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Full Version: SOTA: 2064
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Digital Heroin
So here I am, second week in a row going to check for my copy of SOTA 2064 at my local gaming store, and what do I find on the shelf? A brand spanking new reprint of SOTA 2063. What gives? Have they actually shipped yet, because the guy who owns the store apparently deals straight through FanPro for supplies, and I've got no reason to believe he'd lie about it to me.
Well, a couple people have mentioned seeing it/buying it. Whether they're full of it or not, I can't say.

It should have left the printers early last month. From there, it's up to the distributors. I have no idea whatv the current status is, though I haven;t seen it yet either.

However, as a note... FanPro doesn;t deal direct with anyone. They don;t have print facilities. They publish though Fast Forward Enetertainment, so if there's anyone your shop is dealing with, it's them, and he should know that. I'm not entirely sure if FFE does any direct shipments or not, honestly, but it's outside the normal channels. Generally, your shop is small enough that they'd have to deal with the distributors.

Yes I've seen new copies of SOTA 2063 in my local game store in England. Was there a screw up with the cover? What gives?
I more inclined to think the FLGS or even the distributor mistook the old book for the new when making their orders...
Quick, check the "re-prints" and see if it's the same book. grinbig.gif

The reprint of SOTA 2063 is exactly that - a reprint. FanPro wanted to have the two books hit stores on the same week, but for reasons that I do not know, SOTA 2064 keeps getting bumped back.
QUOTE (Adam)
The reprint of SOTA 2063 is exactly that - a reprint. FanPro wanted to have the two books hit stores on the same week, but for reasons that I do not know, SOTA 2064 keeps getting bumped back.

As an aside, is Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book available in stores? I only ask because my local gaming store usually calls me when a new Shadowrun anything comes in, and I've not heard from them. I realize that Stiggybaby's and Fast Forward have it, but I figured that maybe only online distributors had them. Furthermore, there've been no updates to the forums or the main website. Or are some people still holding out for the completion of my review of Shadows of Europe? If you think it'll be finished soon, I have some bad news for you. sarcastic.gif
MJLBB should be in stores now, along with reprints of SOTA 2063 and Shadows of North America.

Stiggybaby's [as far as I know] gets their products from the exact same channels as brick and mortar stores do, so they should not have it in advance of most retail shops [barring differences in shipping time and whatnot.]

and.. just finished a update not a half hour ago.
I saw MJLBB at my FLGS last night, so it's out there.

Looking forward to seeing SOTA:2064, but no luck yet.
I just picked up MrJLBB yeasterday at a HobbyTown USA in Colorado...
Blue eyes
According to the official shadowrun homepage, Sota 64 will be in stores the first full week of October - hence this week.....
By the way...

Good to see a wallpaper for the book, but I kinda hoped for a more attractive font. wink.gif
SOTA64 has been shipped today from my FNLGS. Depending on the post office I may have it tomorrow, but I expect Thursday to be honest.
Friendly not so local gaming store.
As opposed to a LNSFGS (local not-so-friendly gaming store)? wink.gif
Actually, that'd be NFLGS :o)
QUOTE (Canid13)
SOTA64 has been shipped today from my FNLGS. Depending on the post office I may have it tomorrow, but I expect Thursday to be honest.

So it's finally out there? Care to give us your early thoughts as soon as you get it? smile.gif
Once I get it I'll post some stuff.
Now available at the Stiggybaby website nearest you!

Link direct to StiggyBaby's FanPro section.

eek.gif eek.gif SOTA64 is cheaper than the reprint of SOTA63 at StiggyBaby's. Get 'em while they're hot eek.gif eek.gif
i got mine. or, will in a few days.
Picked up my copy today, but I just noticed there is another topic dealing with thoughts/previews/reviews, so I guess I'll head there to talk about it.
Yeah, me too :o)

Mine's arrived, and I've already gotten the abridged version from one of my players. I'll pick it up tonight though.
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