Sep 1 2004, 02:53 PM
My FLGS must be tired of me stopping by every couple days and not buying anything by now. I'm just waiting for a few specific books, and because of Gencon there are like 7 that I want and there is no way the wife will let me get them plus a few random things everytime I wander in
So, just for the sake of saving me trip to the store, any idea when they'll be on shelves?
Sep 1 2004, 05:15 PM
They were both set to ship from the printers last week, I think, maybe this week. From there is takes a few weeks as they go out to the varioous distributors and then get shippined to game stores.
I'd guess that you should see at least MJLBB in stores next week or the week after at the latest, with SOTA 2064 hitting either the same time, or within 2 weeks after. Might take slightly longer, but shouldn;t.
Sep 1 2004, 07:18 PM
Thanks for the always quick replies.
Sep 1 2004, 08:19 PM
If you go to and browse to the fanpro shadowrun page, you can enter your email address to have them send you a message when a new product becomes available through their site. It's a good way to know when to orde stuff online and it's also a good indication of when you can go look for something in your local gaming store if the online thing isn't your ... uhm ... thing
Sep 2 2004, 01:21 AM
Thanks, I'll do that.
Nothing against online retailers, God knows they're fantastic for getting out of print items, especially stiggybaby, it's just that there's something nice about being able to go in and browse. Heck, I find a lot of good stuff just looking around that I never would have thought about ordering. Of course, I also buy a lot of crap just because it looked good at a cursory glance
i think our earth maths have confused someone. in MrJLBB, it says that your Public Awareness is equal to 20 minus your Reputation and Notoriety. now, that might lead one to believe that the higher one's Reputation and Notoriety are, the more famous they are, yes? becase, see, your Public Awareness score is the TN for any Knowledge Skill tests to see if someone outside the shadows has heard of you.
apparently not, though. the book then goes on to say that those with a PA of 15+ are well-known in the shadows, and that those with 20+ are household words. in other words, there are trid shows about your starting-level runner who hasn't accomplished anything, but as he begins doing runs, he fades into obscurity!
i'm assuming that they meant that those with Street Cred+Notoriety of 15+ or 20+ are famous and famouser, respectively. it probably would've made more sense to say that those with PA of 5 or less are well-known, and that those with PA of 0 or lower are household words.