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Ancient History
I know I've been behind. I finished revising and updating my Annotated Dunkelzahn's Will. There's still a lot of unknowns, but I think you might be plesently surprised at the greater depth I've gone into on some bequests.

Now, a short vacation. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
-Ancient History
Have fun. Ye' deserve it, old boy.

Happy Ho Ho, and thanks for the present AH. smile.gif
Crimsondude 2.0
Oy, Humbug.

BTW, one of these days I'm going to stop recalling things and making your life more troublesome that it needs to be. You will enjoy a brief respite before going mad due to boredom.

It may just be me, but Jiffy Pop tastes like ass.

As for the proof of shaking hands with JFK, I have to wonder if it relates to the photo of a young Bill Clinton shaking hands with JFK when he went to Boys' Nation, and was used in the RL 1992 Democratic convention (as opposed to the 1992 SR election which gave the world a right-wing nutjob) as an image of the passing of the torch from one generation to the next. If Arnold's alive in SR, perhaps he would have been, too.

You might want to add a reference to David Lloyd Ford's bio in Cyberpirates!

Misspelled "those" in the Captain Chaos/JackBNimble bequest.

HTML error in Carla Brooks' entry.

Forgot the "d" in Federate"d" Boeing.

What if the Matrix Monocle is something to aid in the development of spell or other matrices?

misspelled companies comapnies. in the toxic cleanup bequest.

should be "In 2059, Inazo Aneki was assaulted in the Matrix by Deus," not "be."

space missing between thisbequest

"some," not "ssome"

To be more specific, Mangadyne's name reflects the Matrix iconography of its software.

"Phoenix," not "Phoinex." (and not, Pa-hoe-nix, like the idiot in the FedEx commercial pronounces it. smile.gif)

OT: Given its location, I once wrote a story that explained that Room 5B78 in the Tenochtitlan Aztechnology Pyramid contained the original cloak with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is in the cathedral over which the Pyramid now sits.

The Mars bones look kind of ... equine, btw.

"When DUnkelzahn died, the oldest otaku had had their abilities for two years. A number of theories have come out as to the origin and abilities of the otaku, but as far as I know no-one has claimed this bequest." Er... They had been known to exist for two years. I assumed from the Denver sb that they'd been around a little longer than that. And you forgot the "e" in "more."

Misspelled Phoenix again (PBT bequest). Wasn't PBT's Denver clinic also involved in gerontology research?

"To Londa Cannon of Ohio..." -- Dunk had to be screwing with her. A joke, or an act of mercy, on some white trash from Ohio.

I thought all of a Z-O inhabitant's assets transfer to Z-O upon death.

The Hope Diamond was given to the People of the United States by the famed jeweler Harry Winston, and is ostensibly priceless. However, it turns out the President of the United States can purchase such gifts under certain conditions--although I don't imagine for a second that Kenson or anyone at FASA knew that. So, either he bought it as soon as he could (since he could, you know, afford it) or it had been stolen or sold earlier. Given the rash of privatizations, it's not beyond the realm of possibility. Given it's comparably lax security relative to rather mundane items in SR, that is definitely not beyond the realm of possibility either.

I was under the impression honey ants only live in South America, which explains the specific reference to Ecuador.

What is a Sexton? Is it like a Sextant?

space between scrollcase.

More info about the Head Hougan in YotC.

I think someone had mentioned this earlier, but Dave Hyatt (one of the authors of RA:S) intended the shadowrun into the discovery of Room 1835 to play a part in Deus' "awakening." And, AFAIK, the runners never collected the reward. wink.gif

Misspelled "anarchists" as "anarachists."

Misspelled "destitute" as "destitue." She'd desire revenge because the possession left Sanchez with the knowledge of Buttercup's True Name.

Wasn't Terri Ann Riberio one of Dunk's old translators between Timmons and Daviar?

Ford Mustangs suck, btw.

Misspelled "attempting" as "attemoting"

Shouldn't the Sisterhood's talon clippings be worth 36.5 million according to the calculation made further up?

Forgot the last "s" in "posses a board seat..."

I think it is unlikely they were Dunk's ally spirits considering Dunk's file's comments about Ryumyo's single ally in DotSW being a rarity.

The "Glendale branch of Angeles Fidelity Bank" is most likely this one in Glendale, which would be in SR's Los Angeles (BTW, one of these days someone needs to show the developers how small the city of L.A. actually is in relation to the L.A. MSA).

Misspelled "nothing" as "nohting." The definition of Russian royal family depends on who you consider a part of the family. There are, however, Romanovs who are still around.

Misspelled "stories" as "sotries." It incenses me that UC-Berkeley apparently vanished in SR, btw.

Forgot the "y" in "Apparently, Disney survives and continues to update their operations." And, indeed, VWD still exists. There's some basic corp info in the back of CFS. VWD is based in Orlando, and not Anaheim. They still operate in Anaheim, though.

Mispelled "the" as "thh." And, IIRC, Nadja Daviar delivered the armor to Harlequinn somewhere in the Med after being quizzed and delivering rather clever (Or insipid. POV.) answers to such queries as, (to paraphrase) "What is your true age?" that Dunk clearly anticipated but which implied things that rather surprised Ms. Daviar.
Ford Mustangs suck, btw.

In your dreams! nyahnyah.gif
Just a couple of notes (I'm not going to bug you about spelling though wink.gif) ...

In the bequest about the (headless) Dragon bones, you cite Alamaise's remains being spread about. I believe you mean All-Wings.

In Morgan Leroy Hall's bequest, you have his birth year listed as 2050. This should be 2053, if he is going to be 18 in 2071.

Oh, and as for my bequest, I am fairly established as 'Fortune' now, and haven't used 'Dream' for years. biggrin.gif
HMHVV Hunter
Absolutely kick-ass job, AH smile.gif
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0)
"When DUnkelzahn died, the oldest otaku had had their abilities for two years. A number of theories have come out as to the origin and abilities of the otaku, but as far as I know no-one has claimed this bequest." Er... They had been known to exist for two years. I assumed from the Denver sb that they'd been around a little longer than that. And you forgot the "e" in "more."

Their nature is revealed in 2055, and they are IIRC framed as a rather recent development. I wouldn't peg the history of the Otaku as having started much more than three years prior.

Time to update my "new players must absolutlely read this stuff" folder.

Thanks Ancient. smile.gif
Yes, time to let the Monkeys that comprise your core processing take some time off to be monkeys.

Just be sure the collective cleans up the flung poo afterwards.

Have a great one AH
Good stuff all around. I've been browsing through it to kill off the day. smile.gif

To Dr. Alan Gordon, I leave my First Folio edition of Al Azif. Use it well, when and if you must.

Dr. Alan Gordon is an unknown. For the Al-Azif, please see the Artifact Index.

Wasn't Dr. Alan Gordon in one The Burning Time? The guy that was crazy but mapped out (on paper!!) the metaplanes or something?

And then got fried by a fire elemental?

Can someone check that for me?

To Mealla Del Marco, I grant the custody of Morgan Leroy Hall until he reaches his majority at the age of eighteen, on the condition that he is to be raised and schooled in the United Canadian American States. If this condition cannot be met, his custody shall return to Kara Lazear. I trust that you will care for him in a fitting manner, and perhaps you shall in return get the son you deserve.

It is believed that this is Aithne Oakforest's estranged wife, Mealla Oakforest ne้ Maria Del Marco. She would have received custody of Morgan when he was four years old, so in 2063 he'd be eleven years old. This may also be a comment regarding her son Glasgian Oakforest, who is (or was) something of an insufferable spoiled brat. Nothing is known of Morgan Leroy Hall, though it has been suggested that he might be an immortal elf, like Jane Foster.

Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets
for more on Mealla Oakforest, see Tir Tairngire

Harlequin's illegit kid? He's called "Leroy" in first chapter of Harlequin's Back...
QUOTE (kevyn668)
Wasn't Dr. Alan Gordon in one The Burning Time? The guy that was crazy but mapped out (on paper!!) the metaplanes or something?

And then got fried by a fire elemental?

Can someone check that for me?

Don't have The Burning Time ATM. Out of curiousity, is it (in the timeline) before or after Dunke's death. If it's after, and it's the same Alan Gordon, I think we can hazard a guess about what he did with the copy of Al Azif that Dunke gave him. biggrin.gif
Crimsondude 2.0
After. 2061, actually.
It might have been Crossroads, not sure.
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0)
What is a Sexton? Is it like a Sextant?

I pulled this off of a Definitions website.

SEXTON (an early corruption of sacristan, properly the keeper of sacred vessels and vestments, Med. Lat. sacristanus or sacrista), a minor officer of an ecclesiastical parish. In. the early church the sexton was identical with the ostiarius, or door-keeper, whose duty it was to open and shut the church at certain hours, guard the church and all it contained, and prevent the heathen and excommunicated from entering. The duties of the modern sexton are practically those of the ancient sacristan. He has the custody of the church keys, is responsible for keeping the church clean, for the bell-ringing and lighting, and looks after the vestments and instrumenta of the church, but the duties may vary by custom in different parishes. Where his duties are confined to the care of the vestments and instrumenta the right of appointment of a sexton lies in the churchwardens; if his duties are confined to the churchyard the right of appointment is in the incumbent, and where his duties extend to both the right of appointment is jointly in the churchwardens and the incumbent. By custom, however, he may be appointed by the parishioners. He usually has a freehold in his office, and in some parishes is entitled to certain customary fees.

Meaning that usually he's the janitor but with slightly more responsibilities. In many churches, the janitorial part is outsourced (someone else is hired to do the clean-up), but a few still maintain the traditional definition.

I think he ment the Sextant, the navigational device used by sailors.
Crimsondude 2.0
Yeah, except that's how it's spelled in the book and on the SR website.

Once again, FanPro should hire some damn fact/spell checkers!
Or maybe it really is a little statue of a janitor.
Crimsondude 2.0
Ah, since it's bequeathed to a bunch of Mexicans. What a racist asshole.

OTOH, it could be, well, a device that holds the "keys" to the metaplanes.
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