Oct 1 2004, 07:25 PM
I was just curious if it is possible to combine these 2 cyberware, and what the final running modification would be (Kid Stealth legs give x4, and cyberskates give x6)
Oct 1 2004, 07:28 PM
If your running on foot, x4. Using the skates thus could fall over x6.
Side note no option for that
Oct 1 2004, 07:32 PM
I'd give x7, myself.
Oct 1 2004, 08:10 PM
The general rule in Shadowrun has always been to add modifiers before modifying. Example: Reduced Essence Cost Alpha Cyberware = 75%
Of course you should first subtract x3 (average base speed) so, +1 and +3 = +4 for x7 like the others have posted.
Oct 1 2004, 08:12 PM
I'd go x7 or x8, myself.
Either 6 (cyberskates) +1 (Kid Stealth legs) = 7 or 4 (Kid Stealth legs) x 2 (cyberskates) = 8.
Although I fail to understand why a character would want to combine these. Wouldn't moving with these be somewhat awkward. What's the turning radius on wheeled chicken legs, again?
Also, look out for the Ice Sheet spell.
Oct 1 2004, 08:36 PM
Well, according to canon, Kid Stealth Legs add +1 to the running multiplier.
Also according to canon, cyberskates gives a movement rate of Quicknessx2/Quicknessx6 (seemingly regardless of the movement you started out with).
Personally I would just keep the running at x4 and the skating at x6. Partly because the skates are the 'addition' and the legs would be normal movement.
Logically, kid stealth legs would not give much (if any) bonus to rollerskating - if anything they would make it more difficult. Also, it is specifically stated that cyberskates can only be installed in cyberfeet. It is also stated that Kid Stealth legs have either hoof-shaped, paw-shaped or splayed like bird's feet. Somehow I have a hard time picturing cyberskates on those types of feet - at least retractable skates, so I'd simply rule that the two are incompatible unless you get them custom built (beta grade or so)
Oct 1 2004, 08:49 PM
I'd multiply, because it's funnier.
Oct 1 2004, 09:06 PM
Cyberskates: 1000
Set of Kid Stealth Legs: 200,000
Rollerskating away from a botched shadowrun: priceless
Oct 1 2004, 09:07 PM
yup multiply it but specially modify for him the (somewhat unusefull) botch rule and make him collide some random street furniture ... think that dammage shoud calm the plyer down...
Oct 1 2004, 09:11 PM
At Quickness 9, that results in 648 meters per turn, or a Speed of 648, or some 64D or 65D for collision damage depending on how your GM likes to round.
Oct 1 2004, 09:57 PM
Hmmm 486Mph, then you add movement Spirit power..........
Oct 1 2004, 10:48 PM
QUOTE (snowRaven) |
Also according to canon, cyberskates gives a movement rate of Quicknessx2/Quicknessx6 (seemingly regardless of the movement you started out with). |
That is the correct interpretation.
Oct 2 2004, 12:28 AM
Frag, you guys are right. I completely forgot it only specifies quickness x 2 or 6. Not running. And it also does say only cyber feet. Heres another question, could you get kid stealth legs and replace the dog/bird/special feet with cyberfeet to then put in cyberskates. Allowing you a +1 running modifer on any terrain (without more risk) or a x6 quick speed on smooth stuff?
Necro Tech
Oct 2 2004, 12:32 AM
Regular feet wouldn't fit on a Kid Stealth leg for the same reason animals don't have human shaped feet. The recurve of the leg makes using human feet impossible. The ankle is waaaaaaay to far back.
Oct 2 2004, 01:24 AM
I would say that coy can not put cyberscates in kid stelth legs and if you did you would move very slowly and have to make athletics tests just to sstop from falling over).
I want t know how voted for *24 and ask wether I can play a hermetic with kid stealth legs cyber skates increase cybered quickness and a air elemental at force 8 with the movement power. Moving far to fast.
Oct 2 2004, 02:23 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
At Quickness 9, that results in 648 meters per turn, or a Speed of 648, or some 64D or 65D for collision damage depending on how your GM likes to round.
~J |
I'd round up because he really deserves it.
Oct 2 2004, 06:22 PM
Let's see, what was it Cheetah had? (one of my player's chars, not mine)
+edge=bonus qui1
+bio muscle toner=+4 qui
total qui=12
mod kid stealth, => running mul=4
mod skates: qui*6=70
mod hydrolic jacks(5): running mod +100%
=>multiplier=8 or 7 (applied after kid stealth or before)
running per turn=> 560 or 490 m/turn.
Mod, because I charged him the alpha price without the alpha benifits, so that he could get these systems specially built with each other.
He also had athletics/skating 5/7, which he ended up sing a lot in the one run he did that year before his player got a girlfriend and dropped out.
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