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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Could an Otaku get a VCR? Would it still work the same way?
yes, it'd work just fine.
>_< *wonders whether or not to tell the player who asked the question that, due to the potential sick sickness of an otaku/rigger*
well, it's not like any of the otaku bonuses apply while rigging.
QUOTE (mfb)
well, it's not like any of the otaku bonuses apply while rigging.

Of course not. But still.
It would work perfectly.

Only one little problem: the Otaku's gonna have to earn the cred in-game. Mmm, ¥5,000 max starting nuyen…

Oh, and then they're going to have to buy a vehicle, and modify it, and get a remote-control deck, and a few drones…

Riggers and Otaku (and Riggers and Deckers) make amazing teams, but it takes a decent amount of time before they can be combined in a single character.

Ashley's idea, I take it?

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
It would work perfectly.

Only one little problem: the Otaku's gonna have to earn the cred in-game. Mmm, ¥5,000 max starting nuyen…

Oh, and then they're going to have to buy a vehicle, and modify it, and get a remote-control deck, and a few drones…

Riggers and Otaku (and Riggers and Deckers) make amazing teams, but it takes a decent amount of time before they can be combined in a single character.


Yep. Would have to anyway, though. The character's already made and been played for a session. (Second one tonight. Actually running. Funtimes.)
Score. If the Otaku gets her hands on ¥300,000 plus vehicle costs, be very afraid.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Score. If the Otaku gets her hands on ¥300,000 plus vehicle costs, be very afraid.


Me too. Sadly, this is Ashy, who was really the ringleader of our D&D campaign.. which I think you probably read some about. You know. Where we became multimillionaires in two sessions.
Remember, this is Shadowrun. Overcharge them for gear if they're dealing with someone who doesn't know them, keep them paying out bribes, don't go out of your way to break stuff but remember that stuff will break sometimes, keep in mind that a lot of runs will require consumables (explosives and soforth), and always keep track of where the valuable stuff is.

How'd you get the cash in D&D again?

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
How'd you get the cash in D&D again?

Stealing stuff, mostly.
Did you have a Nodwick to help you hench it out?

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Did you have a Nodwick to help you hench it out?


Er.. Yes. That was my character. In fact, the DM actually gave him a level in Henchman for free. >_<
But actually, we'd hired a company to help us move the stuff out. And the bulk of the cash came from managing to scam a guy into turning over his property deed to us, which we turned around and sold.
Kanada Ten
I imagen a young person like an Otaku installed with such invasive cyberware as simrigs and VCRs will find a new meaning for growing pains. But it could be done, and less difficult long term effects on youth compared to say kid-stealth legs. And other than the skills needed to find and/or convince a doctor immoral enough to perform the surgery, I would treat all deep mind (2+ essence cost) cyberware surgery as if the Otaku was Awakened (+2 TN).

Hi k1tsune, long time no see.
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