that you can see as you drive through the city (driving is another interesting venture, they drive on the left and they love the traffic circles...

Oh, fun fact, the former airport that's located in Kowloon has now been converted into commercial space including a driving range (from what one of the brochures said, one of the largest indoor driving range in the world).
The city would easily expand in size especially in the Srun world with the turmoil in the rest of China and other parts of Southeast asia. I can see more refugees heading there for a relatively stable and successful, modern city.
The second part of the your question... hmmm... I'll have to think more on that.
Aug 23 2004, 05:31 PM
"You could always just have them assigned to some Wuxing site in the current area of the game or something. I'm sure that there are several sites along the Pacific coast, for example."
Well the Corporate Download says that Wuxing takes it Company Men to HK so they can learn the "family way" or something similar to that. That being said I actually like the idea of re-location, I have used Seattle for a while and I think HK would be a good change of pace.
Also any idea on the first set of questions I mentioned earlier?
Aug 23 2004, 05:44 PM
Aug 23 2004, 05:45 PM
On population, it's generally been the rule that VITAS and the like decreased the population so that they're only back up to current levels by the 2050/60's, unless it's mentioned a country or area was really devastated. At least that's what SoE worked from from what I can vaguely recall. Hong Kong's got a very good medical system that's equal to western equivalents from what I've read so whilst you've got this concentration of people, should balance out as it were.
One thing to keep in mind is that with China splitting apart into warlord states, I could see people trying to make it to Hong Kong or one of the more stable states. You've got a whole new set of Vietnamese boat people. Might get some from south east Asia but the books can't seem to make up their minds about that area.
Aug 23 2004, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (prettz) |
Bigity "You could always just have them assigned to some Wuxing site in the current area of the game or something. I'm sure that there are several sites along the Pacific coast, for example."
Well the Corporate Download says that Wuxing takes it Company Men to HK so they can learn the "family way" or something similar to that. That being said I actually like the idea of re-location, I have used Seattle for a while and I think HK would be a good change of pace.
Also any idea on the first set of questions I mentioned earlier? |
Didn't recall that
Aug 23 2004, 06:22 PM
QUOTE (FlakJacket) |
On population, it's generally been the rule that VITAS and the like decreased the population so that they're only back up to current levels by the 2050/60's, unless it's mentioned a country or area was really devastated. At least that's what SoE worked from from what I can vaguely recall. |
...which is not a very good idea since it's basically assuming population can't but grow. Demographs don't expect anything like two VITAS epidemics and find the populaton of most European countries will stay very close to what it is now (like, in the 60-65 millions range for both UK and France). Having that kind of numbers in SR is either ignoring VITAS or considering some changes in demographic trends (current fertility rates under 2 children per woman mathematically lead the population to decrease, extended longevity and immigration just balancing things). It just leave open the question of how much the flows of refugees can increase and how governments would handle it.
Aug 23 2004, 06:30 PM
So the population would likely be higher even with VITAS and other diasters because of mass-immigration? Do you think this would form a second-class status for these immigrates?
Also two more questions (I'm trying to get to the 1,001 questions): Ideas on how the population treats metahumans, is Humanis and the such very popular? Also how does the average person treat a foreigner in the city?
Aug 23 2004, 07:44 PM
Hong Kong has nowadays the lowest fertiliy rate in the world with 0.91 children per woman. It needs mass-immigration or its population would naturally drop from mere 7 millions circa 2000 to 3 or 4 millions by 2060. And that's a RL forecast that do not include VITAS death toll. The VITAS effects in Hong Kong would be balanced between a good, western-level health system, a status of travel hub in Asia that'd make the disease pop up in there quickly and a high density that'd help it to spread quickly. By 2060, I can see hong Kong population being anywhere between 6 and 9 millions of inhabitants, depending on how refugees from China and the rest of Asia (Indochina and Japanese metas mostly) spread between HK, Macau, big cities like Shanghai or Taipe and stable countries like Japan and Korea. It would mean a good half of HK population arrived or are the children of war refugees arrived after the break-up of China.
Aug 23 2004, 08:07 PM
There are a large amount of people who wish to enter the city every year. What you are looking is in terms of current trends, but in the srun time period things are different. There will be large influx of refugees from the China mainland and also throughout southeast asia. The reason why there isn't a large influx now is because of the tight reins that the government currently keeps to secure the special economic zone AND the booming economy of the chinese mainland have actually made a reversal in that many are leaving the city for business in the mainland such as shanghai. Currently, several hundred chinese immigrants who arrive each day to live in Hong Kong.
Additionally, the uncertainty and war torn periods in the region is likely to cause a different take on the birthrates of the city. I see it more likely that more kids will be born than what it is now.
Aug 23 2004, 08:17 PM
QUOTE (prettz) |
-I'm figuring the triads own the place, but do other groups like the yakuza (sp?), the Rings and other underworld groups hold sway? Is their a war of somewhat between the groups for control (or even between the various triads)? |
The implantation of mobs relies a lot on ethnic groups. Unlike North America, Hong Kong does not have any important community nowadays. SR timeline does not give Japanese and Korean a lot of reasons to leave their countries for Hong Kong (and the Japanese that'd do, metahumans, would probably not be the good base for a Yakuza clan). Maybe some vietnamese gangs, but Triads would held the ground widely.
Triads have their own wars, some centuries old. The Red Dragons, the most powerful Triad and the servant of Lung, don't get along with the White Lotus and the Yellow Lotus, the later being tied to Wuxing.
QUOTE (pettz) |
-Wuxing is probably the biggest game in town but anything on how the other AAA's treat or affect the City? What about the AA's who's who and how are they in the city? |
I remeber only three precise references for corporate presence: Mitsuhama controls much of the heavy industry there ; Renraku has a major facility as well ; and AA finance group HKB of London has offices there. I'd expect corps like Shiawase, Yamatetsu, Monobe and Yakashima to have some presence there.
QUOTE (prettz) |
-Does Lung take a major interest in the city or is it a passing thing, and what if any other dragons are part of the Hong Kong life? |
Hong Kong is the home of the Red Dragon Triad, who are Lung's most important agents. There might be some adult (non great) dragons in town, but those rarely get a mention.
And in case you don't know wiki, try those links:
Aug 23 2004, 10:12 PM
Monoe, I don't believe I ever heard that one, what are they?
Edit: Thanks Nath those two links are great.
Aug 25 2004, 08:42 PM
This is a rough draft of the what I had written about Hong Kong in general. First I need to credit wikipedia where I pulled most of the info I used as a base for this and to thank everyone who gave me a good start. If the ideas or espically the numbers seem off or wrong, sorry and please correct me. I'd love ides on how to flush out sections that I have wriiten but espically those sections I haven't.
Welcome to Hong Kong
These are the some fast facts and quick information vital to a runner’s survival.
Hong Kong at a Glance
Population: 5,000,000+
Human: 70% Dwarf: 3% Troll: 2%
Elf: 12% Ork: 12% Other: 1%
Population Density: 3,000+ per square kilometer
Per Capita Income: 28,000 Nuyen
Population Below Poverty Level: 38%
Corporate-Affiliated Population: 63%
Hospitals: 63
Felonious Crime Rate: 26 per 1,000 annum
The Weather
Getting In
Hong Kong is an independent city sponsored by the various corporate interests that call it home. Anyone attempting to enter the city should remember that the city is islands and peninsulas that are close to the old war torn Chinese countries and are guarded by various corp. interests. With that in mind it truly is not hard to sneak into the city provided you known where to go and when to get there.
Through the modern Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), which is also called Chep Lap Kok, the name of the small island it was built over. The airport is fast and efficient for its size and can handle sub-orbitals and semi ballistics as easily as it can handle normal airline traffic. International flights are pretty tight so forget sneaking in anything illegal unless you know the right people or you want to have a long talk with the security forces.
Before the breakup of the old Chinese nation, their where built penalty of bridges and land routes between the mainland and Hong Kong. Since the breakup the land routes while maintained are highly guarded by both the Canton Confederation and the Hong Kong contracted security force. Unless one has a good way to sneak by the patrols try another way. Also their exists at least one sealed-tube maglev train that connects Kowloon to Guangdong.
All sorts of passengers and commercial traffic docks in Hong Kong’s various harbors every day, but passenger wise the easiest way to get in is by hovercraft/hydrofoil from Macau. Hong Kong as has daily hovercraft/hydrofoil out of the city to the Canton Confederation and Guangxi. However all entries into the city must report to the local Port Authority to have their information checked and updated.
Of all the way to illegal ways to enter the city the Sea is by far the easiest way in. As a note of caution one must be careful more than one smuggler has accidentally run into a corporate or security forces naval ship.
Getting Around
Once in the city you’re going to need to know how to get around the city.
Most of the corporate and government facilities in Hong Kong have heliports for helicopters, tiltrotor aircraft and lighter-than-air vehicles. The city has ten air-taxi services: Hong Kong Air, CLK Services (Chep Lap Kok), Federated-Boeing Air Carriers, Wuxing Air, Knight Air, Kowloon Services, Island Hooper Air, Tsim Choppers, Xi Express, and Star Ferry Air. All taxi services fly to all the city’s major buildings, Chep Lap Kok International and major corporate and government buildings. Air taxis are expensive but most locals find it an acceptable investment, as most land travel is to cluttered for fast travel. All travels are monitored by local and corporate radar. Suspicious deviations from the filed flight plan warrant a visit from the contracted security forces as Air travel is closely watched.
Hong Kong as a complex and very well maintained road system, but with heavy traffic and nearly impossible parking make personal transport nearly impossible, but it can work in a runner’s favor if understand traffic patterns. If one is to travel by car it is believed that taxi services are the best and most productive way of transportation.
A "Red" (Urban) taxi can take you to all parts of Hong Kong except the rural parts in Lantau Island, and the fare is the most expensive one. A "Green" (New Territories) taxi can take you to the New Territories except Tsuen Wan and Sha Tin, and the fare is cheaper than a red taxi. A "Blue" (Lantau) taxi can take you to the Lantau Island only, and it is the cheapest among all taxis. Normally, you take a "Red" taxi to go to the downtown on Hong Kong Island or in Kowloon.
A vast fleet of ferries plies between the many islands of Hong Kong. The granddaddy of them all and an attraction in itself is the Star Ferry, whose most popular line travels between Kowloon and Central nearly continuously, and offers amazing views (especially when coming from Kowloon). Ferries to Lamma, Lantau and other islands depart from a variety of ports, but the largest and most important terminal is at Central adjacent to the Star Ferry. Ferries are usually divided into fast ferries and slow ferries, with fast ferries charging around twice to price for half the journey time, although not all destinations offer both kinds of service.
Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway (MTR) is an underground network is the fastest way to get around Hong Kong, but what you gain in speed you lose in views and (at least for short distances) price. There are five lines, with the most important ones for visitors being the busy Tsuen Wan Line (red), which tunnels from Central to Kowloon and down Nathan Rd to the New Territories, the Island Line (blue) which runs along the north coast of the Island and the Tung Chung Line (yellow) is the fastest way to Lantau and one of the cheapest ways to the airport when coupled with the S1 shuttle bus. Note that in Hong Kong, a subway is an underground walkway, not the underground railroad system.
Train transit system is an important feature in the Hong Kong commuters’ life as an alternative to car travel. The train system named the Hong Kong Transit (HKT) system is independent of the maglev system after an attempt terrorist attack in 2021 that caused extra security and administrative changes to keep international and nation transit systems separate. The HKT runs multiple lines to all districts and to a even extra lines to important sites and places across the city.
The narrow double-decker city trams trundling now all over Hong Kong Island are a Hong Kong icon. Trams are slow and the route – but are seeped in history and some say myth of Hong Kong legends. Of all the public transport systems the Tram is probably the oldest and the most respected by the natives of the city.
There are three flavors of bus available in Hong Kong, all operated and controlled by the same company, Star Ferry Buses. While generally easy to use, signage in English can be sparse and finding your bus stop can get difficult. Buses are pretty much your only option for traveling around the south side of the island and Lantau. The large double-decker buses cover practically all of the territory, stop frequently and charge varying fares depending on the distance. The first seats of the upper deck offer great views. Van-sized public light buses carry a maximum of 16 passengers (seats only) and come in two varieties, red-striped minibuses and green-striped maxicabs (aka green minibuses). Minibuses can pick up and drop off passengers anywhere the law allows, while maxicabs follow a fixed route from point to point as fast the traffic will allow (and then some). The green number 1 maxicab down from the Peak to Central is particularly exhilarating.
Respect and Etiquette
Westerners say Hong Kong can be a pretty rude city with the large crowds, pushing, shoving, and crowdedness -- just like New York or Los Angeles. However, it can be best described as hurried and aggressive, but not mean spirited. Most folks know a modicum of English, since it was a British colony so long ago, so westerners don't have to worry about offending anyone by speaking English. However, it really depends on where you are in Hong Kong, some people do resent foreigners a bit and will call them "gwai lo" (ghost/devil) behind their backs. However, unlike certain other offensive racial names, this one has largely lost its negativity.
Manners are very important to Chinese and by relation those of Hong Kong as well. However, their ideas of good and bad manners are completely different to Western ideas. For example, it's somewhat acceptable to chomp and slurp your food, talk quite loudly in public, or point out to someone how fat they are -- and don't expect a "thank you" if you hold a door for someone, or give up your seat on the bus/train.
Aug 26 2004, 12:04 AM
QUOTE (Nath) |
By 2060, I can see hong Kong population being anywhere between 6 and 9 millions of inhabitants, depending on how refugees from China and the rest of Asia (Indochina and Japanese metas mostly) spread between HK, Macau, big cities like Shanghai or Taipe and stable countries like Japan and Korea. |
Would they accept them though? I can't really see Japan taking that many in since even now they rarely accept any refugees. Japan of Shadowrun future I wouldn't think would have softened any, in fact probably the exact opposite.
Hong Kong was still part of the People's Republic of China when VITAS first so I could see them trying to lock the country down since they wouldn't like large masses of people moving about and out of control, and they've not got many scruples about things. Even after HK secedes I'd expect the corps to only allow in limited numbers with either the cash or skills to contribute to the place. That and limited numbers of semi/unskilled refugees for non-skilled jobs. You had the boat people back in the past under British rule but then we were never so mercenary.
Aug 26 2004, 02:02 PM
Sure but that would only cause a powerful and lucrative smuggling market to arise to smuggle in illegals. Something like this would probably be controlled by the Red Dragon's as they are the largest triad, but the others probably also do it as well, espically those allied with wuxing. By bringing in these people you easily create a cheap labor force to push out those popular 'Kong Chips'
Aug 26 2004, 09:26 PM
Or you keep them out and they settle in the surrounding Canton Confederation. Right on your doorstep but not in your actual home. But that's based more on my own personal view of things. The Confederation seems to be the most stable and developed of the warlord states, so you have Hong Kong doing the tertiary industry/high-tech light industry and farm out the other manufacturing industry to subsidiaries or divisions in the Confederation.
Aug 26 2004, 09:42 PM
Yeah but that is just going to rise the market for metahuman smuggling. I see Hong Kong as a stable corp owned city admist a chaotic region (even more so after Japan's pull out) with advanced technology and industry like you say, but you still need the disgusting or degrading (or both) jobs done and that is for illegals. Prostitution, BTL's, drugs just to name a few are prefect for an illegal who truly doesn't exist and who can not only easily dissappear, but be easily replaced. In Hong Kong of the 2060's 'a dime a dozen' is a saying probably made for illegals were the triads are concerned, and may be even for a couple a corps.
Aug 26 2004, 09:51 PM
QUOTE (prettz @ Aug 24 2004, 12:12 AM) |
Monoe, I don't believe I ever heard that one, what are they? |
Ooops, bad typing. Monobe. But you may still not know who they are, yes ?
Aug 26 2004, 10:05 PM
You're right I don't know
Aug 26 2004, 10:07 PM
This should have been in the first part of the 'Welcome to Hong Kong'
Magic in the City
Even before the so-called “Year of the Comet” and Wuxing’s famous mana manipulation stunt at their headquarters, Hong Kong was unique in its magical nature. Like New Orleans, Los Angles and similar places Hong Kong’s magical aura is in a state of high and constant flux. This term has been called “Wild Magic” and can easily be accounted some of the strangest events in Hong Kong’s magical history.
Also here is part 2, Hong Kong Island. As before feedback would be great and even better would be help in area I don't have alot of information about.
Hong Kong Island
Hong Kong Island at a Glance
LTG Codes:
Population: 900,000+
Human: 72% Dwarf: 4% Troll: 2%
Elf: 13% Ork: 8% Other: 1%
Hospitals and Clinics:15
Major Corp Facilities:
Major Gangs:
Hong Kong Security Ratings
Central and Western District
Corporate Sector: AAA
Lan Kwai Fong: AAA
East Mid-Levels: A
Central Mid-Levels: AA
West Mid-Levels: AA
Soho: B
Eastern District
North Point:
Quarry Bay:
Shau Kei Wan: AAA
Chai Wan: C
Southern District
Aberdeen Harbour:
Ap Lei Chau:
Repulse Bay: Z
Stanely: AAA
Wan Chai District: C
Causeway Bay: C
About Hong Kong Island
It is the island where the original settlement of the Hong Kong territory, Victoria, was located. It is the historical, political and economic center of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Island is where the movers and shakers handle the major business of the city and of coporate intertest. It is the most active of the three major Hong Kong areas and the financial heart of the city. Though the most active, crowded and profitible area of the city it can also be the most dangerous for runners who don’t understand the security of the Island. Corporate and City security is thick on the Hong Kong Island where people wearing obvious armor and weapons will be detained but it is excepted that almost everyone will have concealed weapons and armor. Hong Kong Island contins four of the eighteen adminstrive districts of the city and it is the secton of the city that recieves the biggest influx of people dialy.
Central and Western District
Central is the central business and financial area of both Hong Kong Island and the city as a whole. Western is one of the areas of early development in Hong Kong. Both are located in the northern part of Hong Kong Island. The district lies along the northwestern shoreline of Hong Kong Island. It is surrounded by Wan Chai district on the east, Southern District on the south, and Victoria harbour in the north.
It is an area of Hong Kong located at the eastern end of Central and Western district, and bordered by Wanchai district to the east and by Victoria harbor to the north. The Pacific Place shopping mall is located in Admiralty.
The Coporate Sector
Also known as Downtown Hong Kong, this is the area most people think of when they think Hong Kong. Corporate interests are highly visible in the skycrappers, towers and expesinive structures that resemble ancient Chinese structures of old. This area of the city never sleeps although there is an considerable change in traffic during both the day and night. During the day the sky is abuzz with aircraft commuting to work and the streets clogged with traffic zipping off to the various corporate facuilites.
While the Corporate Sector does have a AAA security rating, it is generall accepted that the Corporate Sector is policed by the various corps that own a piece of it.
Lan Kwai Fong
Lan Kwai Fong seems to be the opposite of the Corporate Sector in that it seems to come alive at night and it dies down alittle during the day. Boasting numerous bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants, it is a popular choice for the well off locals and Johnsons who want a meet for a job in the Corporate Sector. The high costs associated with the area makes this a relatively high classed area, although the quality and reputation of this area is obvious virtually everynight. City Security makes sure that of that as Lan Kwai Fong is probably one of the most protected areas outside of the Coporate Sector. It is one of the few areas outside of the Corporate Sector where English is the predominant language.
Located between Peak and Central, the Mid-Level is one of the most high-class residential section in the Hong Kong city area. The Mid-levels are located at a superior region, and apart from having a bird's eye view of the Victoria Harbor, it is very close to the Corporate Sector and Admiralty, which are both significant and intense business areas providing easy and convenient access for the businessmen living in Mid-levels. It is divided into three areas known as: East Mid-levels, Central Mid-levels and West Mid-levels.
The East Mid-Levels are tendy upscale, expensive residential complexes generally owned by individual corporations who make them availible to their employees in a psudo-acrologies of sorts. Unlike the rest of the Mid-Levels this area has its security provided by the corporation who owns the building. This can be a windfall for various runners as the security reponse of the area varies depending on who owns what. The Central section of the area is designed to be upscaled luxury condos for some of the most wealthiests individuals in Hong Kong. Interstingly enough this area seems to be built more along the lines of a ‘Western’ style instead of the tradional eastern style that normally dominates the city. The West Mid-levels are a cross between the East and Central sections in that they both have condos and complexes but generally not reserved for corporate employees.
This district in Hong Kong is an entertainment zone located in Mid-levels and its name is derived from its location: South of Hollywood Road. Orginally this area of the island contained consisted of restaurants, bars, nightclubs, the art galleries and antique stores of Staunton Street and Hollywood Road, and residential housing. However over time and through various ‘civil’ unrests and the makor corporater investments, Soho has evolved into an ‘entrianment’ area. Unlike the Wan Chai district, Soho deals with the supposedly ‘legit’ side of entrainment. The cities upper scale newsnets, simsense, trideo and the like are produced here. This has not stopped various Triads form sitting up shopping and producing the famous ‘Hong Kong’ chips here.
Traditionally Soho belonged to the Eighty-Eights as their knowledge of technology and contacts in the area gave them the edge in the area. Recently however the Red Dragon’s have moved into the area and begun forcing the Eighty-Eights out.
It is located on Hong Kong Island and includes North Point, Quarry Bay, Shau Kei Wan, and Chai Wan.
Chai Wan
An area located in Eastern district, at the east of the Hong Kong Island. Chai Wan is a one of the places when lumbering of the old natural preseves is done. With the expanding area, espically the Corporate Sector more land is needed. The Council okayed full scale lumbering in 2023 and since then a couple of small corps have over seen the lumbering of the area.
Since the order came down Hong Kong island has lost of of its natural reserves and parks as the lumber has allowed further expansion. This has of course caused a backlash in the public realations departmen of the city as the residents of the island are seeing their island destroyed, but they have no effect. Also since the councils order the lumbering corps have been plagued with ‘troubles’ resulting directly form eco-terrorism as these groups have moved into the area to stop the destruction of the land.
North Point
An area of Hong Kong, located in the northern part of Hong Kong Island. Administratively, it belongs to Eastern district.
Quarry Bay
Shau Kei Wan
Once this was one of the most densely populated areas of the entire city, but that changed rather quickly. Shau Kei Wan was hit badly by the first wave of VITAS in 2010, which caused the deaths of half of the area’s population, twice that of the rest of the world. No cause was ever found to determine the reason, but through the civil unrest in the rest of China caused a flood of refuges to enter Hong Kong and most settled in this area as free and cheap housing was availible. What makes Shau Kei Wan the most memorialible was in 2045, when a wave of powerful magical energy, believed to be an effect of ‘Wild Magic’ tore through the Shau Kei Wan region killing everyone in the area and instantly turning it into a ghost town. All attempts at figuring out what happened, or even how it happened have failed. Spirits and Elementals refuse to enter the area even under threats and astral travels who enter report feeling a wave of anger, pain and rage so powerful they feel they are going to explode. Security reports indicated at least ten mages who entered the area went on killing sprees after returning to there meat bodies. Also the background feeling is so intense that even mundanes have reported feeling those feelings as well, abiet slightly muted but enough to change the person. As a result city security has put the area into lockdown refusing all corporations enterance into the area to further study it. This has caused conflicts on both sides as various corps, lead by Wuxing wish to study the effects of the Shau Kei Wan.
Unconfirmed reports of the area also state that some mages and even spirits have freely entered the area and that they even feed off those feelings. Though unconfirmed they have caused much debate and Wuxing has used it attempt to push the council into allowing corporate security and ‘field agents’ assist the city security in the areas partol.
Aberdeen Harbour
Is a harbour at the south side of Hong Kong Island, located in the Southern District famous for the boat people living in the harbour and the floating seafood restaurants.
Ap Lei Chau
Is an island of Hong Kong, located south-west of Hong Kong Island, next to Aberdeen Harbour. Ap Lei Chau serves as an excellent typhoon shelter, and public housing estates were built to accommodate for the sufferers in a fire in the Aberdeen shelter.
Repulse Bay
In the southern part of Hong Kong Island, Repulse Bay was once a beatiful beach and home to the wealth and powerful of Hong Kong until the Typhoon of ’32 hit the city. Caught in the typhoon was a group of ships carrying petrochemicals in their holds. The typhoon caused the ships to sink and to spill their cargo into Repulse Bay, killing or mutating all animal and plant life. Designated a toxic zone the bay was cleared and sealed off.
Security doesn’t guard the bay area and as a result many homeless, and gangs moved into the area to live here. Also because the city has given up on the area some corps moved in to do reseach on the plants and animals in the areas. Some say that they also reseach on metahumans here in an area away form pring eyes.
On the south of Hong Kong Island and part of the Southern District, Stanely has has undergone a change of the times. While keeping its standard of living equal to the Mid-Levels, the area has returned to its Chinese cultaral roots. The area has over time been rebuilt over time because of diasters that struck the city, but it uses the art of Feng Shui in determining how the area was to be designed. Also it seems that a dragon line was discover in the reconstruction procees and Wuxing was able to buy up the property and area around the line to build a massive structure.
Stanely is most famous for the so-called ‘Feng Shui Wars’ that seem to be fought by corporations in the area. Each seems determined to out do the other and at anytime one can walk down the streets of Stanely and see construct on some project to further the war effort. Visiting westerns find this very amusing and have been known to palce bets on the war, but locals believe it is dangerous and deadly.
Stanely seems to be firmly under the control of the Red Dragon triad however the White and Yellow Lotus’ seem to be making a viable effort to push into the area and control it.
Wan Chai
Simply called Wan Chai or Wanchai, is one of the 18 districts of Hong Kong, located in the north of Hong Kong island. The district includes the area of Causeway Bay. Nevertheless, Wanchai often refers to the area surrounding the MTR station of the same name, and located between Admiralty on the west and Causeway Bay on the east.
After the Typhoon of ’32 hit the district and cause massive damages (on top of those already done by the the previous diasters) Wan Chai was rebuilt. This time the entire district was built to the more exotic side of life with nigthclubs, strip bars, prostitution and various other things. Among the biggest profit racket is the so-called ‘Kong chips’ which the triads seem to make in this area and sell to the various corporations for re-distrubition. Most of the finance for the rebuilding seems to have come from triad hands, all of them, and as a result Wan Chai is theirs, lock stock and hold. While city security does patrol the area, everyone in the district knows who owns it and controls it. Because it is triad own, Wan Chai is a hot bed of underworld information and threats as each side seems to enjoy sending the other object lessons. Interesting enough while triad wars have broke out in Hong Kong in the past (the last major one in ’53) these wars never spill into Wan Chai. It seems all the triad have an unspoken agreement not to war where there biggest money maker is. That said, it has been reported that triad activity has tripled in the past months and it is theorized that the gwai lo tribes are attmepting to muscle in. It is not known how the triads will respond, but it is only a matter of time.
Causeway Bay
Is a densily built area of Hong Kong, located on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island, in the district of Wan Chai. After the district was rebuilt by the triads some major changes occurred in the area. First was that the major shopping buildings and complexs where built to sell what the triads wanted. It is easy to find drugs, BTL and other black market illegal items in the area . Causeway Bay is alos famous for it smuggler rackets which focuses on the smuggling operations that use the South China Sea as a route. This focuses on Hainan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia and everywhere else in the area that has access to the sea. “Snakeheading” is also a popular triad smuggling tactic, in which they smuggle in forenginers and use them for cheap, easy and expendible labor for their operations.
Recently, it seems that various corps have been taking advantage of the cheap labor the traids can bring in. Many have be known to ‘buy’ cargo loads of the to work just to replace them when they are used up. No one is quite sure what the corps mean by ‘used up’ but as long as their buying the triads don’t care.
For years, Jardine has fired a cannon shot at every noon in Causeway Bay, by Victoria Harbor, slightly eastward of the former Kellett Island. The gunshots have served as time signals for many generations of old Hong Kongers. This tradition still continues today.
Aug 26 2004, 11:06 PM
Monobe International is a Japanese AA megacorporation, with interests in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, electronics, firearms... With the new arrivals, Yamatetsu moving to Russia and Fuchi losing its seat to Novatech, the remaining Japanese AAA (5hiawase, Mitsuhama and Renraku) are considering helping Monobe to get a seat on the Corporate Court to recreate a Japanese power block. It suggest Monobe is the best candidate in Japan, and thus one of the biggest corporations in the second tier in the world.