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Hrmm 15 karma I could initiate on that smile.gif Makes it somewhat tempting smile.gif
Leader? Naaaah. Nikolai's not exactly a people person.
Fresno Bob
Well, sent off my character.
Nikolai sent.
Digital Heroin
Well Madcap's not in the running for leader, since I'm going to be at sea for the first week and a half of the game. Damn Navy finally giving me a posting just at the wrong time *fistshake*.

I should have him submitted either later this evening, or tommorrow afternoon by the latest.
I'll have the Kid submitted by friday at the beggining of the afternoon.
So does anyone actualy want to be leader?
Large Mike
Nobody awnser that.
Just letting you guys know I"m still alive. I think I'll finally have the character done and turned in today.
Character sent.

QUOTE (Large Mike)
Nobody awnser that.


Lav will be sent tomorrow when I finish buying stuff and type him up. I had far too much free time (I'm the black sheep of the family, yay) so I went ahead and fixed up his stats.

Query: Do Edges/Flaws have to equal out or can they swing one way or the other? (Example: I have 10 points in Edges and -13 points in Flaws. Do I need to somehow drop the Flaws to -10 or is it cool that I have an extra 3 points to burn?)
*wonders how you get 10 and -13 points just with 4 Edges/Flaws total * nyahnyah.gif
Large Mike
Yeah, Tanka, that seems like *alot*.
Fresno Bob
Note how it was his example. Those could just be numbers pulled from his ass.

Oh, and uh...LM...I forgot to add a baseball bat in with my items. Could you fix that on your end for me?
Large Mike

Baseball bat, check.
Fresno Bob
LM: Nevermind on my PM. I tweaked some more and evened out the points.

I'll be finishing up contacts tonight/tomorrow afternoon. I get off work at 3, but I should be either done or mostly done by that point.
Large Mike
Alright. So. Here's our cast.

Lav- A big nasty troll with a horrible reputation. Remember, though, he may be, as far as anyone can tell, a waste of skin, but he's *your* waste of skin.

Thorn- A skinny young breeder thief. Known for his sticky hands and being a half-decent scrapper.

Nikolai- An eccentric Russian with a predeliction for mindless ghould-hating. He also happens to be the proud owner of an assault rifle. He's a new-ish addition to the gang (if I recall correctly).

Ash- Ash is a new addition to the gang, fairly competant, and seems fairly relaxed behind a steering wheel.

Cord- Cord is the other Big Trog of the group, but he's a little quieter and not known to be as much as an 'orrible bastard.

The Kid- The kid is the big man. He's fairly young, truthfully, but he's proven the most capable to lead the gang, and wields a pistol like nobody's seen. Also, in additon to getting the 15 karma for leadership. he gets 3 karma for the Samuel R. Delaney reference.

Being as it's gobogens gang, I'm going to let him tell you how the gang runs and how it is, because a gang generally *is* the guy who's in charge. I'll be back in 24 hours. Play nice, guys.

He's been around the Bleeding Edge for a while. When the previous leader died and someone had to take over, the Kid decided to step up. He had to fight for it and one member even died by his hand. [I'm guessing this happened not long ago, in game time]. The Kid's reputation is very good in the neighborhood and he is now respected and very much feared. The Kid reacts very fast to insults and insubbordination, although he will generally listen when someone has a good idea. He doesn't lead as a tyrant and will often ask for everyone's opinion, but in the end he wants things to be run his way. Kid will make sure to keep a tight grasp on the gang so that his leadership isn't questionned. There will not be a specific hierarchy to begin with, I'll probably make one up with the PCs as we go, depending on what actions are taken by whom.

I see a gang as a family, basically. We live together and do everything together. Loyalty is absolute, total, inconditional, within the gang. To recognize members and affiliates, we will be wearing a bright red and yellow bandanna tied to our left shoulder. We're all individuals, but we also aim to the same goals as a group. The every day life is a battle for survival, and we're the rulers in our part of town. We also have to defend our territory in the same way. Together, we will grow and become stronger. Long live the Bleeding Edge!!

I don't know if it's to me to decide where we'll start off... I'll let LM tell us where we live and what we own, where's our turf, how big our HQ is... etc.

The BE is currently looking for more recruits and will try to expand. We will make sure that our turf is secured and that we control all illegal activities within it (including protection rackets, protitution, drugs and BTLs, gambling maybe, etc... we'll see). The BE should make sure that it has complete power over all and everyone within the turf and that we are respected and feared. We will have to watch out for neighboring gangs and be ready in case of attack. When we feel that eveything's under relative control within our turf, our goal will be to attack another gang's HQ and adding their turf to our own.

Of course, things don't always go the way you want them to ... cool.gif

Everyone please give comments on what you would like to see, I might be forgetting things that could be cool.

Also, Large Mike, could you give us a list of the current members of the BE or just let us know how many there are.
Fresno Bob
Red and Yellow bandanas? How about just Red?
lol ... I thought it would be more original (I meant red and yellow on the same bandanas not two kinds of bandanas though).

Let's go for red and grey instead if you want ... Just red is kind of plain imo. nyahnyah.gif
Fresno Bob
Oh, I know you meant one bandana, but red and yellow just brings back memories of those missile pops I used to get all the time as a kid. Red and grey would be fine, but like LM said, its your gang and its hardly an issue.
Cord has been a member of the gang since childhood (which wasn't that far off, since he's 16 years old). Big Troll, and not quite what you'd expect from a Troll either. He's mostly quiet, and doesn't go looking for fights like most Trog gangers, but he's emphatically loyal to The Kid. Nobody touches The Kid or Cord tends to go into a sort of berserker rage. It's not probable that anyone in the area is as strong as The Kid, and just as improbable that any other Trog out there could go into a discussion on tactical manuevers to the detail Cord could, or go on about the nutrient procurement of heterotrophic plants, and not mis-pronounce anything in the discussion. Cord seems infinitely curious, but will resort to fists if anyone suggests anything less than a fierce beast when talking about him.

Cord liked the idea of red and yellow bandanas when The Kid first suggested it, and has a bandana that, when unrolled, is a dark maroon colored red with a golden dragon spread out across the surface. Rolled up and tied around his massive elbow (his arms, even forearms, are just way too large to tie a bandana around) he wears it with intense pride.

Oddly enough, Cord has also taken a liking to Thorn, known for backing him up with quick intensity on many occasions. He's a little leary about the 2 new guys, but if The Kid is happy with them, Cord has their backs when they need it. Lav on the other hand, though Cord would have his back against any outsiders around, tends to receive the brunt end of Cords highly evolved Wit. It's not that Cord doesn't like Lav, but rather that he thinks Lav is thick skinned enough to handle a little jostling, and dumb enough to never know what's going on.


Everyone please give comments on what you would like to see, I might be forgetting things that could be cool.

I know HQs are cool and all, but just thought I'd throw in a personal preference. I'd not like an above surface HQ as much as a below-surface. Maybe some old exhaust pipes or tunnels from extinct subways/trains or something. Gangs are cooler, IMHO, when they develop from people hiding/gathering in a place where nobody else goes. Having had a place as kids that made us feel cool, and helped us develope into our own gang instead of just joining a pre-existing one has my approval. nyahnyah.gif

Description: Cord is huge, even for a Troll. Not Tall, but Huge, almost dwarf-like in proportions. He wears old combat boots that fit very nicely, and a long Duster Jacket that looks more like a House due to the width of his shoulders. Though you can't really tell it, due to losing too many bandanas, the bandana is sewn directly to the jacket. His head is absolutely hairless, and he has 3 horns on his head, none fitting a bilateral position. His hardened skin is covered with what appear almost as thick zits which never had a chance to heal.


"Cord Smash! Cord is strongest there is!" [Too much Marvel? nyahnyah.gif]

"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him."

"Bring war material with you from home, but forage on the enemy... use the conquered foe to augment one's own strength."

"The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory."
Large Mike
Alright. Well, firsts first. Judging by the colors represented, I don't think this Bleeding Edge will have been related to the old Bleeding Edge. What you may know about the original BE and what you may think of them is totally up to player knowledge and wants. They operated in the very same neighbourhood... oh, let's say five years ago. The timelines may not sync up perfectly, but who gives a damn.

As for HQ, let's say that most members live in the same apartment building, owned by a very hands-off slumlord. Underground is a cool idea, but really, do you want to live with what lives underground in the Redmond Barrens? So, three stories of apartment, with the gang communally renting the two suites on the top floor that used to be considered 'penthouse'. The landlord would cut you guys some slack if you keep an eye out for the other residents and don't get the cops in there (which doesn't happen alot in this neighbourhood anyways.)

Ad for other members, aside from the six of you, there's also Muddy, a violent antichrist of education in the form of an alcoholic ork who proudly displays his prison tats, Locksman, a black Rastifarian ork who proclaims peace and brotherhood when he's not jamming heroin into his veins. Bubbles is a tiny little breeder girl with a big mouth and a bad temper. She's laid out more than one troll and, frankly, is a scary girl. CJ is a young native dwarf who isn't really much of a fighter, but drinks hard, talks a good fight when he's drunk, and sings and plays guitar for his band, Bleeding Steel. Transfer is so skinny that a decent breeze could break him in half. He's annoying, and tends to be everyones bitch. He's tolerated because, well, "He's *our* bitch. And besides, no one orders a better pizza." Fender is a fat man with a lead pipe. In addition, he's an excellent deal-maker, and gets most of his drugs at discount from some Tongs three neighbourhoods over. He also deals pistols out of his apartment. Denver is a cock-eyed slightly crazy mage. Actually, he's a summoner, and a two-bit one at that. He also leans a little to heavily on his Zen. Gebo is an elven skinhead, usually harping on everyone else about their various drug habits and talking about the 'brotherhood' of the gang. He's also one of the better pipe-swingers around. He is on friendly terms with the Points, a nearby gang of elven supremecists, even though he doesn't share their thoughts on the matter. Big James is more or less a waste of skin. He voraciously consumes any chemical he can get his hands on, and you can see his ribs, because the anphetamines has kept him from eating for nearly a month now. Earl is a father, and it gives him big headaches. A number of other members have rugrats running around, but Earl bitches about his alot, and how he doesn't know how he's going to make a good life for his son. His common-law wife occationally sprouts bruises and falls down alot of stairs. If it's any consolation, there is not a single second that he's in her presence that she isn't screaming at him.

There's also the associated girlfriends. Furthurmore, many members' little brothers and cousins have been sporting the colors and calling themselves The Baby BE.

The eight blocks around the building are kinda shared territory. The Bleeding Edge operates there, as do the all-trog group The BPA. The BPA has a fairly solid stranglehold on protection in the area, although almost all of them go to Fender to buy drugs. The Alabama Slammers also operate here, but they don't really do much. Sometimes they try to deal guns and drugs, but the operations inevitably fail when the organization has a bout of their famous in-fighting. They have a new leader now, though, and they look to be shaping up. A mile or so west is The Points, a gang of elven supremecist skinheads. They do protection and are vigilante justice for hire. They tend to charge humans more, though. They seems to have a fairly cordial relationship with the BPA, although they don't ever hang out. Munk's Skull Crushin' Bad Boyz, about a mile north have been around as long as anyone can remember. They've been breaking heads for years, and rumor has it that now they have syndicate support, but no one can agree what syndicate. Some say the mafia, some say the Russians, some say something else entirely. to the east is the Spiders. They have a wide swath of territory and are not as all about the bugs as you may have heard. That's their biggest beef, but they also do gambling, drugs, weapons, and prostitution. Any other colors on their turf tend to get smelled out quickly and attacked. To the south is unclaimed, but a neighbourhood watch association has hired Hard Corp security to patrol, and Hard Corps relishes their duties. They are trigger-happy and as corrupt as a rotten apple.

The local pub, Moose's Pub, is the kind of place where there's sawdust on the door and the beer is as cheap as it possibly can be. Many gang members have worked there. Neither the BPA or the Slammers spend any time there. Just because they share the neighbourhood doesn't mean anyone likes anyone else.

Did I forget anything?
Nikolai's pretty new, both to Seattle and to the Bleeding Edge, but he's been around long enough to get his bearings and make a name for himself. In the short but intense career he's had with the Edge, he's demonstrated unusual people skills for an Ork ganger, as well as a disreguard for his own safety that borders on the suicidal and a nigh-psychotic hatred of ghouls. With his varied combat skills, impressive physical condition, and minor combat 'ware, however, he's got a reputation as a good ork to cover your back in a fight.
He is also very Russian, a fanatic Russian patriot and staunch if anachronistic beleiver in Socialism. He sees the currant world situation, with megacorps run rampant and capitalism king, as easily fixable by a World Socialist State, and firmly beleives that Soviet Russia during the Cold War years were Heaven on Earth. He uses the AK-97 and Skorpion automatic pistol extensively, goes to fights in an old Soviet army uniform and has converted a few Socialists already with his impassioned if slightly inarticulate and dated rhetoric.

Physical description:
Nikolai is a large, burly ork, usually dressed in street clothes but occasionally seen in an old, ill-fitting Soviet army uniform. His light blue eyes make an appealing contrast to his green skin, and he usually wears a dour expression.

"Devil rats? PAH! In Siberia ve haff LICE this big!"
"The significance of critical-utopian socialism and communism bears an inverse relation to historical development. In proportion as the modern class struggle develops and takes definite shape, this fantastic standing apart from the contest, these fantastic attacks on it, lose all practical value and all theoretical justifications. Therefore, although the originators of these systems were, in many respects, revolutionary, their disciples have, in every case, formed mere reactionary sects..."
Fresno Bob

Since Ash's recent joining of the gang, he has shown his abilities as light muscle and a good, if not crazy, wheelman. A former mafioso, he likes to bash people with his baseball bat(named Sally), only using his Ruger Warhawk as backup. He has limited ability in repairing and messing with electronics. He also has a novacoke habit, and when questioned about it, he refuses to reveal his motives for using, only mentioning its to ease the pain.

Physical Desc.

Ash is tall and dark haired, and somewhat muscled. He generally wears jeans, sneakers, and his motorcycle jacket.

Quotes (Since it seems tradition)

"Hang on, I'm going to try something either brilliant or stupid."
"Nothing like thirty inches of American hardwood for getting the point across."
Large Mike

So, anyone else want to intro, or are we ready to run this?
Hey, busy writing it atm. At work as soon as I have a free moment I'll complete it and post.

Lav's the muscle of the group. Or, at least, one of the muscles. He's the guy to bring in that tiny room when you need help cracking a goon.

He's gone under the knife a few times for various bits and pieces of cyberware, and even into chemical treatment for some better reflexes. Sadly, all his other cyberware has gotten banged up -- a lot. Hopefully none of it just drops out on him.

For a Troll ganger, he's suprisingly intelligent. While he didn't apply anything to any knowledge outside of the Sprawl, inside of it he can tell you who's who and what is where. He also knows a fair bit about his favorite Troll Thrash Metal bands.

His general state of dress (or undress) is as follows: Black "wife beater," black jeans and black combat boots. Rarely anything else differs, unless he's really trying to scare the wits out of people in which case he removes the shirt.

When in combat, he wears his Secure Jacket and Forearm Guards, patched and painted over to make him even more fearsome.

Distinguishing Features
One tusk (lost left in a brawl); scar over left eye, continuing down through cheek and lip (believed to be scar from hit that resulted in lost left tusk); multiple piercings on face/body (5 left ear, 4 right ear, 1 left brow, 2 right brow, left nostril (chain connecting all 5 in left ear to nostril), tongue, lip (middle), both nipples); skull and crossbones tattoo on base of neck; FUTHARK runic tattoo on left bicep (says “DEATH”); FUTHARK runic tattoo on right hand (says “FEAR”); tattoo of dragon with wings spread on chest.

"I'll crack him, boys."
"Think you're better than me? Huh? Want to prove it, breeder?"

Thorn is still a kid, 14 maybe 15, no-one realy knows when he was born. He's hung around with the gang since its inception. He's know for his quick wit and even quicker hands.

Thorn is not very tall for his age, but is of an average build. His face does show the hardness of living on the street. He dresses mostly in tight fitting black clothing, and a large overcoat if need be. Everywhere he goes he carries a well looked after longblade, which he's proven very capable of using if the needs arises.

"You wanted that opened huh? From inside or outside?"
"We came, we saw, we walked away with pockets fulla cred"
"We were leaving the building, leaving a building is not illegal. "
I've got to pull out for now. Something came up and I've got to go on a two week hiatus.
Fresno Bob
To the start-a-tron!
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