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I really don't know what possessed me to make that topic description, but it amused me so I did. Anyways, feel free to start your speculation, communication, and ruination here.
Digital Heroin
I'm scared now...

Are you approaching this as if the runners have never met eachother?
Yes, unestablished team brought together for this specific task.
Would you like basic char descriptions and obvious abilities now or rather wait for when we actualy meet?
Wait till they meet.
My apologies for the mediocre starting point, but it's been almost a year since I've run a game. Quality should go up significantly when we get to the parts I've planned out.
Its fine, its enough to tell us where to start.

Do you want everything ooc here? or would you like combat info and dice rolls and such to be placed with the relevant post in spoiler tags?
Will you be rolling or do we?
IC combat posts should have a corresponding OOC post detailing all pertinent info. You'll roll for all your actions.
Roll perception Jaron.
[ Spoiler ]
Digital Heroin
*eyes IC post, blinks, eyes again*
*chuckle* Looks like Spider got left out. Maybe Hemlok has a phobia about em. Not sure blinking at the post's gonna make it appear, though stranger things have happened. smile.gif

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DH -Sorry, but I just couldn't really get into a disco-fixer mode. I'll have something up by 10:30 AM CST though.
Sabosect- The same, basically.
So, is there something Wildcard should know, or have seen, that would effect the next IC post?

Jaron -Yar. It seems my little [Edit] tag got cut out or something. I tacked on a sentence or two to the end of your blurb in my post.
Digital Heroin
I've got to tone the wackiness of my contacts down a touch, neh? Solid gold's just a regular fixer with a disco fetish... likely he'll subjugate it when doing business...
A quick list of Wildcard's current equipment list:

[ Spoiler ]

If he doesn't get through to Network, he'll assume something bad is going on, and drive up to the club with his rifle out of the bag, next to his right leg below his seat (similar to how cops keep their shotgun, but slightly lower down). If Network responds, he'll ask what's going on there and behave accordingly.
Angels comment about Winter Nights, is this in reference to something I should know, or something I might know?
It's a fairly major Norse holiday from my understanding so I'd assume you'd know about it.
*chuckle* time to do some reading up.. I spent more time reading their rune and general god/godess info have not seen much on the holidays.

Oh yea quick question. In the begining when you started recruiting you mentioned small karma award might be issued based on background, that gonna happen or decided against it?

General Nordic/Asatru Info for those who are interested.

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I sent an e-mail to the guy that got it, but I never got a reply back so I don't know if he received it. I'd all but forgotten about it after the day I posted who was in, till you just mentioned it. winner of an almighty three karma was DH. Honorable mention should go to Jaron though.

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Digital Heroin
Take that David Scwimmer!
I'm going to proceed as though the perception check showed no current threats in the area. If it did, I'll edit accordingly.

Hemlok... Does Veronica have something for me?
I think I've tied up all the loose ends aside from Patch who seems to be MIA. Go ahead and post anything else you want to and then show up at the motel.
What time is it in game when Wildcard gets the information from Network?
Let's say somewhere around 18:30.
Was there a display for me? Or should I just go where the others are going?
Er, the details on where to go are right under your part of my post.
Sorry hem, still here.
Not enough time today for a post, will put in Wildcard's actions after sleep tonight.

There we go. Wildcard is of course slotting Drive Car on his way to the hotel, and he switches to Ettiquette when talking to the man.

[ Spoiler ]
Okay, to move this along, I'm going to assume Wildcard has successfully convinced the homeless guy to take the room (since I rolled pretty darn well). I'll make an in character post accordingly. If you decide it wouldn't work, I'll edit.

I won't be posting until tommorow. Thanksgiving stuff.
Digital Heroin will be leaving us for 12 days as of Monday and I'll be NPCing him until DH returns. Yes, what I said in the blurb about Boom-boom was a poor joke. I'd like to get everyone in the motel and ready for whatever comes their way Monday evening. I'll try to get one more post in before I start things moving in their to tie up any loose ends that you guys might want to address.
Archer asked if the room address and room number was for the girl, and for more details from Veronica.

He can go in without info, he's good on his feet and all, but it's dangerous to do it that way...
Sorry guys, but I've gotta go on hiatus for two weeks. If anyone's still around and ready to run when I get back, I'll be glad to keep going.
I ain't goin nowhere. I'll wait.
You'll find me here.
I'll be here.
Me too.
Well, I'm back at long last and will have up an IC post in probably 45 minutes.
YESSSSSSS!!!! grinbig.gif

you might want to drop e-mails to some of the peeps. they might not be subscribing to the topic.

/will shup up now.
I'm not entirely sure what Wildcard's going to do after giving the bum the key so I'm going to fill in your part after you give a bit more to go on. If you plan on staying in the other room you rented, just nevermind the "except Wildcard," part.
the character is Patch btw.
Oh! We're back on. Right then.

Sorry about that Fix-it and yes we are Jaron.
Heh, looks like Wildcard's bet may not have worked out so well. Oh well. He doesn't know his past so he'd suspect an enemy out to get him... you have to admit the coffin hotel thing sounded kinda like a set up. Now to figure out a way to get him back in the story...

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