Oct 6 2004, 11:45 AM
Hi guys
I was looking through the section on spell casting in SR3 and I saw that it mentioned you could cast several spells at once, but you suffer a +2 for every spell above the first.
Now, I was thinking, if you can concentrate better to withstand the sustaining, would it be too OTT to say that this also decreased the penalty to +1.
From a fluff point of view, it seems to make sense that it decreases this also since you're able too multitask and so it doesn't cause as much of a distraction by casting two or more at once.
Oct 6 2004, 11:47 AM
This was discussed recently. I think the consensus was that the edge doesn't need to be made even more powerful for its cost.
Oct 6 2004, 01:35 PM
If you feal the need you could conceivably create an edge that did that but don’t tack it onto an already powerful edge.
Eyeless Blond
Oct 6 2004, 02:20 PM
Indeed. Call it "Multicast" and make it cost the same as Focused Concentration. I'm sure there are some people who'd take it, maybe a shaman with a few hefty totem bonuses.
Morphling The Pretender
Oct 6 2004, 04:57 PM
I made a poll about this earlier. Check the results and see what people thought:
Oct 6 2004, 05:36 PM
Okay, thanks guys. I'll do that I think.
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