Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 113 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Platinum
Architype: Tir Noble/ Hermetic Adept
Bod: 5
Qui: 7
Str: 4
Cha: 8
Int: 6
Wil: 9
Ess: 6.0
Mag: 9
Rea: 12
Ini: 12 + 4d6
Initiate: 3 (Masking, Shielding, Centering)
Combat Pool: 11
A. Combat Pool: 11
Astral Pool: 3
Karma Pool: 1
Good Reputation Lvl 2 (2)
Good looking and Knows it (1)
Focused Concentration (2)
Frieds in High Places (2)
Distinctive style (2, BP unused)
Sorcery 6
Conjuring 6
E. Weapons (Katana) 4(6)
Pistols 5
Stealth 6
Etiquette 6
Bikes (Rapier) 1(3)
Magic 6
Dragons 5
Spirits 6
Tir Tairngire 5
Meta-Humanity 5
English: 6
R/W 3
Sperethiel: 6
R/W 3
Adept PowersL3 Imp. Reflexes 3.75pp
[Condition: Frost must be wearing a special pattern painted onto her wrists and ankles, and she must bond the jar of paint before she uses it like she would a fetish.]
Imp. Senses 1.25
[Thermo, Flare Comp, Vision Mag, Hearing Amp., Hearing Damp.]
Magic [Can Summon All types of Spirits]
Katana Weapon Focus F3 (12)
[a very non-standard shape, the blade is straight, and the hilt circles the user's arm in a spiral pattern like a snake]
Shielding Focus F3 (12)
[a Pendent of a Unicorn given to Frost at her rite of Passage to commemorate her passage into adulthood]
Stunball F6 (6)
Manabolt F6 E(4)
Ice Ball F6 F(5) [Fire Ball with Ice replacing the fire effect)
Imp. Invis. F6 F(5)
Heal F6 E(4)
Fashion F4 E(2)
Armor-FF Body Armor 4/1
+Insulation 8
+Fire Resistance 8
-Secure Jacket 5/3
+Thermal Dampening 8
Tres Chic Clothing x4
Merlin Cloak 2/2
Weapons-Cougar Fine Blade, L
-Ares Viper Sliver Gun
+Customized Grips (RC +1)
+Engraved and Embossed
+Conc. Quick Holster
+2 Clips Flechette
GearMicro Transceiver (
+Encryption (
+Decryption (
Sub-vocal Microphone
Pocket Computer (100mp)
Rating 6 Sorcery Library on Chip
Rating 6 Conjuring Library on Chip
x4 F4 Elemental summoning materials
Ear Plug Cell Phone
Appearance:Frost looks just as her name sounds, she has shoulder length platinum blond hair and icy blue eyes. She has the haughty arrogance that matches her beauty and carefree upbringing. So long as people give her the respect that her station and abilities warrant she is friendly enough, if rather distant, but anger her, and the coldness evaporates quickly, replaced by heat, but not the good kind. She never wears anything but the newest and trendiest of clothes, she has grown up with the best of everything, and that is how she still treats her belongings. As a focus and aid to her study of the Somatic Way, she has taken to painting symbols on her wrists and ankles in specially prepared paint that she bonds as if it were a fetish. The symbols, are present on her arms and legs so often that people just assume that they are tattoos, even if the vary in color week to week, the interlocking infinity loops encircling her wrists serve their purpose in allowing her to move as fast as some with high grade wired reflexes. When she is on duty Frost wears a discretely armored jacket and a curve hugging Kevlar body suit.
History[ Spoiler ]
Frost was born Dina Cold-Fire before Tir Tairngire was even formed. Her parents were part of the wealthy few who had managed to move to the Sineserach lands and they joined in with the movement to form the fledgling country, using their wealth to support it, and in return they were awarded the title of Prince when the caste system was formalized, as has all of their children, it was never a question in the right of progression, the policy of you scratch my back and I scratch yours being what it is. Like all Princes, the Cold-Fire family has quite a bit of land amassed between them, and in prime locations, though their main income is actually a shipping concern, that does well off their special status in society, transporting goods from Portland to Seattle.
Before she was even old enough to truly have any real memories, Dina was a member of royalty, blissfully unaware of the harsh reality facing others around the world, and even those of the gentry in the land of promise. She attended the best academies and had only the best magical tutors, even gaining a few rare lessons in Conjuring from Jenna Ni Fairra due to her family’s close service. Dina is the youngest child, so while she was raised in the manner and prestige befitting a royal, she was not raised with any real responsibilities, she wouldn’t run the concern, she would never be head of the family, her life would have been just the debutante balls that the younger siblings all seemed so happy to endure. She wasn’t going to be happy with that, she needed excitement, and she knew it even before she graduated and performed her right of passage.
During her rite of Passage, alone in the wilderness, she spent her time watching the Astral Plane and communing with the spirits of nature until her revere was broken by a group of smugglers having a running battle with Tir Border Guards. Knowing her Duty, she sent the nature spirits against the smugglers, and followed it up with her favorite spell. Icicles flew in amongst the smugglers, cutting them down as well as any fireball would. It was then that she decided upon the name she would give herself at the end of her rite. She healed the Border Guards, unconcerned by the nakedness she had decided to perform the right in. That’s how she met, Jason, healing him after the battle. When she returned, she said the ritual words fluently and spoke the name that would forever define her in the Tir Society, Frost.
She was lucky in that the rite of progression was held only a few months after her rite of passage when the story of her actions in the first rite was still fresh. Even without it, she would have been confirmed, but as it was, it was one of the easiest confirmations ever given. Now that she was considered a full adult, she was able to throw herself fully into her studies of magic and her pursuit of adventure. It was this pursuit that led her to leaving the Tir, which as a Prince she is able to do freely. First she traveled to Tir Na Nog to learn from those who practiced the path of the Warrior, it was here that she awakened her dormant adept abilities and honed her body to the razor edge of trim that it currently enjoys. From there, she has continued on her journey of self-discovery.
After Tir Na Nog, she journeyed to Seattle where she had heard from a friend of a string of mystical murders. Chris Tennyson, a friend from one of the academies she attended asked her for her help and expertise on spirits, and she was more then happy to provide it in order to learn more. The pair spent a month tracking a old Coyote Shaman who had fallen down the Toxic path. They caught up with the old man in a burnt out factory where he was sacrificing the son of an Ares Macro Tech VP. The pair were able to slay the old Shaman, no mean feat as he had managed to summon a few great form Hearth Spirits to aid him. When they slew him, it released his Ally spirit, a large coyote named Kalcos. Out of gratitude, Kalcos stuck around and helped Frost return the almost victim to his father.
Over the course of the next few weeks, Frost and Kalcos got to know and genuinely like each other. He is one of the few people that can get away with playing pranks on her and not earn retribution. The two make a great pair, even if he isn’t an ally spirit any longer, she still dotes on him like he is her ally, feeding him Karma, teaching him what he wants to learn, for her part, she just wants a companion and to learn more about spirits, something Kalcos is willing to tell her about. The case put Chris on the map as far as Knight Errant, earning him a quick promotion and earning Frost a job offer. Talking it over with Prince Jenna since it would delay her return and Paladin-hood, she accepted the offer, and she is now a member of Knight Errant.