Oct 27 2004, 03:22 PM
I was in the process of making a character using the generator when i noticed something.
The Drain focus is missing.
I seem to recall there being one in the rules somewhere.
Anyone have any ideas?
Ancient History
Oct 27 2004, 03:25 PM
There is no focus specifically designed to deal with drain; you might be thinking of a Power Focus or Centerign Focus.
Oct 27 2004, 03:28 PM
I could've sworn there was a Drain Focus mentioned in one of the books.
Oct 27 2004, 04:20 PM
Not in any edition of the game.
Ol' Scratch
Oct 27 2004, 05:11 PM
Closest thing you'll find are the standard foci. Power Focus, Specific Spell Foci, Spell Category Foci, Spirit Foci, etc. all help with drain. There's no such thing as a drain-only focus, however... though you might be able to create a unique one using Enchanting or something.
Oct 27 2004, 06:02 PM
Isn't there a 'drain focus' as such, although I believe there is a centering focus which can be used for drain.
Or am I making that up? Don't have my books with me so I can't look it up.
Oct 27 2004, 06:24 PM
I don't have my books with me either, but as I understand it, ALL of the foci can be applied to the Drain test of it's particular subject.
What bothers me is for Conjouring there is no Pool avaible. Also, besides a Power focus, there are only specific spirit type foci, not a spirit category focus.
Oct 27 2004, 11:41 PM
The best way to use a focus to aid your Drain Resistance Test is to buy Expendable Spell Foci. They only cost ¥1500/force, and there's no Karma cost to bond them. That is, it's probably the best way to go about it at creation. Past that, you'll probalby want to invest in a more permanent solution.
Kanada Ten
Oct 28 2004, 12:11 AM
There might be [a drain focus] in an issue of TSS, but I don't feel like searching them. Which brings up a suggestion for Adam... A Cluttered Datastore 'archive' or really one for each regular article.
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