Aug 30 2004, 03:43 PM
Healing, non-living arias, and public transport.
I recall there being modifiers to healing rates based on your lifestyle but now I cant find them. also can you pay extra for the good food and a maid for 3 hours a weak (so the place is properly clean) to bump your lifestyle up for a month or so for the purpose of healing
Also what do you pay for additional space with nothing in it? I want a safe house that consists of a small old warehouse with a bed in what was the office a couple of old couches a low grade matrix link near the front and space for my chemistry shop in the back. This would be a low lifestyle based on amenities but with a lot more available space.
Lastly can you still pay cash to ride the bus. If not what rating credstic reader do they use and what rating forged credstick do you need to reliably fool it.
Aug 30 2004, 04:15 PM
Sprawl Survial Guide has the information you are looking for making special lifestyles like just a garage or whatever.
You can probably pay cash on buses. I don't think it's ever specified anywhere. If not, a Rating 1 fake SIN would do, as I seriously doubt the transit authorities would go to any length of trouble to validate such a thing. They can't possibly care.
Aug 30 2004, 04:51 PM
And the ¥2 bus fare ain't exactly the most worrisome transaction if someone's stick gets stolen.
Aug 30 2004, 05:21 PM
Page 127, BBB.
Aug 31 2004, 07:55 PM
I was just looking at Sprawl Survival Guide trying to set up my characters lifestyles. The flaws seem easy to rack up for things like garages and safe lockers.
Ambush friendly, bad insulation, cacophonous nabiorhood, disgruntled service, disgusting naborhod, horrible view, middle of knowere, no privacy, patchwork engendering, underpaid security, unreliable security.
These slaws are all free discounts on a stash location and many are cheep or free on a garage or similar.
Aug 31 2004, 08:42 PM
Which is why all flaws and edges are GM's approval. If it's not a flaw, then you should not get points for it.
Aug 31 2004, 08:45 PM
Nor can you reduce the cost to below 50% i believe.
Aug 31 2004, 08:52 PM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
Which is why all flaws and edges are GM's approval. If it's not a flaw, then you should not get points for it. |
A U-Stor-It should not cost the same as even a bare apartment of equivalent size and location.
Aug 31 2004, 09:09 PM
Unless otherwise noted, a location may or may not have the edges and flaws relevant to, say, a garage.
However, if you purchase the edge or flaw, it is _always_ in play.
Which means your garage is always noisy, whereas a garage that didn't explicitly purchase that flaw may or may not be noisy and certainly not all the time.
Aug 31 2004, 09:18 PM
The flaw doesn’t mean it’s noisy all the time, just whenever the characters are there or want it to be quiet

Aug 31 2004, 10:32 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
The flaw doesn’t mean it’s noisy all the time, just whenever the characters are there or want it to be quiet 
~J |
I like the way you think!
Necro Tech
Sep 1 2004, 02:21 AM
Its actually easy to make a U-store it locker. My mage has one for 400

a month with the custom creator. You just don't take ammenities, entertainment, space and the cost bottoms out real quick. Sprawl Survival is great for making offices and non-lifestyle spaces for the PC's to rent.
Sep 1 2004, 04:37 AM
The problem is that you cannot have anymore that 5 edges and 5 flaws per lifestyle. Nor can you increase or decrease the cost of a lifestyle by more that 50 percent.
p. 137 SSG
No more than five Edges and five Flaws are allowed per lifestyle -- or even less if the gamemaster chooses. No matter how many Edges and Flaws are taken, though, the costs of a lifestyle can never be increased or reduced by more than 50 percent of its original value. |
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