Hello All and thanks for reading.
I have done some reading and found that not all the info needed to play a PC drake is in the DotSW book (I have no clue why). So I am looking for some help with the hard numbers and what books I can find them in. I have been told some of them missing info is in threats two, well I have ordered it and it will be here in about 5 days. The problem you see is that I am impatient (Bad Shadowrunner!) and wanted to gather the data here for all to see (and in time for my next game).
I know PC drakes can only be Breeder Drakes. They can also take another race for there metahuman form.
I know PC drakes start with the powers listed under breeder drakes in the DotSW. (+1 Reach, Str M claw damage, Astral Armor, Enhanced Senses(Enhanced Smell, Low-light Vision, Thermograph Vision, Wide-Band Hearing), Innate Spell (flame-thrower) Also listed in Threats 2 they get 6 points of armor.
I know they can have cyberware or bioware but suffer twice the essence cost and it will not work in drake form.
Now what I don't know.
Is the Armor Hardened or normal?
Are they treated like shifters, Two sets of physical attributes and one mental?
What are the attribute modifiers for Drakes in Drake form? Are there Attribute modifiers for there metahuman form (like shifters get)? And for god sakes what book is this in I have looked all over!!!!
Since Breeder Drakes are awakened from surges of mana we have opened up the possibility of having a troll become a drake, would the drake not be stronger than the troll? Would the Drake not get to stack the drake attributes onto the troll ones? If you think of the ridicules amount of creation points it would take to make a Troll/Drake/Magic something it seems reasonable it would balance some how.
Can they use there drake powers in human form? The ones that make sense like enhanced senses and astral armor.
Can they use there human or metahuman powers in Drake form? Like adept powers or mage spells?
Thanks for all your help!!!!!!