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Young Freud
Since I'm considering this as an idea for a campaign I'm going to put a spoiler on. My newb players probably don't know this website, but better to be safe than sorry:

[ Spoiler ]

Well, what do you think, sirs?
Think that maybe you could tie that in with the experiences described in Threats 2, where your villains could be using the one who thinks is using them (I'm trying not to give too much spoilers since I don't know how to do the nioce "spoiler-link" trick...
Omer Joel
Quite well done.
A few thoughts:

first, Bee hives should look quite different from Wasp ones, including larger numbers of drones/workers and built in the familiar honeycomb pattern (Bee spirit workers should be able to secrete the wax-like building material [forgot its English name] from their bodies).

Second, Bee-spirit "honey" could be used in a manner similar to the one used in Queen Euphoria: to produce an addictive substabce. So a Bee hive might hide beneath the surface of a drug smuggling/manifacturing operation.

Truth be told, I've been thinking about submitting certain expanded Bug Spirit rules to the next TSS issue; wemight combine our efforts on this. (I'll be writing about variant fleshforms and about Dragonfly spirits, and your Bee spirits should fit right in smile.gif)
Crimsondude 2.0
Why not SOTA65?
Yeah Omer Joel - send a proposal to the WizKids people! If that falls through you always have TSS as a backup upsidedown.gif
I thought the insects spirits in a hive pretty much would sacrifice themselves for a queen at all costs anyway!

other than that, I quite like them. Additional insect spirit types always useful and fun!
Any stats for these yet...I have a long bug campaign coming up MUAHAHAHAAH
Young Freud
QUOTE (spotlite)
I thought the insects spirits in a hive pretty much would sacrifice themselves for a queen at all costs anyway!

other than that, I quite like them. Additional insect spirit types always useful and fun!

Well, my Bees would be more apt to do so, or use human allies to do so, particularly using Compulsion-influenced ones. The reason behind that concept was that whenever Honeybees use their stingers, the barbed stinger stays in the target and they tear their guts out when they instictively pull out (the Queen Bee has a smooth stinger, which can be used repeatedly; drones will usually headbutt an invader before using the stinger). The whole idea strikes me to be similar to a samurai committing seppaku for his master, honor bound to the Queen, which is why I wanted to include that concept.

Probably the biggest difference and a scary thing is that the Queen Bee isn't attached to the hive, which means the Queen Bee can be mobile (I mentioned this earlier, about "Assassin Bee" behavior). I'm playing with the idea of allowing the Queen to manifest as a Fleshform, similar to the Mantis Female, especially for mingling in human society and infiltrating and "imploding" organizations.
Kanada Ten
I'm playing with the idea of allowing the Queen to manifest as a Fleshform, similar to the Mantis Female, especially for mingling in human society and infiltrating and "imploding" organizations.

Keeping it simple you could give her the the power of Possession (similar to the metamagic) and combined with Aura Masking she could do that.

IIRC, Mantis Mothers are good merge fleshforms.
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