Drain Brain
Aug 16 2003, 01:01 PM
[ooc: Guys, I have created these since I seem to be the first of our group to be here... so off we go! Sorry silver...
Aug 17 2003, 03:29 PM
[OCC: no sweat... saved me a job!]
The Orc smiles..."How about we take the Americar as we cut you in on the action, and let you leave with the Roadmaster and a little money for your troubles?"
Drain Brain
Aug 18 2003, 07:47 AM
The Orc smiles... "How about we take the Americar as we cut you in on the action, and let you leave with the Roadmaster and a little money for your troubles?"
Flip steps around Ace, taking the lead in what could be called "brethren negotiations."
"Look, term, I see where you're coming from, so we can definately work with what you're proposing, but we could really use a spare set of wheels. I know your boys have plans for the Americar, so how about you chuck in whichever of the bikes you want least and we'll call it quits? Safe?"
Aug 18 2003, 02:06 PM
"Well why don't we talk money, or eqipment if thats what you would prefer... and see what deal we can come up with?! -how about you get the Roadmaster and 5000?"
The Jopp
Aug 20 2003, 09:39 AM
As the negotiations begins James makes sure that their patient is still alive (and hopefully getting better) and also makes sure that she is secure and cannot move around.
I hope she won't hold too much of a grudge, it's just biz after all
Since they have stopped and everything seems calm James takes a good look at her.
He takes a look at the awakened ork again. *both of you, stay astral and keep an eye on the surrounding area AND the magically active ork willya?*
OOC: My main koncern here is to know her probable age, metatype, nationality, astral signature, SIN, tattoos, scars etc.
Aug 20 2003, 11:54 AM
James starts looking over his patiant.... she appears to be late twenties/early thirties, average looks (5'5 with shoulder length brown hair pulled back into a pony tail) and slender build. On closer investigations (while trying to maintain a professional outlook) he discovers two tattoos. One is a small heart on her thigh and the other is a small barcode on her right arm... Looking astrally he can see she is obviously cybered but can't really tell what he's looking at. She's carrying nothing that can ID her so its impossible to tell if shes one of the SINless or not.
Aug 20 2003, 07:27 PM
Freeing up as much space in the Deck as he can.... Codec moves from node to node taking mere millisecounds as he searches the target that he has in mind... finding it eventually he finds a cluster of nodes which have all been made to look like the old Hollywood Bolvd.
heading down the street he sees a node with just what he wants on it... Frank Gibson PLC, a well known shark in the star bussiness... he cuts deals between stars and the studios and makes a good living out of it....
Sleazing his way into the office Codec finds his way into reception, and sees two doors leading off of it.... one has a sign in front saying mail room and the other has one saying portfolios.
Drain Brain
Aug 20 2003, 10:12 PM
[OOC: it appears I'm doing the bargaining, so I'm just going to run with it...]
Flip considdered the offer - it seemed that these gangers didn't want to give up their wheels at all (something that he could understand). Carefully he pretended to considder the offer before turning back to the man.
"Okay, that sounds fair - on one condition - I could do with meeting some people, so ka? People that can get me equipment, and I don't know anyone in the city. I'll take your offer if you can slip me a name or two..."
[OOC: just reying to get as much out of the deal as poss!]
Aug 21 2003, 03:24 AM
Deciding that whatever current deals going on might fetch the most nuyen Codec carefully goes into the mail room, while turning on his cloak program to hopefully avoid any safety IC
Aug 21 2003, 09:03 AM
Keeping his masking utility programs running he goes into the room, and finds an address for people to leave messages... looking around he can see the node that they all get delivered to, it looks like a giant letter box with a snake coiled around it for protection.... Activating his sleaze program he walks up to the door in the side of the letter box and carefully opens is up, keeping an eye on the snake he starts browsing the files to see what he can get, there are some interest documents being filed between this manager guy and some officials at some studios... not to mention some VERY rep damaging info of what these guys get up to in their personal life!
As Codec is just feeling smug... the serpant suddenly uncoils and its eyes glow!... suddenly he's not feel so smug!
The snake lunges forward in an attacking sweep, feeling his deck take the strain on, Codec brings to bare his attack program (designed to look like a pair of autocannons in each of his hands like in one of the anciant action flicks) and opens fire... The vitual bullets appear to bounce off this IC. Making anther lunge the snake bites hard into his arm and he feels waves of pain entering his meat body as its fangs sink into vitual flesh!!!
As the snake has its jaws around his arm... He takes one of his big autocannons, puts it to the head of the snake and fires at point blank range!!
Hearing it scream in pain he watches it move back and twist as it masks itself to escape combat and disappears, now this could mean one of two things... he has beaten it and hes fragged some poor guys deck somewhere, or its activating black IC somewhere to get reinforcements....
Not hanging around to find out, Codec grabs all the icons (small envelopes within the mail box) he can get his hands on and relocates them onto his deck.... then he gets out of these nodes ASAP and heads back off into the virtual world to cover his tracks....
Aug 21 2003, 09:10 AM
The orc smiles at Flip, and offers his hand...."Im gald we can do bussiness, as part of the deal if you want we will sell you anything you want at cost, that way you can get what you need for a realistic price!"
Now the deal has been closed, a couple of the other gangers start heading off to the bikes,car and landrover to start loading them up. "I have a quite a database full of names and numbers....let me know the sorta contacts you need, and I will put in a good word for you and pass you their numbers... we are grateful for the support you guys provided us today, and we wont forget easily..."
Handing over some certified cred sticks coming to a total of 5000 he smiles, "unless there is any other biz you chummers need, we will call it a day...you have my number if you need it"
Drain Brain
Aug 21 2003, 09:29 PM
"Cheers Chummer," said Flip, "Catch you later - I'll probably be in the market for some gear, but I'll soon need to meet a fence or some such..."
He returned to the Roadmaster, getting in the back and flashing the sticks at the others.
"We're five kay richer and we have the Roadmaster. They wouldn't part with any of the other wheels. We good to go or what?"
Aug 22 2003, 07:28 AM
Ace climbs into the drivers seat grumbling about feeling cheated, and that they could at least have got a bit more money for their time... but he at least seems happy to have his roadmaster!
"So where we going next? thats transport sorted out...we gonna start looking at this facility soon? we have four days left"
Aug 22 2003, 01:40 PM
Well that was something... thinks Codec, I wonder what I got from them?
Codec heads off to one of the major tabloids on this grid, knowing that they'll pay quite a bit for the juciest gossip on celebs, after all, it's their bread and butter
Aug 22 2003, 06:23 PM
"Actually..." Ace thinks. She's not a ganger, definately. This needs looking into, ASAP. "Maybe we should try and determine where our lady friend is from?"
Aug 23 2003, 09:56 AM
A slight groan escaping from her lips the women on the floor starts to come around, and as she gradually regains conciousness she looks around the van...."where the frag am I?!"
Drain Brain
Aug 23 2003, 10:41 PM
The cybered biff woke up, somewhat startling Flip. Casually - or attempting that demeanour - he leaned against the wall of the Roadmaster and looked at her, allowing the accent of his home town to seep out a bit, since it never hurt to maintain a little mystery...
"Ya safe - no need for rushin' off at the fist. What's ya' monicer?"
Aug 24 2003, 08:52 PM
"ah...frag" she groans quietly...."The names bluebird, who the frag are you? what am I doing here?"
Aug 24 2003, 09:00 PM
Ace couldn't believe the kid gloves she was being treated with. He made a show of locking the Roadmaster doors, just so she'd hear. "We'll ask the questions, 'Bluebird,' if that is your name. Who sent you to snipe at us? You're not some punk ganger girl. Who do you work for?"
Aug 26 2003, 10:25 AM
Looking up at Ace with indifferance she answered "I work for Mr Kiteo...im the insurance policy, you didnt honestly think he would cut loose a new team of runners without taking out the insurance"
Aug 26 2003, 01:05 PM
Walking down the virtual street to the head office of Celebrity Inside a hugely popular tabloid, Codec pulls open the envelops to take a look at the information and hopefully can get a good deal of nuyen for whatever it's worth
Aug 26 2003, 01:56 PM
Reaching into his decks hard drive he looks through the envolpe to see whats there...turns out to be an email with file attachments waiting to be read by Frank Gibson.
We may have a problem, your main chummer Les Garrett has been spending a bit too much time with that biff from those porno films....turns out a security rigger captured these pics on his drone, he said if we pay him for the photos then he won't go to Garrett's wife and the papers! I spoke to Les about it and he says he doesnt believe in paying up as he will go to the papers afterwards anyway, you got any ideas as to what to do?
After reading the email, you see the rather graphic pictures of the C list celeb Les Garrett with the actress known as Lusty Lucy.
Aug 27 2003, 03:17 AM
Codec walks into the virtual Celebrity Inside office and smiles at the sectretary sitting there filing her nails.
"Hello, I don't have an appointment but I think I have some stuff that your boss might be interested in seeing..."
Aug 27 2003, 03:42 PM
The automated responce of this secretary came up "you will need to book an appointment and leave any contact details with us, the current waiting time for an appointment is...three days from now"
Knowing that three days would be much to long (a lifetime in the matrix!)...Codec starts trying to find other ways of selling the goods...
Aug 27 2003, 04:17 PM
A little disheartened Codec walks back out. Not knowing anyone on this grid he goes back to the Seattle grid. Wandering around he begins to hunt down Frog, some guy that has been able to give him some info before.
Aug 28 2003, 07:14 PM
Heading to a local node called "the lillypad", Codec writes a note letting him know that he needs a hand with some work and pins it to the lillypad and watches it sink into the water...
Moments later a frog icon which appears to have jumped an impossible distance lands a few feet from him..."Hey dude, long time no see! I hear your in need!"
Aug 28 2003, 07:40 PM
"You heard I was in need?" Codec is a little puzzled. Heard it from who? he wondered. Codec mentions the information he has obtained and the fact he's trying to sell it for some nuyen.
Maybe Frog can help me get the program or nuyen for it instead... thinks Codec, but waits to see how worthy his celebrity info is.
Aug 28 2003, 10:20 PM
Ace rubbed his chin a bit. "I'm not sure how much of that to believe. How can we be sure you're working for Kitao, and not someone else?"
HMHVV Hunter
Aug 28 2003, 10:25 PM
Sorry sorry sorry.
Posted in the wrong forum.
Aug 29 2003, 03:55 PM
"Well yeah...you left the message on my mode just now! remember the lillypad?! the funny looking green thing!!" Frog laughs "you have a terrible memory chummer!" after being told about the info he scratchies his head, and has a think...."I know a few people, let me handle the data swap and I will deposit the money in your account ASAP...how does that sound?"
Bluebird looks at Ace with total confidence "I am sorry you feel like that, but I have a job to do...weather its following you from a distance or being right on top of you like this. If you want confirmation, ask Mr Kitao yourself....he will be able to clear this mess up. Once it's been confirmed, would you mind an extra person along for the ride?" Looking around the van she adds "you team does look a little short on people"
Aug 30 2003, 08:04 PM
"Sounds good, the sooner the better" replies Codec
Sep 3 2003, 08:05 AM
Downloading the data from Codec (In the form of a swarm of flies leaving codec and Frog eating them!) , Frog pauses for a secound as he reads the data... "looks like good stuff, I should be able to get you about 4K for it in total... let me see what I can do" and with that he hops off accross the virtual pond.
Getting out of the Roadmaster Flip leaves Ace to interrigate Ms Bluebird, getting out his mobile he rings the number that was given to them all as a contact. On the first ring the phone is picked up and a hard and unfriendly voice answers the phone...."Waddya want?" after Flip gives his brief explanation of wanting to confirm some information with Mr Kitao the voice simple says "hang up, and you will be called back in a minute" doing as he is told flip hangs up and leans against the side of the van, looking around the carpark... what seems like exactly a minute later the phone rings and upon answering its the boss himself.... "I hear you have bumped into anther of my employies? well yes, I regret to say that the information she rudely told you is true... I like to keep a close eye on those that I have just hired, because you can never be too sure of who you have working for you! her name is Bluebird and I gave her instructions NOT to be seen and certainly NOT to interact with you. I apolagise for this... but as you must be able to see, a man in my position can never be to careful. Tell her that if she screws up like this again, her job is history! any other questions?"
Sep 3 2003, 07:39 PM
Ace couldn't be sure whether to believe (not trust) her or kill her on the spot, and he doubted he could do the later. He decided to wait until confirmation of her story before acting. "Well, if things turn out to be legit, that could be good, we are down a few. But how long have you been following us for?"
Sep 4 2003, 08:46 AM
Smiling broadly she replies "Ever since you left the meeting with Mr Kitao... I have to be honest, it was unusual to see runners catching public transport...it can't do that much for your rep!"
Sep 4 2003, 01:37 PM
4000 ?That's it?Codec frets a bit,
I need at least double that!
Drain Brain
Sep 5 2003, 02:51 PM
Flip steps back inside the van.
"It's kosher - Kitao confirms. And dove," he turns to the girl, "He said some unpleasant things basically to remind you that you weren't meant to speak with us. Or something like that."
Flip pulls a candy bar out from his coat pocket and begins to eat, noisily.
"So... I guess we better 'round up the troops and get on the road to target-land. Dig up our decker, see what he has. I also thought - what if I go to the place and try to get a security job?"
Sep 6 2003, 08:43 AM
"I gathered that might be the case, I wouldnt be totally suprise if he took out a new insurance policy...because I can forget about being paid right now!" with that Bluebird runs her hand through her hair and looks stressed.
Sep 6 2003, 08:44 AM
"I thought that might be the case," Bluebird said looking stressed "I wouldnt be totally suprised if he takes out more insurance because he sure as frag won't pay me now!"
Sep 6 2003, 08:46 AM
"I thought that might be the case" Bluebird says looking stressed "I wouldnt be suprised if he took out a new insurance policy either...because he sure as frag won't pay me now!"
Sep 9 2003, 01:38 PM
Waiting for what seems like an eternity Codec gets an email drop into his lap....
"Hey chummer,
The info proved to be fairly good and one of the gossip magazines bought it for 6,000. Expect to see the pictures and the full story in the next issue of STAR!
Sep 9 2003, 01:47 PM
Figuring it's the best that he's going to get he heads back towards the bar where kitty was.
Man it took me so long to get some nuyen, I probably look like some fraggin' loser he thinks. Codec decides to perhaps embelish his story against the IC, maybe then he'll look good.
Codec gets to the bar and walks inside, seeing Kitty in her spot where he had left her. "Heh sorry about my absence, I ran into some pretty nasty IC while I was out. Anyways, I got the cash. I believe we said 1,000
per minute of that loop? I've got 5,000
just tell me where you want it..."
Sep 9 2003, 03:06 PM
The closer she is to us, the easier it will be to keep an eye on her.
That thought comforted Ace as he started up the Roadmaster's engine. "Yeah, let's go meet the decker. I have a little business to consult with him myself."
Drain Brain
Sep 9 2003, 03:52 PM
"Sounds like a plan, man."
Flip moved to sit in teh passenger seat, although he faced backward, keeping an eye on the woman.
"So, while we're waiting in traffic, how about you tell us a little bit more about yourself? It might help the whole trust issue... but first, I gotta make a call..."
He took up his cellular once more.
*ring ring*
"Comeon, computer guy, answer..."
*ring ring*
Sep 10 2003, 06:45 PM
Kitty just smiles and gives a 20 digit sequence of bank numbers without even pausing for breath... "that account should be just fine! it will be a pleasure doing bussiness with you, im sure! I will have that loop for you in 24 hours-and im sure you will be happy with the goods!"
Just as Codec thinks about asking her if she would like anther drink he feels a vibrating behind his virtual ear, usually means someone wants a chat.....
Sep 10 2003, 07:16 PM
Codec leaves the virtual bar and heads towards the bank to deposit the nuyen. While on his way he answers the chat program
"Codec here..."
Drain Brain
Sep 11 2003, 07:40 AM
"Codec - Flip. Ace and I are on our way to pick you up. Thought we might... go out for a beer, you know? Have a chat. There's some things we need to discuss, you know? Plan our little holiday? Where do we find you? Or where would you like to meet?"
Sep 11 2003, 02:38 PM
"Anywhere is fine by me, hopefully somewhere not too smokey though. I have a few things to discuss as well."
Codec walks into the bank and does the transfer of funds. He knows that going back to the bar to tell Kitty he did it is useless, she'd already know.
"So where exactly is good for you?"
Codec heads towards the Department of Records to see what info he can find there for Ace.
Sep 11 2003, 03:06 PM
Getting there in the blink of an eye Codec appears at the department of records.... looking like a standard goverment building with a large sign on the side announcing what it is Codec walks in, and starts to search... After a few (matrix) minutes he discovers that Bluebird doesnt exist, but he has dug up a women who went missing in seattle two years ago... used to belong to the army, had a partner but went missing after a minor incident. It could be the same women, but Codec doesnt really know for sure.
Sep 11 2003, 07:31 PM
Saving the information to his deck, Codec also does a quick search in the records for whoever it was Ace wanted. He then leaves the department and while still on the line with Flip asks "So where are we meeting?"
Drain Brain
Sep 12 2003, 01:37 AM
"Head over to Sturdy's Diner. We'll meet you there and see what we can come up with. Later..."
He put the phone away."
"Sturdy's Diner please, James, and don't spare the horses."
He registered Ace's look... "Just drive. I'm hungry."