Oct 11 2003, 06:35 AM
I was waiting for Herald to post Kull's arrival (and Kull is also the one with the disk). You still there, Herald?
Street Wyze
Oct 13 2003, 10:13 PM
Sorry about being gone for so long guys. I guess we all just experienced a little apathy for a few days there, at least I did. Continue as you are, the role play is good and I will jump in to answer any questions the characters have.
Oct 14 2003, 11:49 PM
Whoever did the empathic sensing: Baron's a confident man when he speaks of himself. He seems a little...edgier than most spellslingers and magicians, though. Kinda like he
wants a bit of trouble or action. That's his impulsive and combat monster flaws in action.
In case anyone's wondering, his memorable attitude is his "Distinctive Style" flaw.
Also, in close quarters or when his attention's on you he seems to emanate power. (That's his good reputation edge...I used good reputation 2 for the game effects, but it's actually a powerful presence and force of personality more than a reputation)
If anyone has any questions about the character, ask away.
phelious fogg
Oct 15 2003, 01:31 AM
The the Empathic Sensor: Bear has calmed down a lot since the meeting with the Johnson, he is still nervous, but that just seems to be a trait he posses, at least you havent seen him not nervous yet. You get the slight impression that he is working with false bravado at the moment
Oct 15 2003, 04:25 AM
Rent's primary emotion seems to be steady confidence, overlaid with a perpetual alertness, although at the moment he also feels a slight curiosity as he is appraising the others. At least at the moment, he really does seem as calm as he looks.
Oct 15 2003, 07:24 PM
Assez seems...amused. He emenates a calm and confidence that rises from constant repetitions of similar tasks and situations.
Oct 18 2003, 02:37 AM
QUOTE (Fenris) |
Assez seems...amused. He emenates a calm and confidence that rises from constant repetitions of similar tasks and situations. |
Oh yeah? character sheet could kick your character sheet's ass!
Herald of Verjigorm
Oct 18 2003, 02:56 AM
QUOTE (last_of_the_great_mikeys) |
Oh yeah? character sheet could kick your character sheet's ass! |
Oct 19 2003, 08:19 PM
Just waitin' for Bear to share his abilities. Phelious, you there?
phelious fogg
Oct 19 2003, 08:23 PM
Sorry was gone for the weekend.. Forgive me...
phelious fogg
Oct 23 2003, 03:04 AM
Bear has a spine, he just doesnt use it if he doesnt have too.
As far as your assenceing goes, it looks more like he is uninterested rather than spineless. You get the feeling that he would much rather be doing his job than discussing plans.
Oct 23 2003, 03:36 AM
First impressions and all that! He was pretty nervous before. Baron likes spines.
Oct 29 2003, 02:20 AM
Heh...What a fotuitous coincidence that one of Baron's contacts is a Novatech Johnson. Honest, I had no idea when I made the character up that it would be so darned perfect, contact wise! Honest, it was on the sheet I put in the opening thread.
Nov 3 2003, 09:24 PM
Hey...anybody out there?
Herald of Verjigorm
Nov 3 2003, 10:08 PM
I say we rob the others and go find a party.
Nov 4 2003, 04:30 AM
Some of us were dealing with a 60 mile fire line for the last week or so...a little slack, please?
Nov 4 2003, 04:36 AM
Sorry, guys. I just had a bit of writer's block, and I was waiting for someone else to post something. I've worked through it and finally figured out Rent's reply, so hopefully the game will pick up some more now.
Street Wyze
Nov 6 2003, 08:21 AM
I hope I didn't cut anyone off by jumping to the hotel, I just thought it would be a good time to cut there. If you want your characters to do anything in between Tiggy's and the hotel, please write it in.
Nov 11 2003, 03:26 AM
Hey, S.W., ya forgot to mention Baron's self-satisfied feeling of smugness in that empathy check!
Nov 14 2003, 09:31 PM
Okay...gang territories roll. I wanna know what gangs operate in this erea *roll, roll, roll* got a 3, a 4 and a 10
Next, gang industries roll. I wanna know what kind of operations they run and which are "hirable". *Roll, roll, roll* got a 5, an 11 and a 13
Some small time muscle and interferance might come in handy.
Nov 17 2003, 05:33 AM
Hmmm...has interest in this game waned or is Real Life simply interfering?
phelious fogg
Nov 17 2003, 02:45 PM
im still interested, but nothing has been going on yet
Street Wyze
Nov 17 2003, 10:15 PM
I propose that we skip ahead a little. I will just go ahead and tell you what the contacts find out and we'll say that the runners got a couple visual and audio bugs into her room by bribing a maid, that is if the runners had any bugs to use. If you want to do that, we could skip to the next day when Ms. Johnson's boat is arriving.
phelious fogg
Nov 17 2003, 11:21 PM
Fine by me
Nov 18 2003, 02:42 AM
Cool with me!
Herald of Verjigorm
Nov 18 2003, 04:03 AM
What a rip-off, I was looking forward to RPing Kull's sleep
Aye, skip the rest of the nonsensical discussion, let's start shooting! ... or stalking, that works too.
Street Wyze
Nov 18 2003, 05:31 AM
Ok, I will write something up tomorrow. Do any of the characters have surviellance devices to place? And somebody give me a basic rundown of the plan, is one of the runners going to pose as Miss Johnson's driver?
Nov 18 2003, 05:40 AM
As far as I'm aware we decided to nix anything that forced one of us to come into close contact with Ms. Johnson unless absolutely necessary. We'll keep a rotating watch on her from point of departure to hotel, in a couple of different vehicles, and one of us will be waiting in the hotel lobby to track her to her room, at which point the surveillance devices will keep an eye on her and let us know when she leaves so we can keep tracking her.
By the way, I've got jack for surveillance equipment. Does anyone in the group have some or have the ability to get some very, very quickly?
Nov 18 2003, 06:36 AM
Baron has a fixer contact and the Fences 6 background skill...he could probably set someone who has money up.
Street Wyze
Nov 24 2003, 03:24 PM
Sorry about the delays guys, real life has been hectic. I am going home on Thanksgiving break tomorrow, I will have something to post when I get back. So let's take a break for a few days, and when we start again maybe this wont be as stagnant.
Nov 25 2003, 03:05 AM
Allright by me.
Dec 8 2003, 07:25 AM
Anyone know when Street Wyze is supposed to get back from Thanksgiving break?
Herald of Verjigorm
Dec 8 2003, 06:19 PM
He's been back a week.
Dec 10 2003, 03:03 AM
Street Wyze? Anybody? Hello?
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