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Sounds like a good idea to me too. I don't have much to throw at it (being Metahuman with Bad Karma and all), but I'll contribute for sure.
I am not really familiar with the concept, can someone explain? If its based on Karma pool, mine is 11.
You can take Karma Pool that belongs to you and donate it to a Team Pool. You loose it from your own sheet and it becomes Team property. Anyone who is a member of the team can then make use of the Team Pool as if it was theirs, you just kinda need to check with the team if its ok that you pull from it.

The nice thing about it is that if someone on the team is getting fragged real bad, they can make use of the Team Pool to get more Karma than they may normally have.
Hmm, I guess it sounds ok, how much is a good amount to put in, I've never started off at this high of a power before, and the only character I played for a long time was an Elf street sam who never had a big karma pool. It seems like it takes the karma from the humans and lets the meta's use it, not that there is anything wrong with that.
The concept is that together we are stornger than the sum of our parts, and it strengthens a team as they can share their resources.

I generally take one for myself and give one for the me a FUBAR window and still gives the team some leeway.
I guess I'll throw 4 in, its what I was going to give to my familiar before I dropped it, so hopefully it will help. I am leary of putting in too much because I have the feeling with all the powerful people in the module I'll need it to reroll vs high TNs and probably even to burn.

It sounds like a team Karma of 9 so far between Kolas and Blaze.

EDIT: I went back and Gave Blaze a Rating 6 Personal Comm. Is there anything we as a team need to buy? I have 270k leftover and can put 250k of that toward some team stuff, if not, it goes towards the retirement fund.
Drain Brain
The team can have another 4 points from me...

In "the van from hell" Ned has spare comms units - 6 of them at rating four - in case we're in need, as well as a master unit. I'll grab a "personal use" one with all the trimmings too, though...
I can't afford that because I've spent my cash on hideous expensive troll modified weaponry. And to be honest, I am not looking forward to wading back into my sheet to try and round up that much money. I'll grab one of those rating 4 units, if you don't mind.
Yeah, those rating 4 units might have to be good enough for me now. Once then nuyen start rolling, we can look to upgrade the comm gear.
I'm also happy to drop 4 KP into the group pool.
Drain Brain: Any chance that you can reduce the number of extra comms and increase the rating on them? Our comms are limited by the weakest on, so having them all at six is prefered.

Paladin will drop in 3 KP to the group (thats half of what I got).
Oops... that was from me, but I guess you got that already.
3+4+4+4+5= a team karma pool of 20, a fairly hefty amount

Unless there is 1 really big thing the group could use, cash wise, I am gonna dump 240k on an unbound focus or two, and keep 30k in the bank. Can anyone make suggestions since Drain brain has the personal comms covered?

Out of curiosity, exactly how good is a rating 12 fake SIN? Blaze started SINless, and thats one she bought, I was wondering how paranoid she should be about buying groceries and what it should routinely be able to accomplish, I mean, at some point a fake should be every bit as good as a real SIN, based on how throughly it was put together.
Group lifestyle? Sure beat's eating soy alone.
Rating 12 is amazing and I doubt it'll get beat. Paladin has a 6 and I've never had any problems the few times he had to use it.

As far as lifestyle goes, Paladin has a permanent pad down in the Underground.
Blaze doesn't really have a life-style she has dues to her coven of 2,500 a month and taken together, that provides middleclass lifstyle to all in the coven. I pay double to include the entertainment etc, so that pretty much covers it for her, think of it like a mix of a sorrority house and a business office.
Drain Brain
I pumped up the master unit to a 6, and lost the multiple personal units in favour of one at 6 for my own use, since the rest of you seem to have your own. That leaves me an extra 6k nuyen to play with - woohoo...

The lifestyle question is interesting. At the moment, I have a bought-low lifestyle for Ned as a personal home, but I don't think it's unreasonable for us to have a shared space. I might be able to shuffle some stuff around so I could "buy in" to one of those...
Umm.. I think two of the team don't have comms at the moment. Anyone want to buy them one? I'm all tapped out for cash.
I'll buy them.
Thanks man. smile.gif

<gives McQuillan a gold star>
My thought for the extra cash is to buy a low life style, have it act as a storehouse/safehouse/meeting spot. Stock it with a dozen or so pistols, a few heavier back ups for our main weapons. A few boxes of various Ammo types, etc

Here is the Laundry list of stuff I am gonna use the money for

Permanent life-style (a large secure safehouse with few comforts, in a D area)
-6 Ares Predator 3's
24 Clips APDS
24 Clips Gel
-6 Ares Viper Slivergun (Smartlink IIs)
24 Clips Flechette
-2 Ingram Smartguns
10 Clips APDS
10 Clips Gel
-2 Ares Alpha Combat guns
10 Clips APDS
10 Clips Gel
1 Clip(cool.gif AP Off minigernade
1 Clip(cool.gif HE Def minigernade
1 Clip(cool.gif Conc. minigernade
-2 Mossberg CMDT (Smart, Gas Vent IVs)
8 Clips Flechette
-6 Yamaha Pulser (Smart IIs)
200 Taser Darts
-1 Panther Assault Cannon (Smart II)
1 Belt (100 Rounds)
1 AV Belt (100 Rounds)
-2 Ares Monoswords
-2 Shock Gloves
-6 Silencers
-6 Sound Supressors
-12 Sets of Tres Chic Clothing
-12 Sets of Fine Clothing
-6 Secure Longcoats
-6 Secure Jackets
I bow to the Mistress-Master of laundry lists. Let me know if you need me to throw some cred your way.
QUOTE (McQuillan)
I bow to the Mistress-Master of laundry lists. Let me know if you need me to throw some cred your way.

Like I said, I had around 240k extra, this ate up all of the extra, I still have 50k or so as personal savings. I don't consider this stuff as belonging to Blaze, she has no use for any of it, not really, I just consider it as gear the team has gathered over their time running. She never just went out and bought it. The Ares Alphas taken off a few Corp Sec Goons, etc.

Unless anyone has picked up a rating 10 maglock key card, we could use that, if you have the extra cash.
Kickshot: Can you think of anything else we need to cover before we can start, or are we ready to go?
Drain Brain
Unfortunately, I'm not web-savvy enough to put up websites with my sheet etc. like you guys... so I'll post the relevant bits. Make of it what you will...

Smartlink Processor(A)
+ Induction Pad(A)
+ Lim. Simsense Rig(A) E:0.08
Ears Cyber Repl(A)
+ Ear Hearing Amp(A)
+ Ear Recorder(A)
Eyes, Cyber Replacement(A)
+ Eyes, Image Link(B)
+ Eyes, Microscopic Vis.(A)
+ Eyes, Opticam(B)
Chipjack, Multi-slot 4(A)
Router (10 ports)(A)
Math SPU [1](A)
Internal GPS(A)
Orientation System(A)
Wired Reflexes [1](B)

Carried Gear (generally)
Swiss Army Knife
Standard Credstick Rating [4]
Basic Pocket Secretary
Flashlight, pocket
Small Military Rucksack
LinguaSoft Gen. [6]-> Japanese
LinguaSoft Gen. [6]-> German
Storage memory chip, 1000 Mp
Personal Comm Unit Rating [6]

"Not-carried" gear, split between van and home... taken where appropriate:
Goggles, Thermographic
Master Unit Rating [6]
Scanner [9]
Data Codebreaker Lv [6]
[4]Dataline Tap Lv [4]
Broadcast Encryption [10]
Broadcast Decryption [8]
Laser Microphone Lv [6]
Signal Locator (AOD) Lv [8]
[10]Tracking Signal Lv [4]
[10]Tracking Signal (AOD) Lv [4]
Vidlink Transmitter[6]
[5]Micro-Recorder [5]
Bug Scanner Lv [8]
Dataline Scanner Lv [9]
Keypad Sequencer Rating [6]
Maglock Passkey [6]
[2]Ration Bars (10 Days)
Sleeping Bag
Self Inflating Tent
Electronic ToolKit
Computer ToolKit
Electronic Shop
Electronic Facility
[10]Optical Memory Chip 100MP
[10]Medkit Supplies
[10]Stimulant Patch [6]
[10]Tranq Patch [10]
[5lbs] Plastic, Compound IV B:-6/m
Radio Detonator
Vidscreen Display
Stabilization Unit [2]

Suggestions welcome.... I confess I've never had to make an "advanced" character before... it usually just "happens!"

Hey folks--

Following the long line of posting data, here you go.


Drain Brain--PM me if you want me to post your character on-line. I can share my space.

As a team how much redundancy do we want in gear? Bug scanners and the like are we need 3 of them or should we move some of those resources around to pay for group housing and transportation or maybe buy a custom deck for Kolas and Ned to use...
Drain Brain
I don't think there's any need, really, unless anyone wants to see it specifically... but thanks for the offer!

As to the redundancy - it's not a bad thing unless there's something else we need in its place.....

Any thoughts?
Well, you guys can always spend 120k nuyen.gif on Ruthenium Cloaks for yourselves smile.gif

Paladin already has one though. Nothing like a +12 to your stealth roll. wink.gif
I've got ruthenium with 10 sensors on my Sec Armor...but a cloak for everyday use would be cool.
After the 240k I dumped on a team lifestyle and other team stuff I'm a bit short to make a cloak and it didn't occur to me earlier. I think instead of permanent, I'll just make that lifestyle maybe 2 months, and buy the cloak that way, then we can extend the team lifestyle as needed.
ok, took the team lifestyle to a few months and added the cloak, it'll really help out since she only has a 3 in stealth.
No room in my budget for ruthenium, I fear. 12 force points of assorted foci will do that to a mage. Besides, it's unsporting.
QUOTE (RangerJoe)
No room in my budget for ruthenium, I fear. 12 force points of assorted foci will do that to a mage. Besides, it's unsporting.

You gonna be ok with focus addiction?
Aye. I'd need to actually use 16 force points of foci per turn to be at risk of addiction. Usually only 7 points of sustaining will be active. The rest are spell-cat foci.

Here's a revised spell list for Belmont:

Stunbolt 6
Detox (E) 6
Heal 4
Detect Life Extended(E) 3
Physical Mask 4
Levitate (E) 4
Laser (E) 5
Detect Magic Ex 3
Detect Enemies Ex 5
Phys Camo 1
Chaotic World 5
Sterilize (E) 3
Glue Strip (E) 5
Mass Agony 5
Stealth 1
Incr Refl 2 1
Mindlink (extended) 1

Much as I wanted to keep "Translate" the needs of the hunt prevailed. Hooray for low-force/high-powered spells.
Drain Brain
I'm all maxed out in the cash department too... but I'll make do with a big gun and fast legs for running-away (otherwise known as "advancing-backwards").
Drain Brain

So what else needs doing?
I'm ready.
Rockon as the French say. Let us Rock (and Roll)

Now, did everyone run off an get a job that keeps them from posting? Curse the real world, if so....
Nah, everyone's just waiting on the GM, who's pulled a dissapearing act. Seems to be happening fairly commonly these days.
I'm still around.
Ready and waiting.
I'm going to start a new forum game, I think. It'll be an investigation run. The premise is that DSF GMs have been disappearing at an alarming rate. What could be the cause-- bug spirits? shedim? WotC corporate vendetta? d20 players trying to muscle in on d6 turf? or the Horrors?
Its gotta be Horrors. The feed off the emotion of getting peoples hopes up, then the utter crushing once the game goes nowhere...
Drain Brain
I'm still around... anyone mailed kickshot to see where he's at?
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