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Shrine's finished too. He's ready for the meet.
My character will try and arrive about 15 minutes early. Got the tres chic on.

Is everyone else done with the legwork? It cool to move on?
Shadow's done with his legwork, he's going to show up with the same stuff he's sleeping in. He'll show up about 15 minutes early but spend about an hour ahead of time in the restauraunt, eating something.
I think grendel is MIA for a bit, they are looking for him in another thread too.
Skee's rolls
Who is Rakovic?
Local Neighborhood-Puyallup(4): 10,5,5,2
Gang Identification(4): 5,3,2,1
Criminal Organizations(3): 4,3,2
Pop Culture(3): 4,3,1
Seattle Nightlife(3+3CED): 10,10,3,1,1,1

What is the Hotel California?
Local Neighborhood-Puyallup(4): 7,5,4,2 (probably doesn't apply to Downtown, but worth a shot)
Pop Culture(3): 8,5,5
Seattle Nightlife(3+3CED): 8,5,5,3,2,2

Hearth Spirit summoning - Force 3 Great Form:
Summoning (4): 5,4,1,1 (2 successes = 2 services)
Drain (5 vs. 3M): 11,4,3,3,2 (4 successes = 0 drain)

Invoking (4 vs. 3): 9,5,3,2 (3 successes = great form Hearth spirit!)
Drain(5 vs. 3M): 4,3,2,2,1 (2 successes = L damage)

Skee will then use the spirit's Divination power to ask 1 question, using up one service:
- Will Rakovic try to double-cross Skee?
MIA? Me? Surely you jest. I was hoping to give Ecclesiastes a chance to post if Wraith was doing anything, but he still is having connection problems. We'll move on without him.

Who is Rakovic?

No information regarding Rakovic shows up with regards to gang activity or gang membership. Likewise, he is not a figure in the Seattle nightlife arena. Your guess is that he's corporate, or that it's a new alias.

What is the Hotel California?

The hotel is regarded as neutral territory for shadowrunners, a safe place to go to ground after a run or to hold a meet with a Johnson. Three different fixers do their work out of the hotel bar/restaurant.

Haha, forgive my presumptuousness.
The forums are fixed and I'm back!

Am I still even in this game though? My access got denied before the game started, so I don't know if you ended up excluding me or not.
Yeah, hurry and do stuff so we can go to the meet! wink.gif
*starts to play catch-up*
Street Etiquette on Snitch (Good Looking edge): 05 04 04 04 03 02
Negotiations/Bargin - 09 08 03 03 02 02
Hey, could everyone post their Race/Gender/"Class" real quick and I'll make a handy list.

Shrine: Male/Human/Martial Artist/Spellcaster
Skee: Male/Human/Techno Illusionist
Wraith: Male/Human/B&E Specialist/Infiltrator
Sif: Female/Elf/Decker
Shadow: Male/Human/Physad/Wetwork/B&E Specialist
Niome: Female/Elf/Physad/Sniper
Niome: female/elf/phys adept/sniper
Shadow/Human(japanese)/ Male/ Physad/ Wetwork/B&E specialist.
You got Wraith right on. No need for the ? next to Human. smile.gif
Skee is going to make the following tests:

Where are the popular off-hours hangouts for Ares employees?
Local NB-Puyallup(4) (yeah, it's a longshot): 2,4,4,7
Pop Culture(3): 5,5,11
Seattle Nightlife(3+3) (chipped - Jukebox 2/MSC slot 2): 1,2,2,4,10,10

Judging from the images, are there any obvious flaws in their security?
Security Procedures(3+3) (chipped - Jukebox 1/MSC slot 1): 2,2,4,5,5,5

Note: If you'd rather I not sort the results, please advise.
QUOTE (Spookymonster)
Where are the popular off-hours hangouts for Ares employees?

The Red Lion is a lounge and cigar bar downtown that's popular with Ares middle management types. Beyond that, the corporate wage slaves tend to hang out either at their local neighborhood places, or at one of the larger clubs downtown such as Penumbra or Dante's Inferno.

Judging from the images, are there any obvious flaws in their security?

hey, some of us don't have a huge amount of extra nuyen.gif to throw around, we gotta earn it the hard way. (just kidding with you, but not being from this country and having nothing when he started Shadow's kinda limitted on the transport thing.)
Its ok, Wraith doesn't come off that way, he is more social than that. He is just thinking it on the inside. wink.gif
oh I understand, and Shadow doesn't really care one way or another.
Grendel, I forget, which part of town are we in? I need to know which of my apartments we're going to.

A point for all of you... being pros, we not only should have our own rides, but also several lifestyles in different parts of town to hide out in. smile.gif
Downtown, Ravenna to be specific.
Cool, I got a place in Downtown.
how far is Wraith's place from where the meet is?
Who knows? smile.gif

I'd just guess it at a few miles or whatever.
What is your apartment like? How big, what kind of appliances, is it nice, crappy? Got any drones, a vidphone, etc.? Just wondering for my posts and such.
Its one of my spare low lifestyles. Not a big place, but it'll due. Work table, couch, trid, kitchenet and a bathroom.
Shadow will just hoof it then, if it's only a few miles that's not that bad.
Skee's Trid Phantasm rolls:

Sorcery (5 +2(totem) vs. 4): 2,2,2,2,4,5,10 (3 successes)
- the illusion will automatically fool anyone with Int 3 or less

Drain (5 + 6(magic pool) vs. 2D): 1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,7,14,19 (9 successes = no drain)
Hope no one minds me throwing a plan out like that. I figured it might help speed the legwork along a bit. I can always edit/delete it if anyone has an objection smile.gif.
no problem with me
Ok, here are the searches I'm going for. I can do 4 searches simultaneously due to Int 8:
Rakovic, detailed search, looking for previous work anyone has heard him doing in Seattle, who he works for, whether he deals straight, that kind of stuff: 11, 5, 4, 3, 1, 1
Ares Integrated Solutions, detailed search, who their enemies are, if there are any public records on the building, utilities going into the building, a general fingerprint of the corporate structure without diving into the actual company's mainframe: 16, 7, 4, 3, 3, 1
Wraith, detailed search, known aliases, background, previous jobs, who he normally works for, if he is professional, what sort of body count he leaves behind: 9, 7, 7, 5, 3, 1
Skee, detailed search known aliases, background, previous jobs, who he normally works for, if he is professional, what sort of body count he leaves behind: 7, 7, 3, 3, 1, 1

The next couple searches after those are complete:

More Rakovic if I can, detailed search, same sort of stuff as above, but trying to gain a more detailed picture: 9, 9, 5, 4, 4, 1
Niome, detailed search known aliases, background, previous jobs, who she normally works for, if she is professional, what sort of body count he leaves behind: 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2

Shadow escapes any sort of search because Sif is convinced by either his incredibly intelligent acting or actual foolishness that he didn't have a ride and is therefore no harm. smile.gif
All this is just to dig up some general information in the case of other characters, how they work, if they are good, etc. If I find something too juicy I will leave it alone...well maybe a little peak.

Again, I will do the hard stuff in just a bit, but I want to see what the basics turn up.
For the surveillance crew, give me a stealth roll and a perception check. If you have any security systems knowledge skills, roll those as complementary.
Stealth: 11 05 03 02 02 01 (+ Ruthenium Polymers)
Perception: 10 05 05 03 02 02 (+ Perceptive)
Security Systems: 17 10 05 05 03 03 (Does my Aptitude for Electronics count?)

edit: I should have added in all my perception mods... well, I have way too many senseware mods to list, but you have my sheet to see them all. I'll be using the internal Opticam/Hearing Recorder to capture video of security guards, devices, routes, shift changes, etc.
Stealth: 17 08 07 04 04 03 03 02 02 01 (+Ruthenium)
Perception: 11 04 04 01 01 (I have Vision Magnification 3 power, and spatial recognizer power incase our post is close enough for it to matter)

Incase either is applicable for a stakeout...
SWAT tactics: 07 05 03 02
Lone Star Tactics: 11 02 02 02
stelath, 15, 8,8,5,5,4,4,4,2,2 (+Cammo+thermal dampening+Traceless walk)
perception 10,7,3,2,1,1 (+perceptive)

in terms of vision/perception mods: thermographic vision

relevent security skills
Lone star tactics: 14,5,4,4,2,2
Corporate Security: 17,5,5,4,3,1
Security systems:17,5,5,5,5,3

(I don't know which one's might be considered relevent, but hey, there they are.)

Deliberate Masking: 16,10,5,1

2 successes.

(why can't I make rolls like that when they really matter, like combat?)
Before Skee goes to the site, he'll summon and invoke a City spirit (force 3):
Summoning (4): 1,3,4,8 (3 services)
Drain (5+2(totem modifier) vs. 3M): 1,3,3,4,5,8,11 (6 successes= no drain)

Invoking (4 vs. 3): 1,4,4,5 (success - Great form City spirit with +1 armor)
Drain(5 vs. 3M): 1,2,5,10,20 (3 successes = light damage)

1 service to activate Conceal power for the team
1 service to activate Guard power for the team

Skee's rolls:
Stealth (5): 2,4,4,5,20 (-3 to perception attempts vs. Skee from Conceal)
Perception(5): 1,1,1,5,9 (ugh)
Electonics-Security Systems(chipped 3+3(CED)): 1,1,2,4,5,10
Security Procedures(chipped 3): 1,2,3 (double-ugh)

Skee will be using the low-light function of his shades to watch from a nearby rooftop. The goggles have 20x magnification, but I just noted that his char sheet doesn't mention that. If that causes a problem, subtract the cash for a new pair of binocs (assume he ran to Walmart before heading to the site).

Skee will rest for an hour after summoning the spirit to remove the Light damage.

He'll also cast Inc. Reflexes +3 and place it in the sustained focus:
Sorcery (5 vs. 4(Reaction)): 1,2,3,3,4 (1 success)
Drain (5+ 6(spell pool) vs. 4D): 1,1,3,3,4,5,5,5,7,9,9 (7 successes = light damage)

With regards to the gear he'll bring to the site:
- Shamanic lodge materials will be left home (that should have been moved to 'not carried' anyway)
- only 1 of each category of expendable spell focus will be carried. The rest will be left at home.
- silencer for Roomsweeper will stay at home (not sure if that's even legal, anyway)

Stealth 8,5,4,4,2
Perception: 5,3,2,1,1

Secuirity Procedures: 5,4,4,1,1
Masking = 14
Deception Test w/ Deception 12 (Computer + Hacking = 23 Dice): 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Validate, Superuser, w/ Validate 8: 17, 11, 11, 7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1

I'll try again if it doesn't work.
Skee's Astral perception roll (5):
Give me a matrix etiquette roll for Sif real quick.
17, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1
Sif knows that Ares maintains a corporate PLTG in Seattle, and that while the public hosts for their various subsidaries can be accessed via the Seattle LTG, the actual host servers are hidden behind a heavily secured chokepoint.
OK, after I sleep I'll jet on over there. I'll wait for the rest of everyone's time to catch up to me though. I was just figuring to get a validate in so I could query when the SAN appeared on the server later and do a bit of searching, but if that info is on a tougher nut then there will have to be some more work.
Street Etiquette: 15 05 04 03 02 01 (+Good Looking and Knows It)
Hey, Grendel, since things are sort of slow you want we should start cracking that Ares nut? Just tell me what I need to do to start and I will make some rolls in OOC and describe or you can describe some stuff in IC.

Obviously I'll begin with the "front office" of the Ares site, so give me the DL on what that looks like and I'll throw some actions around to get to the more private area where I can find when that disappearing SAN shows up.
Shrine's on third shift and has no good local contacts so he's waiting for his turn for watching the place.
The Ares public matrix site is an Orange-6/9/9/8/9/9.
Ok, Sif will glide over there, get in, and interrogate the server to see if it knows in what part of the system the SAN will appear in and what time. If I don't find anything I will go through the next SAN connected to the the public server to begin some more searches.


I figure that the public server rolls are pretty pointless considering the test level, but to go into the more private sections of the server through the next SAN my rolls for access are: 16, 11, 9, 8, 7, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1

Masking: 14
Deception Prog Rating: 12
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