Sorry to start this up again, but I need some fresh eyes to scan this matter.
Say I get the Ambidex. edge in level 8. I can then ignore the off-hand modifiers. (Being +2 for the first and +2 for the second) right???
Leaving me with no attack modifiers! Right??
My GM won´t allow the use of a tactical CPU as of yet, so I have to use either SMG´s or HP´s with BF, to be able to deal some damage should it be needed. Right??
This will again mean that the smallest target number I can produce is 4. Right??
...but then I read something in CC:
"A character with the 6- or 8-point version of this edge does not need to purchase an Off-hand (weapon) skill to use a secondary weapon. Instaed, the character merely uses the normal skill for that weapon in two weapon combat. The skill used for the secondary weapon still applies only half its dice (round down) to the attack test"
What does that all mean?
Maybe, if one of you have time to setup a small example I will be gratefull.
My first plan was to use 2 HP´s with 2 Smart link systems and a tactical CPU incorporated. My plan was to get 2 HP´s that only fires in SA mode, so I wouldn´t be able to spit out infinite bulletry. (Keeping it as real as possible)
But now, without the Smart links system, I realize that I need some sort of weapon(s) that fire BF to compensate for the relatively high TN I will get. My plan is to use that until I get enough money to buy 2 smart links and the tactical CPU. Then I will drop the BF mode and only fire my 2 HP´s in SA.
How would you guys set this up??
Hope one of you have the time to answer all the questions!

PS: Will the athletic skill be a good idea so I can get closer perhaps???