Mr Hamster
Oct 28 2004, 09:10 PM
"10 nuyen says they're hostile," Terry grumbles to Sarge over the sub-voc. Already behind cover, he does a quick double-check that it won't just shatter if rammed; all optimism about the good intentions of Chicago's citizens long since gone.
Behind hard cover. Opening up with burst fires if they show the slightest sign of hostility. Will swap out to gel if someone gives the order.
Initiative: 15 + 4D6
Attack dice: 14 (6 assault rifles + 6 adept power + 1 enhanced articulation + 1 reflex recorder)
TN -2 because of smartlink 2, 7 points recoil comp. Also rangefinder and Vmag to negate range penalties
Damage: 13S Base (8M, Plus Burst, Plus EX)
Armor: 7/8
Body: 8
Combat Pool (Attack/Defense): 0/13
Wounds: Moderate + 1 (only light in terms of wound penalties due to high pain tolerance lvl 3)
Perception: 9
Oct 28 2004, 09:33 PM
Kan'gi moves in to cover Leslie. He has his bow out and an arrow ready.
Dice data
Initiative: 7 + 3D6
Attack dice: 10 base + 4 Combat Pool
Armour B/I: 13/9 + Fire Resistant 5 + Chemical Seal 8
Damage: Ranger-X Arrow (Dikoted) 13S
Body: 9
Combat Pool: 12 (Start using 4 on each roll)
Wounds: Light
Oct 29 2004, 07:26 AM
The truck pulls close, and seeing that it hasn't been shot at, it slows down and pulls over near you. One of the guns is still remaining pointed at your group, seemingly primarily on the big Trog. However, one of the riders, pulls the hood off, revealing long blond hair, and a rather attractive face of a female. It becomes obvious that she's wearing some sort of MilSpec armour under alot of cloth wrappings. A good attempt to hide it, but the males in the party are too quick to try undressing her with their eyes to miss the unmistakable form of the MilSpec. Due to the enhanced perceptions of the team, the sounds of many drones can be heard coming from all over it seems, though none are in view, and the gutteral sounds of the truck engine conceals their noise very well. With a complete lack of a smile, she speaks, "This turf is already claimed, maybe you should Frag off. You're in Haven territory, and we don't take kindly to vandals and troublemakers."
Oct 29 2004, 07:55 AM
Tony spoke up over the din of the trucks engine and drones. "We didn't intend to cause any trouble, we are heading north and were fired upon without provocation. All we want is to pass through without incident. If this vehicle belongs to Haven I understand, but we need some sort of transportation and there are plenty of ruined cars around here to go around."
Kremlin KOA
Oct 29 2004, 09:26 AM
Toothpick looks the woman over. Someone in military armour must be corpsec or milsec, only which group does she hail from He stands between the truck and Leslie carefully looking them over to determine their training and Procedure style
okay Observe in detail action or two,
Perception 5 dice
Security Procedures (Knight Errant) 2(4)
Who does she work for, or who did she work for?
Nov 1 2004, 07:33 PM
Kan'gi speaks up, "What is the best route out of here, so we can avoid your people as much as possible?"
Sandoval Smith
Nov 2 2004, 12:17 AM
Rupert keeps his hands nice and still. Nothing like a vehicle mounted cannon to make you want to come across as nice and friendly. "We got jumped by some bugs and 've got a couple of wounded. We were just trying to liberate something big like that yon van to make the going a little easier."
His ears caught the whine of drones above all the other sounds. Whoever these people really were they were organized. He hoped they kept reasonable, because taking them in a fight seemed like a pretty tall order. He takes a peek into the astral to see what other surprises they might have.
Perception, so nothing sneaks up and goes boo! As well as assenning the three people.
Perception: 6 (Perceptive edge also grants a -1 bonus to TNs)
Nov 2 2004, 04:14 PM
"Maybe you should come with us", the lead girl suggests, "We'd be glad to escort you to the Haven, and even make sure you have a ride, if that's what you need." Gazing into the Astral Plane, you are greeted with a Background count that has everything looking hazy and blurry (+3 on Perception tests). You see no Astral guards here, and assensing the people in the truck reveals normal people. No real amount of cyberware (only minor adjustments at best), and no magic users.
Sandoval Smith
Nov 3 2004, 03:25 PM
Rupert reports over the sub-v mike. "They look mundane. Citizen's group that's gotten itself a strong does of organization. We deal with 'em straight we should be okay." He relaxes and tries to give a friendly grin to the guy pointing a turret at him. "They want a story, we're former corp sec that decided after the fireworks last night, it was time for a trip over the wall." He glances at the rest of the team as he speaks aloud. "How's that sound to you guys? Seems pretty reasonable to me, and the more reasonable everyone is, the better of we'll all be."
Kremlin KOA
Nov 3 2004, 06:20 PM
Toothpick responds over Subvocals "Uh might want to find out where they got their wonderful toys first."
Mr Hamster
Nov 5 2004, 05:37 PM
Terry stands up from his defensive position and gives them his best I-was-never-going-to-actually-shoot-you smile. "I say let's follow 'em," he subvocs, "maybe this glorified neighborhood watch could give us some intel or directions. And don't think you lads would mind a bug free place to sleep... heal up..."
"hot shower..."
Terry trails off as his covetous gaze returns to "their wonderful toys."
"...maybe rockets...."
Following the team.
What precisely are they outfitted with?
Knowledge firearms 6 dice
Nov 5 2004, 07:36 PM
"Who exactly are you?" Tony asks the woman. "If you want to offer shelter we'll accept."
Unless she says she works for Megatron or the evil witch Hagar I give the order to go with them.
Nov 8 2004, 05:27 PM
Kan'gi keeps his bow drawn and ready. His eyes watch the skys for any signs of those half-man, half-bug monsters.
Nov 8 2004, 10:08 PM
[Astral]Rupert is the first to see it, in the Astral Plane, barely perceptable behind the background count in the area, the image of an Owl, filling the horizon at such a width that it's only perceptable to those not looking for detail.
"We're from the Sanctum, he says you're clean, so you're not only welcome to come with us to our shelter, but it's highly recommended. Some nasty stuff goin on and Two Spirits was smart enough to see it coming, so we're a little more prepared than others. Follow us up to the old Museum.", the lady riding shotgun in the back with the big gun says, as she waves to the driver to turn back around.
Mr Hamster
Nov 10 2004, 06:20 PM
Terry follows the woman and the rest of the team. While still not entirely sure of their intentions, his increasing obsession with their amorphous weapons drove him onwards.
I'm guessing we're all just following her until something happens.
And c'mon, lemme make a knowledge check on their stuff

knowledge firearms - 6 dice
(also new military tech - 3 dice, all things ares - 4 dice, corporate and government politics (4 each) and 9 in intelligence if I need to string together an elaborate theory as to the origin and function of some new prototype weapons. I will figure these things out dammit

Nov 10 2004, 09:03 PM
Tony motions for the rest of the team to fall in and follow.
Nov 10 2004, 09:23 PM
Kan'gi picks up Leslie and carries her in his arms.
"Hang in there, girl, a bit more and we can take a break."
Kremlin KOA
Nov 13 2004, 12:55 AM
Toothpick stops examining the people long enough to realize that someone else is carrying his charge. He then moves to follow the rest watching for ambushes.
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