Dec 25 2004, 04:19 AM
I'm just curious - what are the best run(s) with a holiday theme that people have GMed or played? I.E. New Years, Christmas, Easter, Val's Day, [insert national holiday of choice], but NOT Halloween please - it's been covered already.
Dec 25 2004, 04:53 AM
A group of mine hijacked a truckload of toys and distributed them in the barrens for Christmas.
All on their own accord too. I couldn't believe it.
draco aardvark
Dec 25 2004, 06:01 AM
At the beginning of December my team had a month to complete a (very dangerous) run. They procrastinated and dilly-dallied until Christmass. One player grabbed his AK and put on a Santa suit for the run. When they got the guy they were asked to retrieve, they called up Mr. Johnson and told him they had a Christmass present.
Not intended to be a Christmass run, but they took more time than I thought. That's the only one I've got, as I've not been GMing long enough for more than a full year in-game time.
Dec 25 2004, 04:38 PM
I once borrowed a scene from "The Long Kiss Goodnight" and had a crazed cyber-zombie use a gaggle of terrified carolers as a meat-shield for a hit. The encounter was going very well until one of the players decided to try using the mortar he picked up in the FoF catalogue. Santa hats everywhere.....
/closest I've ever come to a holiday run.
Wounded Ronin
Dec 25 2004, 05:40 PM
I once wrote a run based on a cartoon in the New Yorker many years ago called "the great santa shootout".
Basically, as the holidays approached a terrorist group with armored santa suits and gift bags full of assault rifles and grenades cut the power to a shopping mall and stormed it. The PCs were inside on some unrelated mission sans heavy weapons. The first battle would be the toughest but after that they could use the dead santas as ammo depots since they were all carrying lots of ammo in those giant gift bags.
Crimson Jack
Dec 25 2004, 10:25 PM
I had a player stuff a Thanksgiving turkey with C-12 for a messy assassination. The news headlines the next day read: "Embassy Explosion! Turkey Being Investigated!"
Dec 26 2004, 04:16 AM
Oh that's BAD. *groooan*
I guess the embassy was stuffed?
Dec 26 2004, 09:23 AM
I had a player stuff a Thanksgiving turkey with C-12 for a messy assassination. The news headlines the next day read: "Embassy Explosion! Turkey Being Investigated!" |
Were there any leftovers?
Dec 26 2004, 05:07 PM
We just finished a run trying ot get the big toy for a corp exec's kid, don't ask why it was rare, just understand we hadto break into a museum to get it.
Dec 26 2004, 05:22 PM
Go into the Tir, locate a shed behind an inn, overpower a new-born baby and his poor bewildered parents and smuggle them out. Take them to Seattle and turn them over to Mr. Johnson.
Dec 27 2004, 12:18 AM
geez! Were you paid in ritual materials like Frankicense?
Dec 27 2004, 05:26 AM
QUOTE (Snow Fox) |
Were you paid in ritual materials like Frankicense? |
We never knew What or Why. We were paid in Nuyen. The characters call it the "Baby Jesus Run". We don't know if Mr. Johnson was the Roman King Herod or one of the Wise Men. We worry about the Temple when the baby becomes a teenager. If he lives that long.
Crimson Jack
Dec 27 2004, 10:51 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
The characters call it the "Baby Jesus Run". |
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