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Dr. Black
Im looking for Canon on this as it will be for a Missions character. Tried posting there but did not get a response.

In regards to Physical Adepts:

Sustenance (sota2064)- 3hrs sleep. 1 Meal a Day. etc. Does this result in a lifestyle cost reduction?

Iron Gut sota2064 VS Expanded Digestion - lifestyle cost reduction for that one too? I would think so as the Bioware equivalent has a reduction.

Senses - There are some new "senses" and sense modifications from M&M. Spatial Recognizer, Ultrasonic Vision, etc. Are they available as Adept powers?

I understand Ultrasonic vision uses a transmitter. I would think that the adept could duplicate everything except for the transmitter(Adept powers of Ultrasonic Vision and High Frequency Hearing would let the adept hear and then see the ultrasound). If that is the case then What would be the essence/nuyen cost of the Ultrasonic Transmitter in the eye. Maybe .1 Essence and 10k?

Kinesics (spelling? sota2064) - Says "The adept also adds 1 die per level to any social situation charisma success tests the character makes". Does this include skill tests with charisma as the base attribute (etiquette, negotiation, leadership etc), or only tests specifically using Charisma Attribute dice? Wouldnt that apply to conjuring too? (assuming magicians way adept)

I need some SOTA64 Errata. grinbig.gif

More to follow.
Ol' Scratch
Sustenance (sota2064)- 3hrs sleep. 1 Meal a Day. etc. Does this result in a lifestyle cost reduction?

By the rules as currently written, no, not to my knowledge. There are other rules related to the topic that would be a basis for a good house rule, but that's what it would be -- a house rule.

Iron Gut sota2064 VS Expanded Digestion - lifestyle cost reduction for that one too? I would think so as the Bioware equivalent has a reduction.

Same response as above. Not as written, but there is basis for it being a good house rule.

Senses - There are some new "senses" and sense modifications from M&M. Spatial Recognizer, Ultrasonic Vision, etc. Are they available as Adept powers?

As long as they don't rely on radio or other technology-specific methods (Eye Lasers, Datajacks, etc.) you can select any sensory-based cyberwear as an Improved Sense. Both of the ones you mentioned are acceptable by those rules (and, at least previously, was included in the FAQs).

Kinesics (spelling? sota2064) - Says "The adept also adds 1 die per level to any social situation charisma success tests the character makes". Does this include skill tests with charisma as the base attribute (etiquette, negotiation, leadership etc), or only tests specifically using Charisma Attribute dice? Wouldnt that apply to conjuring too? (assuming magicians way adept)

Apparently it only applies to Charisma checks made in a social situation. I made the same mistake about it applying to Social Skills upon my first reading, too. The target number modifier it provides alone is more than enough to warrant its cost, however.

Oh, and no, it definitely doesn't apply to Conjuring, Astral Combat, or any other non-social endeavor.
Dr. Black
Thanks Funk. Guess I will have to wait for Errata on some of those.

There is some... debate as to whether or not Ultrasound Vision qualifies for the Imp Sense power.
QUOTE (Dr. Black)
Sustenance (sota2064)- 3hrs sleep. 1 Meal a Day. etc. Does this result in a lifestyle cost reduction?

Sure, but who wants to eat one meal a day? I figure its more for survival purposes and the rare occasion. The sleeping thing is more day to day useful.
For the last few years I’ve generally eaten around one meal a day (though not so much in the last five or six months).

Note that a "meal" is not just anytime you eat. It's usually at least two courses, possibly a third (salad, dinner, desert). Eating a few sammiches isn't a meal, just lunch, dinner, supper, whatever.

So one can argue that all they need is one full figured five course meal to last the day, but they'll still need more food or have that empy stomach feeling.
Ol' Scratch
Maybe in the tankaUniverse, that's what a meal is. But in the real world a meal is any amount of food served in one sitting.
Then by that definition, a meal, a snack and a bite can all be the same thing?
Ol' Scratch
Sure. Just like a ball, a sphere, and an orb can all be the same thing. Imagine that.
Kanada Ten
Sure, but who wants to eat one meal a day?

When you consider the food they're forcing down in 2060, the choice between eating three tofumeals or just one seems much more appealing.

I think the definition of meal here requires at least balanced nutritional value.
Just like a ball, a sphere, and an orb can all be the same thing.

...they can? nyahnyah.gif
Dr. Black
I did note that the description for Sustenance implies the Physads metabolism is more efficient. Eat one Meal @800Kcal and if your body truly utilized all the energy that would be enough. Sustenance also says you only have to go the bathroom once a day. Well, that is not terribly descriptive, most people only go number 2 once a day at most anyway. Only going number 1 once a day though implies less need to expell waste (uric acid, etc), also that the physad would not dehydrate as easily. eek.gif
i somehow doubt that a five-course meal is what the authors had in mind, when they said the Sustenance power allows an adept to survive on one meal per day.
Well, that is not terribly descriptive, most people only go number 2 once a day at most anyway. Only going number 1 once a day though implies less need to expell waste (uric acid, etc), also that the physad would not dehydrate as easily.

I go number two 4-7 times a day, and number 1 every 20 minutes or half hour...maybe there's something wrong with me...probably too much, I kinda forgot the point to this and what I was gonna say next so...yeah.
See a doctor. Right away.
Jesus dude, you need to get a doctor. The MOST you should be doing #2 is 3 times a day average, and #1 should be the same. Most people just do it once or twice.
Austere Emancipator
Agreed with OurTeam.
My Doc actually says I'm in excellent shape (I was there yesterday for a checkup as a matter of fact). I'm 6'2, 250 lbs and to put it bluntly I'm built very well (LOTS o' daily gym time). Doc told me that the reason I eat SO much (seriously lots) and excrete so much is because I supposedly have a hyperactive metabolism and I need that much fuel to keep my size and activity up. My brother has a similar metabolism except he's skinny as a broomstick, and he never exercises. I also drink 5 or 6 pitchers of water from my Brita-water-filter-jug-thingie a day which I guess explains all the peeing. Thanks for the concern though.
QUOTE (Wutasumi @ Nov 9 2004, 04:36 PM)
The MOST you should be doing #2 is 3 times a day average

Psht. Not if the amount of liquid you're drinking tends to consistantly be in the multi-gallon range.

Of course, the fact that I'm constantly thirsty might be worth seeing the doctor about...

Kanada Ten
Hyperactive Metabolism

A little research to do and then it's off to the New Genetech Ideas thread!
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Nov 9 2004, 03:55 PM)
Of course, the fact that I'm constantly thirsty might be worth seeing the doctor about...

If most of it comes from soft drinks, it's likely due to the heavy amount of salt in it.

QUOTE (Kanada Ten)
A little research to do and then it's off to the New Genetech Ideas thread!

Ref: Suprathyroid Gland.
The vast majority of it comes from water. The degree of purity varies from tap to vapor distilled (when you drink as much water as I do, how the water tastes starts to matter).

Ol' Scratch
In that case, yes, I would go see a doctor about it. smile.gif
The doctor told my grandmother that unquenchable thirst was due to her diabetes. Maybe you're diabetic? I drink tons of water because it just makes me feel better, that and if I don't, I break out all over.
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