Sep 20 2004, 09:18 PM
DocWagon's contract with a person is: Basic, Gold, and so on but what about CrashCart? How do they identify their contract types and what are their costs and benefits? Do they work just like the Docwagons contracts but given different names.
Sep 20 2004, 09:23 PM
Corporate Download mentions Crash Cart "Executive Diamond Service" equivalent to DocWagon Super-Platinum, for 75,000¥.
Sep 20 2004, 11:29 PM
The two companies probably offer comperable services, (for marketing and competiton if nothing else), but since DoCWagon is usually called the *premire* orivate medical service, I expect they've got more of the presitgious upper tier medical personel in the world, when compared to their competitors, and probably offer wider coverage, and other such perks.
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