Aug 30 2004, 10:14 PM
Can starting characters use spellpoint to initiate? If so which book states it and what page number is it on?
Aug 30 2004, 10:18 PM
p. 16 SR Comp ... under Ressources ... As usual: GM's discretion
Aug 30 2004, 10:20 PM
As Cochise noted - mages, shamans and aspected mages are all capable of initiating, bonding and so forth.
Adepts are still SOL (Seriously Out of Luck).
Austere Emancipator
Aug 30 2004, 10:21 PM
QUOTE (Siege) |
SOL (Seriously Out of Luck) |
Never seen that abbreviation before.
Aug 30 2004, 10:24 PM
in the high-power chargen system presented in MrJLBB, adepts can purchase spell points with resources for the purpose of bonding foci. given the costs of most foci, and the cost of spell points, they're still getting the shaft, of course.
Aug 30 2004, 10:53 PM
Adepts can't use it?
Aug 30 2004, 10:55 PM
The SRC rules as presented? Nope.
I haven't seen the MrJLBBB yet, so I can't speak to that.
Aug 30 2004, 11:07 PM
Can't you just buy spell points and use them for initiation? Seems kind of lopsided if adepts can't do something every other magically active character can. Guess my past GM's just ignored it.
Aug 30 2004, 11:09 PM
Physical adepts don't get spell points.
So they can't take advantage of the little number nuance.
Typically, GMs that allow starting mages to bond and initiate will allow adepts to do so, although it's not canon.
Aug 30 2004, 11:32 PM
The rules in SR comp for starting as an initiate are farley harsh. One spell point per karma point you would have spent. Consider that when you spend 3 spell points on a spell that is the equivalent of 6 karma. If you learn a spell at force 5 you spend 5 spell points or 15 karma. I don’t bond my starting sustaining foci any more. I survive the first run without them and bond them with karma. Spell points are just too expensive.
Also what karma cost would you use? With/without ordeal and an initiatory group
Kanada Ten
Aug 30 2004, 11:35 PM
The SRComp initiation rules work best for Conjurers who benefit from greatly from Invoking and Channeling.
Aug 31 2004, 12:22 AM
Lol this goes right with my question I just posted only I've an answer for you.
The Path of the Magician in MITS pg 22, the adept can start with as much magic and Spell points as he wishes therefore he can use those Spell points to Initiate via the resources page.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 31 2004, 01:37 AM
QUOTE (Edward) |
Consider that when you spend 3 spell points on a spell that is the equivalent of 6 karma. If you learn a spell at force 5 you spend 5 spell points or 15 karma. |
... no
You buy spells for karma=force. You must make a sorcery test against force * 2. You do not incriment spells like skills. You can learn manaball at force 7 in game with no previous manaball spell if you can roll a 14 with your sorcery dice and bonus dice.
Aug 31 2004, 01:49 AM
According to NSRCG horse shamans can learn the movement power of critters as a metamagic. Ive never read this before probably because I almost always play hermatic mages.
Can anyone give me a book/page number?
Is this avaliable to aspected horse shamans or just full?
Since its been awhile since I read through the critters book Im not exactly sure how the movement power works can somone refresh my memory?
Thanks this is making my job as computer lab monitor for my college ALOT less boring
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 31 2004, 02:02 AM
They can learn to use the movement power 3 times a day, on themselves only, as a metamagic. Since it does not depend on sorcery or conjuring, it should be available to any variety of horse shaman (maybe even adepts).
Movement: multiply or divide a target's movement rate by the essense of the user of the power. In this case, a horse shaman can multiply their movement speed by their essense, or divide but i don't see why they would want to. Since the shaman can't use this power on vehicles, you don't need to deal with the more complicated rules related to that.
A Q 6, E 6 human can reach speeds of: 108 m/ct while sustaining the power.
Aug 31 2004, 02:07 AM
Does Bio index factor in in any way?
Kanada Ten
Aug 31 2004, 02:09 AM
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm) |
In this case, a horse shaman can multiply their movement speed by their essense, or divide but i don't see why they would want to. |
They might want to divide the movement rate if they were falling.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 31 2004, 02:36 AM
Bio affects magic, but not essense, so it will not interfere with movement. However, initiation will not make it any more potent than it is when the shaman first learns the power.
Yes, good call on falling. It could also apply when using transportation that doesn't count as a vehicle, like skates. And there are definate times when you want to slow down faster than those little brakes let you.
Aug 31 2004, 02:45 AM
Heres a thought what if the character looses all his magic after learning the technique? Will he still be able to do it
Kanada Ten
Aug 31 2004, 02:47 AM
You lose all Metamagic abilities if you lose all your Magic points.
Aug 31 2004, 02:50 AM
If the shaman is sustaining the power is it one use to speed up and then snother to slow down? Or is it you can speed up/slow down as long as is sustained but once you drop it its another use to use it again type deal. With the second shcanario it would make sense if their was a time limit in place on how long the poer can be used.
Kanada Ten
Aug 31 2004, 02:57 AM
I would call it two uses to change the purpose of the Movement power from Multiply to Divide or vice versa. However, there really is no need to limit the time (though some might want to consider the power active for a single Turn as one use). Other than simple logistical problems of moving 6 times you normal rate and the attention you draw to yourself, sustained use of a Metamagic precludes exclusive spells, astral projection, sustaining foci, and others. Besides, being a Horse Shaman is a pain in the ass.
Aug 31 2004, 02:49 PM
Movement: multiply or divide a target's movement rate by the essense of the user of the power. |
Is this actually a quote from MITS? Wouldn't it make more sense to multiply or divide the movement power by the mage's magic rating?
Aug 31 2004, 03:01 PM
But don't spirits use essence for the movement power?
Aug 31 2004, 03:05 PM
But don't spirits use essence for the movement power? |
Spirits use force. They don't actually have essence per se, since they don't have a real meat body.
I just thought that force equated to Magic Rating more than to Essence.
Austere Emancipator
Aug 31 2004, 03:39 PM
The Movement power is described on p. 265 in SR3, not in MitS. I think it talks about Essence because it's originally a critter power, or that description is simply copy/pasted out of a Critter book. Spirits might not have Essence
per se, but they certainly have an Essence rating which is equal to their Force.
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