Nov 30 2004, 07:05 PM
Hoi, Chummers!
I believe that I asked this question once before (possibly on one of the older versions of Dumpshock Forums), but I'd like to know if anything has changed since the introduction of Sourcebooks such as
RIGGER 3 and
STATE OF THE ART: 2064--to date, I have
NONE of the
RIGGER titles, and the newest/most recent
SR Sourcebook that I currently have is (going by the
FANPRO I.D. number, that is

Currently, my SR character has
NO vehicle skills, so I'd like to know what, if anything, is available besides the bicycle mentioned in the
As always, any information offered will be appreciated.
Nov 30 2004, 07:07 PM
Er...have you considered a car with autonav 2+, or pilot 1+? Many cars can drive themselves in the 2050s and 2060s. You tell them verbally, "Go to [address such and such]" and they go. At autonav rating 3 and 4, they can handle offroad driving, too.
Nov 30 2004, 07:08 PM
That would be R3:revised and all the relevent errata, which is avil online for free.
Herald of Verjigorm
Nov 30 2004, 07:11 PM
Driving down the street doesn't take a skill, just moving slow enough that you get no terrain modifiers and the occasional default when you hit a patch of ice. As mentioned, all the really relevant rule changes are free to access, and you can get cars that will do the street driving for you (with the expensive mod having a good chance of handling off-road).
Nov 30 2004, 07:11 PM
I think R3 or even SR3 state that a character does not need a vehicule skill to drive around normally (well, for cars and bikes, jet planes don't apply). So you can have Car 0 and still use a ford americar to drive around. Just expect to be in big trouble if the Star or any sort of pursuit gets on your ass.
Nov 30 2004, 07:44 PM
Could you--or anyone else, for that matter-- tell me where I could I find
I've looked everywhere I can think of (using, and I keep coming up empty.

Nov 30 2004, 08:06 PM
Nov 30 2004, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.
I already did.

I'm not disputing what you said, but either (A) they don't have anything but the print edition, or (B) I wasn't looking at the proper part of their Website.
Something just occurred to me: Would it be possible (and, more importantly,
LEGAL under the rules) to use some form of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) system to permit a car with Autonav to drive itself (I know that vehicles with the higher-level Autonav systems are more or less capable of at least semi-autonomous action, but I'd like to develop a completely self-navigating/driving vehicle, if possible) in areas without the GridGuide system? As I don't have any of the
RIGGER books, I'm wondering what I could do under the basic
SR3 rules.
Necro Tech
Dec 1 2004, 10:26 PM
Give it a drone Pilot, GPS, Map chips and it can go anywhere you tell it to just like a drone. You just happen to be sitting in it. Give it adaption pool and go for broke.
Dec 2 2004, 01:49 AM
Thanks, NecroTech.

I was basically looking for a 2060s counterpart to the car on the 1980s TV series
KNIGHT RIDER, but I wasn't certain how to go about it.

(Please excuse the analogy, but it was the only one that came to mind.)
Eyeless Blond
Dec 2 2004, 02:07 AM
If you're just looking for a car that can drive itself, an autonav 1-2 is just fine for street driving, particularly when it can link up to Gridlink. Autonav is just that: it navigates without you having to touch a single pedal. KIT though would require an SK or something; check Matrix for details.
Dec 2 2004, 02:23 AM
What's with your habit of OVEREMPHASIZING CERTAIN WORDS?
Dec 2 2004, 02:31 AM
QUOTE (Foreigner @ Nov 30 2004, 03:27 PM) |
I'm not disputing what you said, but either (A) they don't have anything but the print edition, or (B) I wasn't looking at the proper part of their Website. |
I'll take option
B, thanks

Edit: Woah woah woah wait. Just reread. You mean in digital format? Ain't none legal, sorry, and not looking to be for a while (the thing they're doing with PDFs is, IIRC, just for out-of-print stuff).
Dec 2 2004, 02:41 AM
Sorry, Toptomcat. My bad.

I was a proofreader for just over twelve years (March, 1988 to August, 2000). Even though I was laid off more than four years ago and haven't worked since, old habits die hard.

One thing I was trained to do was to read titles and the like by announcing their font and whether or not they were capitalized while reading aloud to a partner.
Dec 2 2004, 03:40 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
If you're just looking for a car that can drive itself, an autonav 1-2 is just fine for street driving, particularly when it can link up to Gridlink. |
Nitpick: autonav 1 cannot drive the car. It's just an extra die for manual driving rolls, representing assorted safety enhancements like proximity sensors.
What's with your habit of OVEREMPHASIZING CERTAIN WORDS? |
Isn't that question kind of like calling someone out on their spelling in internet posts?
Dec 21 2004, 03:16 AM
Just asking:
Several cars, and even a few motorcycles, that I've been looking at on the various
SR-related Websites have Autonav 4.
A vehicle like that would pretty much be able to drive itself, wouldn't it?
Sort of like
K.I.T.T. , but with a GPS or OnStar link? (Neither of which was available when the
KNIGHT RIDER TV series was running, IIRC.)
Thanks again!
Dec 22 2004, 04:25 PM
Just asking your opinions on the following vehicle:
Bocor's Lair: Vehicles--BikesThe one I'm interested in is the Bocotech Catamount.
My main question is: How is it possible for Autonav 4 to work on a motorcycle?
Thanks again for any input or suggestions.
Dec 22 2004, 04:26 PM
Just asking your opinions on the following vehicle:
Bocor's Lair: Vehicles--BikesThe one I'm interested in is the Bocotech Catamount.
My main question is: How is it possible for Autonav 4 to work on a motorcycle?
Thanks again for any input or suggestions.
Dec 22 2004, 04:39 PM
same way a drone or rigger remote control would work. you'd have to install a gyromount.
i've never liked the fact that an autonav can drive a vehicle. autonav should be limited to mapping routes, and and assisting the driver. actual driving should be left to either a metahuman (directly or remote) or a drone brain. the way it is now, it's just confusing.
Dec 22 2004, 05:50 PM

Sorry about the double post, Ladies and Gents.
Dec 22 2004, 06:49 PM
All these questions are covered on pg. 133-134 of SR3. Damn you are annoying.
Dec 22 2004, 07:23 PM
I have been going there for about a year probably gotten most of my SR3 there. Nice discount, quick shipping and since I am in Texas, no tax and the shipping is less than tax would be in the first place.
Dec 22 2004, 07:23 PM
Here it is at Stiggybaby [URL=]Rigger 3: Revised
Dec 22 2004, 07:47 PM
Honestly, I didn't mean to make a pest of myself. As I've said, I'm merely solicting advice from more experienced players.
U Fester:
Thanks, but I've already remedied that oversight.

I placed an order for copies of
RIGGER 3: Revised and
STATE OF THE ART: 2064 this past Monday, the 20th, and it shipped yesterday.
Hopefully, it'll arrive between now and Christmas, but I'm not expecting it before January.
Dec 22 2004, 07:47 PM
Honestly, I didn't mean to make a pest of myself. As I've said, I'm merely solicting advice from more experienced players.
U Fester:
Thanks, but I've already remedied that oversight.

I placed an order for copies of
RIGGER 3: Revised and
STATE OF THE ART: 2064 this past Monday, the 20th, and it shipped yesterday.
Hopefully, it'll arrive between now and Christmas, but I'm not expecting it before January.
Dec 22 2004, 07:49 PM
ANOTHER double post!
Sorry about that, folks.
Dec 22 2004, 07:53 PM
Just stop posting again (or hitting refresh) when you get an error message. Check the thread and see if your message went through ... it probably did.
If you do get a double post, you don't need to post yet again telling everyone. It's already fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain. Simply edit one of the duplicates to issue your apology (if you feel it is necessary).
Dec 22 2004, 07:55 PM
Try reading the fragging rules and you probably won't have to solicite so much damn advice in your endearing manner.
Dec 23 2004, 05:11 AM
I don't know what I did to upset you but, whatever it was, I apologize.
The primary reason that I've been posting so often of late is that I can't seem to get in contact with the GM for my campaign (he probably went home for the holidays), and I was looking for ideas.
Dec 23 2004, 05:11 AM
I don't know what I did to upset you but, whatever it was, I apologize.
The primary reason that I've been posting so often of late is that I can't seem to get in contact with the GM for my campaign (he probably went home for the holidays), and I was looking for ideas.
Dec 23 2004, 05:39 AM
Foreigner: Please check the thread you were posting on before reposting messages when you get an error (assuming this is what happened). Odds are that the post went through even though an error occured, and does not need to be posted again.
Dec 23 2004, 01:32 PM
Got it. Thanks.

Now if I can just
remember it....
Dec 28 2004, 06:53 PM
Cray74, Kagetenshi, NecroTech:
I received the order I mentioned earlier today.
How does this sound?
--a vehicle (I haven't decided upon type yet, but I'm leaning towards a motorcycle of some sort, or possibly a heavily-modified Ford Americar--BTW, can a PC get ahold of the Lone Star variant legally?--or similar make) with Autonav 4 (self-driving), GPS with map chips, and a Level 5 Drone Pilot.
Thanks for any input.
Dec 31 2004, 09:57 PM
Just a quick note that using FanPro's numbering system to determine release date is not going to give you correct results, especially now that the new 25xxx numbering system is in place.
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