Sep 5 2003, 06:15 AM
first of all hello to the folk of shadows.
I've been a SR GM for close to 4 years running oneshots and short campaigns, mostly set into North America. During my time I've noticed that hunting down all those tables, lists and whatnots from all 5 corebooks I own (SR3, SR3C, MiTS, M&M and CC) is tedious, if not downright impossible whilst keeping the game flowing.
Anyways, are there freely distributable collections of key tables around. Common combat and magic modifiers and whatnot? I know there is a GM screen available, but I don't go for those, as they a inconvenient in size and we more often game on the floor, or sofas or other non-table fixtures. Or any other such tools to help?
On another note, have any of the published books made more than passing remarks to Scandinavia and Finland? Being a Finnish native I'd be very interested on knowing what sort of ideas others have had for this area?
Fygg Nuuton
Sep 5 2003, 06:18 AM
check mcmackies site, he has them all for easy reference IIRC
Sep 5 2003, 11:24 AM
The GM's screen is worth getting though, if only for the Critters suppliment included with it.
Sep 5 2003, 01:23 PM
check mcmackies site, he has them all for easy reference IIRC |
Got a link? or is it in the Shadowrun Links thread?
Sep 5 2003, 04:31 PM
QUOTE (kevyn668) |
Got a link? or is it in the Shadowrun Links thread? |
It's in the 'Links' thread, but to save you searching,
Sep 5 2003, 06:27 PM
Sep 5 2003, 08:16 PM
Wordman did an "Equipment List" that contained just about everything ever mentioned in anything even vaguely SR related.
IT drew information from about 40 different source books, magazines etc.
I have no idea where you'll find it though. My last GM had it in .pdf.
(And, come to think of it, I am not sure just how legal it is/was.)
Sep 8 2003, 11:10 AM
QUOTE (Shader) |
I know there is a GM screen available, but I don't go for those, as they a inconvenient in size |
You could buy it and then photocopy the 3 sides of charts so you can have them on paper rather than a trifold screen. Alternatively transcribe all the charts onto a few pages in a word processing package.
I myself have written up extensive notes on all the core rules of SR, referencing pages etc. I can now answer most rules questions simply by referencing my "bible" rather than a number of books. E.g. I have 14 pages of security rules collating all the good stuff from SR3, SRComp3, SOTA63 and MITS.
Sep 8 2003, 12:27 PM
Feel like sharing?
sir fwank
Sep 8 2003, 01:24 PM
that equipment list is on kazaa. it is second edition though. so some of the cyber has changed.
Hot Wheels
Sep 8 2003, 02:06 PM
And taking copywriter stuff from there is not encouraged here.
The screen does have the advantage of blocking views of the GM's ppwork. Our GM usually uses an old D&D screen which is nice and big.
Sep 10 2003, 05:19 PM
I have a pretty extensive listing of tables and whatnot in an Excel spreadsheet. Get it
Sep 11 2003, 11:21 AM
QUOTE (Zazen) |
Feel like sharing? |
I'm afraid not as I would then live in fear of being killed by the numerous Dumpshockers who would hate me for copyright infringement.
Seriously, I don't even let my players have a hardcopy, god forbid a softcopy. It is for me and me alone!!!!!
I do however produce some crib sheets for players as well as some handouts that ease Character Creation (e.g. the Build Point costs of attributes, skills etc also I have compiled a list of skills with references to the books)
Crimson Jack
Sep 13 2003, 12:45 AM
I've always used an old-fashioned 3-ring binder and just spent the time compiling the information so that I have exactly what I want. No fluff. Works wonders for me. I hardly ever have to rummage through books for information.
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