Name: Tamashii no Ryu (“Dragon Heart”)
Race: Human
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Concept: Muay Thai Fighter/Street Fighter
Build Points (130):
Magic: Full (30 points)
Attributes: 30 (60 points)
Skills: 35 (35 points)
Resources: 5,000 nuyen (0 points)
Attributes (30 points)
Body: 5
Quickness: 6
Strength: 6
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 4
Willpower: 6
Essence: 6
Magic: 6
Reaction: 5
Initiative: 5 + 1D6
Dice Pools:
Combat: 8
Spell: 5
-Adrenaline Surge (+2)
-Toughness (+3)
-Street Doc (Level 1)
-Talismonger (Level 1)
Active Skills (35 Points):
-Athletics: 6
-Conjuring: 2
-Etiquette (Street): 2 (4)
-Martial Arts (Muay Thai): 6
Maneuvers: Focus Strength, Full Offense, Kick Attack
-Pistols: 5
-Sorcery: 6
Knowledge Skills
-Cyberware: 2
-Shadowrunner Hangouts: 3
-Street Gangs: 4
-Street Survival: 5
-Underground Fighting Arenas: 4
Language Skills:
-English (R/W): 3 (1)
-Japanese (R/W): 4 (2)
Totem: Wind (+2 dice for detection spells, +2 dice for spirits of the sky; +2 to all magical target numbers while not under the open sky)
Spell List (Spell Points: 25)
Fireball: 5
Flamethrower: 5
Levitate: 5
Physical Barrier: 5
Physical Double Image: 5
-Savalette Guardian (w/integral smartlink and frame design (1 point RC); laser sight, Gas Vent II, standard holster, 9 spare clips, 120 rds. Regular ammo) (2,175 nuyen)
-Armor Clothing (500 nuyen)
-Ordinary Clothing (1 set) (50 nuyen)
-Ordinary Clothing (represents Muay Thai uniform) (50 nuyen)
-Large civilian rucksack (carrying a sleeping bag and mess kit) (70 nuyen for sack, 175 for sleeping bag, 15 for mess kit)
Lifestyle: Street (vagabond)
Starting Cash: 196 + (100 * 3D6) nuyen
I haven't quite come up with a detailed story for him yet, but I know I want him to be a vagabond sort of character, a wandering fighter and sometimes Shadowrunner. I'll get that hammered out later.
So what do you think?