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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun

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It hasta be Shasta.

Fygg Nuuton
where is the dam bathroom?
Ouch. Let's see, it is 2004...a bit early for the Ghost Dance to work, but, well, if I lived down stream, I might consider buying a life raft. Of course, this assumes they don't wake up Hestaby.
QUOTE (Fygg Nuuton)
where is the dam bathroom?

Down the dam hall, left at the dam corner, second dam door on the right.
Fygg Nuuton
QUOTE (Dashifen)
QUOTE (Fygg Nuuton @ Sep 14 2004, 02:40 PM)
where is the dam bathroom?

Down the dam hall, left at the dam corner, second dam door on the right.

to the left or right of the dam giftshop? grinbig.gif
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