Morphling The Pretender
Oct 4 2004, 03:06 PM
What sort of action is the Adept Attribute Boost? Free, Simple, or Complex?
it doesn't seem to be an action at all. i'd treat it as a free action that doesn't actually use up a free action.
Oct 4 2004, 07:08 PM
I'd definitely treat it as a Simple Action at a minimum. More likely a Complex Action on a par with spellcasting/conjuring/calling spirits.
I'd say free at most, like most cyberware activation. Those powers are really quite lame on their own (which is why almost nobody uses them). No need to make them even worse.
Oct 4 2004, 07:42 PM
I treated this power in my game as a free action, but a free action of which only one could be taken per action; subsequent uses would be simple actions. I.E. you could activate Increased Strength for free, but if you also wanted to activate Increased Body and Increased Quickness, they'd be simple actions.
Why? They cause drain. Drain, to my brain says 'you're doing something.' Then again, my player also had geased his Increased Attributes, and the time taken to gesture repeatedly seemed to neccessitate some kind of time taken.
Oct 4 2004, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
I'd definitely treat it as a Simple Action at a minimum. More likely a Complex Action on a par with spellcasting/conjuring/calling spirits. |
Why? What makes you think it's on par with summoning a spirit instead of activating some cyberware, aside from the fact "it's magical?"
my main contention is that the power basically sucks, and anything which makes it worse is just a bad idea.
Oct 4 2004, 11:20 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Why? What makes you think it's on par with summoning a spirit instead of activating some cyberware, aside from the fact "it's magical?" |
I just think that channeling mana into one or more Physical abilities should take at least a modicum of effort and concentration. I can easily see it being comparable to calling an already Conjured Spirit, as opposed to being the same as the twich used to eject a clip from a Smartlinked gun.
The fact that the Power sucks is immaterial.
Morphling The Pretender
Oct 5 2004, 03:33 AM
There is no canon response to this question? It hasn't come up, even once? I'm the first player to desire Attribute boost... ever?
Jason Farlander
Oct 5 2004, 03:40 AM
Amazingly there isn't. The description of the power doesn't mention the action type, and there is no "activate adept power" in the canon list of actions. This came before in
this thread, and there was no actual resolution then, either.
Oct 5 2004, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (Morphling The Pretender @ Oct 5 2004, 03:33 AM) |
There is no canon response to this question? It hasn't come up, even once? I'm the first player to desire Attribute boost... ever? |
No your not, strangly. However i've read the power as "you want to be faster- You get faster" ie. A free action, but doesn't take up your real "free action" (though in realatie in my games we have a slightly different action phase.
Side note: Character i've got (in my game) has got Boost Quickness lvl4 Geas'd so it doesn't effect Reaction so the cost was .75. Because the player wanted the character to be able to run real fast... s that Geas'd Enough or should of added doesn't effect combat pool as well?
Just wanting other opinions
Oct 5 2004, 02:08 PM
Actually I do not think there is an Action involved at all, just like Killing Hands or Improved Reflexes not needing an Action to activate. The power is on when the PC needs it.
Oct 5 2004, 03:06 PM
I've always played this power as being roughly equal to Called Shot ie you declare it when you want to use it.
I wouldn't allow a player to activate this on someone else's turn though.
Oct 5 2004, 03:17 PM
QUOTE (Canid13) |
I've always played this power as being roughly equal to Called Shot ie you declare it when you want to use it. |
ie. Free Action
I wouldn't allow a player to activate this on someone else's turn though. |
I agree, no Bossting your body Stat, when someone declears a shot at you.
Oct 5 2004, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
I agree, no Bossting your body Stat, when someone declears a shot at you. |
Actually there's no problem with that since free actions that are taken in the combat phase of another character always occur after the actions (and the resulting tests) of that other character => He shoots at you, you make your resistance test and then your body goes up ...
If however you do not consider Attribute Boost to require a Free Action, then it actually is possible to boost the body attribute when someone takes a shot at you ...
That's one of the reasons why I do require a Free Action to be spent on Attribute Boost ...
Oct 6 2004, 11:36 AM
Yep, definately going with the Free Action then. Should help a little :o)
This came up in our TT game. We ended up deciding you needed a complex action since it was a duplication of the increase attribute spell.
I totally disagree, this is not a sucky power. The boost is real handy.
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