Dec 12 2004, 09:43 PM
I'm looking through critters and see the power paralyzing howl. But it doesn't say how exactly it works. Obviously line of sight. Then I'm assuming (since it is a physical spell) opposed test of body vs. essence. This is all in reference to barghests. Then if the barghest gets more successes then the pc, the pc's quickness is reduced by the essence of the barghest. In this case 6.
Is this correct?
Wounded Ronin
Dec 12 2004, 10:37 PM
Well if it's a howl wouldn't it be anyone who could hear?
Herald of Verjigorm
Dec 12 2004, 11:23 PM
It's just like paralyzing touch except that it affects everyone in hearing range, no touch required.
Jason Farlander
Dec 13 2004, 02:08 AM
Umm... my copy of critters does, in fact, describe how Paralyzing Howl works. Rather than requiring a melee attack, it affects all targets who can hear the howl, who must make opposed Willpower vs critter's Essence Tests . At least 1 net success is enough for the power to affect a particular target, which then has the same effects as the Paralyzing Touch power. (note that the target resists with Willpower, not body, in both the touch and howl versions)
Dec 13 2004, 02:19 PM
Heh. That does seem a little off. In range of hearing is pretty damn long. Theoretically you could zap a whole city block at least. Or even farther out in the wilds
That'd be kinda funny....
<Thuds of hundreds of birds, critters and other things thumping to the ground for miles around.>
Dec 13 2004, 03:21 PM
Kinda like fishing with dynamite, no?
Dec 13 2004, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
Kinda like fishing with dynamite, no? |
Sounds like fun. Count me in.
Oh and Side questions.
If you tame a Barghest can it choose not to affect you with it's howl?
Are other Barghests immune to other howls?
Can you avoid this paralyzing howl by wearing ear muffs or earplugs that convert all sound from real to digital. Or something like that?
Any rules for distance of sound? Cus wow, hearing can go for a while expecially with sound amp on some people.
Would Sound Dampeners reduce the TN for it?
How loud is the howl? 120 decibles? about as loud as a jet?
Dec 13 2004, 06:57 PM
QUOTE (CoalHeart) |
QUOTE (Dashifen @ Dec 13 2004, 10:21 AM) | Kinda like fishing with dynamite, no? |
Sounds like fun. Count me in.
Oh and Side questions.
If you tame a Barghest can it choose not to affect you with it's howl?
Are other Barghests immune to other howls?
Can you avoid this paralyzing howl by wearing ear muffs or earplugs that convert all sound from real to digital. Or something like that?
Any rules for distance of sound? Cus wow, hearing can go for a while expecially with sound amp on some people.
Would Sound Dampeners reduce the TN for it?
How loud is the howl? 120 decibles? about as loud as a jet?
AFAIK it's a magical attack, so as long as the critter gets one net success it works.
A note on the power:
When I first used it, I was applying a -1 Quickness per net success then later realized it was more correctly that one critter net success reduces the target's Quickness by the critters essence!
I don't have any paranormal manuals except my old SR2 book so it might have been re-written.
Dec 13 2004, 08:11 PM
QUOTE (CoalHeart) |
Can you avoid this paralyzing howl by wearing ear muffs or earplugs that convert all sound from real to digital. Or something like that?
Any rules for distance of sound? Cus wow, hearing can go for a while expecially with sound amp on some people.
Would Sound Dampeners reduce the TN for it?
How loud is the howl? 120 decibles? about as loud as a jet? |
Wild stab in the dark time.
Well, if there is consistancy (hah) you would have to hear a unaltered "real" sound, so all those hearing it through mics would be OK.
Then again, if the effect is carried by the soundwave you don't have to hear it, merely be exposed to the sound.
The question for me are,
Can it stun a snake?
Would it effect me if I was in the front row of a Napalm Death concert, 'cos I won't hear it and the bass from the band would stop me from feeling it?
Would it work if I was asleep and then woken up from all the noise of the paralysed falling over?
Dec 13 2004, 08:23 PM
QUOTE (Botch) |
QUOTE (CoalHeart @ Dec 13 2004, 06:08 PM) | Can you avoid this paralyzing howl by wearing ear muffs or earplugs that convert all sound from real to digital. Or something like that?
Any rules for distance of sound? Cus wow, hearing can go for a while expecially with sound amp on some people.
Would Sound Dampeners reduce the TN for it?
How loud is the howl? 120 decibles? about as loud as a jet? |
Wild stab in the dark time.
Well, if there is consistancy (hah) you would have to hear a unaltered "real" sound, so all those hearing it through mics would be OK.
Then again, if the effect is carried by the soundwave you don't have to hear it, merely be exposed to the sound.
The question for me are,
Can it stun a snake? Would it effect me if I was in the front row of a Napalm Death concert, 'cos I won't hear it and the bass from the band would stop me from feeling it? Would it work if I was asleep and then woken up from all the noise of the paralysed falling over?
Applying my definition, I'd say any method that is a valid magical medium would work.
I'd say no on the snake since there is a "touch" version and this is the auraul equivilant.
I'd say no on the mic or no to a recorded copy since technology and magic don't mix like that unless the power specifically said it work with technology (much like the "improved" line of illusion spells).
Dec 13 2004, 08:26 PM
What about the concert and sleeping, I can't hear it at all in the first.
Dec 13 2004, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (Botch) |
What about the concert and sleeping, I can't hear it at all in the first. |
Oh i'd probably say if you could identify the sound then you would be effected by it. Maybe a perception test (modified loud concert noise +8?) would help determine if you actively "hear" the sound, although I would be inclined to think the sleeping would not need a roll since your sense of hearing is still active when you are sleeping.
It's a GM call eitherway IMO.
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