Oct 18 2004, 09:30 PM
This will serve as the casting call for the Dumpshock Forums run: High Order. The adventure will be run along the lines of a traditional shadowrun: the characters will meet with their Johnson, receive the mission tasking, and attempt to complete it within defined parameters. I’m accepting up to six characters on a first-come, first-served basis only. That is, the first six character sheets I receive via email will be the primaries for this game. Any I receive after that will go into the alternate queue, which I will turn to should one of the primaries no longer be able to carry on. Any file format is acceptable for your character sheet, but please include it as an attachment rather than in the body of the message itself. You may post your character to the OOC thread if you like, but I’m not requiring it. The deadline for character submissions is 29 Oct 04.
The game will be run utilizing all 3rd Edition core rules, as well as most optional rules. A listing of my house rules can be found at The game date is March, 2063.
As for characters, I’m looking for professional level runners, with between 60 and 90 karma. Characters from both table top games as well as the Forums are acceptable. The only requirement I have is that you include a background story that at the very minimum covers the basic twenty questions from the main book, as well as explaining any unique or unusual skills/gear/edges/flaws. Be prepared to answer questions about any customized gear/spells/foci/vehicles/etc. If you’re planning on submitting a starting to low-level character, that’s fine, just let me know beforehand and we can work out a karma/resource bonus that will level the playing field amongst all characters.
Most of the games that work out well on these boards are ones that move along at a good pace. Pursuant to that, I've come ready to work. In most cases I'm able to check the boards daily and make updates as required, so be prepared. The game will move and if a character gets left behind, so be it.
Mechanics wise, most success tests will be handled cinematically unless you desire otherwise. If that's the case, detail your test on an OOC post including skill and pool dice used and the results. We're going to be on the honor system here, as I trust any good player to realize that if you cheat, you're only cheating yourself and your fellow players. Also, if it should ever come up that you feel I'm handling a game mechanic wrong or messed up a rules call, make an OOC post citing the incident as well as your reasoning including page number and sourcebook you're referencing. I'll explain my reasoning and we'll discuss it. If it turns out that I made a mistake, I'll adjust accordingly. There's no penalty for questioning the GM when he is wrong. If you question the GM when he is right, prepare to reap the ridicule. Keep me honest, it makes for a better game.
To contact me, you can either use email:, or post to this topic. I check daily and responses should come quickly as long as I'm in the office.
That's all the information I can think to dispense now. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Further bulletins as events warrant.
Oct 18 2004, 09:45 PM
I'm submitting my character Wraith. I'll recreate him as an HTML file and send to you.
Oct 18 2004, 09:52 PM
Do you allow stuff from Raygun's site?
Oct 18 2004, 09:58 PM
hmm...considering trying something different...phys adept/sniper. Now to actually create the char with a good background before all the slots are filled...
Oct 18 2004, 10:31 PM
Do you allow stuff from Raygun's site? |
No, not for an online game.
Oct 18 2004, 10:35 PM
So what's the availability limit for this game, as we're a bit more than starting characters...
Oct 18 2004, 10:41 PM
Can we submit a character, but then give updates and fixes to that character later?
I read your house rules, but since we are "pros" what kind of gear beyond the norm will we be able to get?
Oct 18 2004, 10:41 PM
Just sent a Martial Artist/Phsy-Mage.
Oct 18 2004, 10:47 PM
So what's the availability limit for this game, as we're a bit more than starting characters... |
If you're submitting a starting character, use the listed rating and availability limits (6/
for generation. Then include a separate request for whatever gear lies outside that and a justification for why your character would have it.
If you're submitting an existing character, then there are no limits, just be ready to explain how the character acquired the item in question.
Can we submit a character, but then give updates and fixes to that character later? |
I read your house rules, but since we are "pros" what kind of gear beyond the norm will we be able to get? |
Professional in this context refers to your character's approach to the business and how s/he handles her/himself in the world, rather than what s/he has access to equipment wise.
Oct 18 2004, 10:59 PM
Are cantrips(Fetished or Exclusived to 0 spell points) allowed?
Oct 18 2004, 11:09 PM
Argh...NSRCG is messed up...doesn't list any of the sniper rifles...
Oct 18 2004, 11:13 PM
Yeah it does.
Weapons --> Firearms --> Rifles --> Sniper Rifles
Oct 18 2004, 11:14 PM
Oh, and do yourself a favor. Even though the Barret does D damage, the ammo is going to be a pain to find. Get a Walter MA-2100, it does 14S which is plenty.
Oct 18 2004, 11:17 PM
I must have messed up my NSRCG in the last update, then. And Ecc...ever going to get back on AIM so you can council me in the way of a combat char?
Oct 18 2004, 11:21 PM
Yeah yeah yeah, my connection has been all messed up, I'll be on in a bit.
Oct 19 2004, 12:03 AM
Are cantrips(Fetished or Exclusived to 0 spell points) allowed? |
Oct 19 2004, 12:20 AM
I'll toss
Skee into the mix as well. I've submitted him to the Revelations game as well. Between the two of you, I figure I've got a good chance of making the cut;).
I've also got a +80 karma version as well, but I haven't posted him to my site yet. I'll send you an e-mail with both when I get around to it.
Here's Skee with 83 more karma and 100k more nuyen. Most significant difference is he's a rank 3 initiate here.
Oct 19 2004, 12:21 AM
Oct 19 2004, 03:17 AM
Wraith and Skee (2nd version) accepted. Four slots left.
Oct 19 2004, 07:18 PM
Characters Accepted:
Zoe Wells
Two slots remaining.
Oct 19 2004, 07:19 PM
Argh....trying to finish my char...couldn't by any chance convince you to hop on Yahoo, could I?
Oct 19 2004, 07:43 PM
Going to submit character Shadow, his karma is on the low side but the equipment more than makes up for it I think.
Oct 19 2004, 08:39 PM
Sent in my char sheet as is, hopefully to hold a spot while I finish up the fine tuning.
Mr Hamster
Oct 19 2004, 08:40 PM
Submitted a Mage/Face character (Flash), hope you like him. Let me know if you want me to put karma into him.
Oct 19 2004, 08:43 PM
QUOTE (paul_HArkonen) |
Going to submit character Shadow, his karma is on the low side but the equipment more than makes up for it I think. |
Hey now, you don't see me submitting characters named Paul Harkonen
Crow is submitted
Oct 19 2004, 11:09 PM
What is Shrine, whomever sent him in? Zoe is a decker so everyone knows.
Oct 19 2004, 11:24 PM
Niome version 2.0 sent with background.
Oct 20 2004, 12:04 AM
Hey now, you don't see me submitting characters named Paul Harkonen |
He was made way before I got onto this forum, but sorry about that.
oh, and Gredel sorry, I completely forgot to send the background with the character, give me a sec to actually type it up and I'll send it to you.
Resent the whole thing
Oct 20 2004, 01:36 AM
Character acceptance is now closed. The following is the cast for this game:
Zoe Wells
The IC thread will be opening shortly.
Oct 20 2004, 02:08 AM
Yay...I managed to squeak through...Thank you, Ecc for reminding me to send in an early version in attempt to hold a spot.
Oct 20 2004, 02:38 AM
Hey, pretty sure in my hurry to get things in I wasn't clear or didn't even specifically mention that in the Matrix, and thus as most people know her, Zoe Wells "streetname" is Sif. Sorry for the confusion.
Oct 20 2004, 07:31 AM
All right, the IC thread is up. Post as desired, specifically if you plan on doing anything (training, shopping, legwork, etc.) before the meet on Monday night. Also, advise when you plan on arriving at the Hotel, if you're doing any surveillance beforehand, as well as gear/weapons you plan on having with you.
Oct 20 2004, 07:36 AM
Just to double check: I called Niome and Wraith too?
Oct 20 2004, 12:02 PM
QUOTE (Cthulhu449) |
What is Shrine, whomever sent him in? |
Shrine is a Martial Artist, with some spellcasting capabilities as well.
Oct 20 2004, 06:00 PM
Just to double check: I called Niome and Wraith too? |
Sorry, no, those characters have a fixer named Zoe. I'll always refer to you as Sif in game.
Oct 20 2004, 08:06 PM
Heh, cool, I thought that might be the case.
Oct 20 2004, 08:58 PM
Shadow is going to a meeting of his group.
oh, and Ettiquette for Squall.
Oct 20 2004, 08:58 PM
One thing I forgot to mention is please do not include your signature when posting to the IC thread. Also, if you are talking via headware radio/telephone, mindlink, or some other form of communication where others around you would not be able to hear, please italicize that dialogue. Thanks.
Oct 20 2004, 09:09 PM
Don't know where we post exact actions, so I guess I'll do it here until I am told otherwise:
Going to get on Shadowland and do a search for some info on this Rakovic . At the same time I'll look for general information on Hotel California if I don't already know a bit about it. I want to then check the hotel's matrix presence; I know they won't have a server or anything probably, but I want to get into vidphones to use the cameras on them to look around a bit, maybe see if they store reservation information in the phones' computers or some small onsite computer that's hooked up to the matrix, if they have a matrix link/trid set at the rooms etc. If they do I will pillage that info as long as it isn't a glacier or something crazy.
Edited so it didn't say "Restaurant"
Oct 21 2004, 01:22 AM
Roll me a perception check, please, Shrine. If you have any security systems skills, roll those as complementary.
Oct 21 2004, 12:04 PM
Shrine's Perception roll: 5,4,2,2,1
Oct 21 2004, 06:01 PM
Skee is going to use his Local Neighborhood (Puyallup), Crime Org, Gang ID, Pop Culture and Seattle Nightlife (chipped) skills to see if he can dig up anything on Rakovic or the Hotel California.
When he gets to the hotel, he'll land on the roof and summon a Hearth spirit to answer a few questions about the hotel (if possible).
Oct 21 2004, 07:37 PM
Roll some dice for me for you skills, then. And a conjuring and drain test. No background count.
Oct 21 2004, 08:04 PM
perception test for security:
complemetery test with security procedures:
and yes, provided the room is less than 500
a night Shadow is going to rent a room for the night.
He is currently wearing the formfit body armor, and Toten Kopf, with one round in the chamber.
Oct 21 2004, 08:11 PM
The Hotel is well covered by cameras, with obvious security cameras mounted over the entrances and exits as well as the conceirge desk, inside the elevators, and over the walkway to the parking garage. You also notice that camera coverage is further enhanced by concealed security cameras mounted in the hallways and around the lobby and mezzanine levels. Hotel personnel also appear to be discreetly armed with a variety of weapons, from stun batons to pistols. You do notice half a dozen other security personnel moving around as well, all of whom wear armored jumpsuits that mirror the uniforms worn by other Hotel staff. They carry weapons and tactical gear openly: heavy pistols in thigh holsters, submachineguns slung muzzle down across their vests, and ammunition and grenades in pouches on their vests. All personnel that you see have communication gear as well.
The single costs
300 a night while the double runs
500 a night.
Oct 21 2004, 09:07 PM
Astral Perception roll for Shrine (which he'll repeat on the way out too): 8:5;3;2;2
Oct 21 2004, 09:14 PM
just to make sure you know Shadow is going to be masking while he's in the hotel, and he's going to be masking as a normal mundane, no cyber, no nothing
perception for room:
complemetery sec procedure:
Oct 21 2004, 09:30 PM
Oct 21 2004, 09:32 PM
Originally, the Hotel was going to be called the Jade Iris. But that was just too much like the Blue Rose, so I went with something more anonymously original. Glad to hear you like it.
Oct 22 2004, 05:27 AM
Sif is just chilling until you need to move the plot onward and then she will drive to the hotel on her bike.
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