Dec 5 2004, 10:09 PM
A mage is wearing an armor of 4/3. He casts an armor spell of force 6 and succeeds. He new armor rating is now a 10/9.
First what if he is hit with attacks that does 6L, 10L and 12L. Does he shrug off the 6 and 10 and his target number to soak 12 is a 2.
Second someone shoots him with APDS with a power 8M. Is all of the ballistic halved giving him a 5 (half of 10) or only the physical is halved and the magic is fine giving him an 8 (2 half of 4 and plus 6).
Fresno Bob
Dec 5 2004, 10:13 PM
Unless it was hardened armor, the TN would always be two.
Not sure about the second one.
Dec 5 2004, 10:40 PM
Is that a target number of 2 for the 12L or is that a target number of 2 for all damage?
Dec 5 2004, 11:16 PM
Question: Why are these in Community Projets? They should be in Shadowrun.
Dec 5 2004, 11:40 PM
That's why
Dec 6 2004, 01:27 AM
Sorry about that. I reposted all three in the correct forums. Will not let it happen again... unless I get the usual brain fart that is.
Dec 16 2004, 10:39 PM
This thread is now on the Shadowrun Forum
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