Hey Backgammon, having more than one set of spoilers codes in a post really seems to mess up the edit function. FYI.
Sorry if I seem to be jumping all over this thread, but a sprained ankle + lots of ice outside = me spending a lot of time on the computer. I dropped the skillwires down to 5, since I had a few specialized chips in there (driving, performance/acting etc), and with the extra money, rounded out the knowledge and linguasofts that I thought would be useful. I took Biotech off his skill list (and made it a chip) to make room for Athletics.
For those of you just joining in, Jack is almost a Shadowrun take on the 'Pretender.' He slots a few chips, and can try and become anyone he wants, and needs to be (although unlike an actual Pretender, limited headware means he can only use a couple of those chips at once; he has to be very careful about what he uploads for a job, or else he might find himself able to perform field surgery when what he really needs is Pistols). The fact that his head is a big, black hole in the astral plane can also make his subterfuge attempts diffulcult to slip past Awakened observers.
Below, are his finalized stats.
Bod: 6( 8 ).............-12
Qui: 3................-6
Str: 4................-8
Cha: 6................-12
Int: 6.................-12
Wis: 3....................-6
Ess: .12
Bioindex. .6
Mag: 0
Rea: 5
Ini: 1 (2)
Combat Pool: 6
Armor - Ballistic: 6 Impact: 4
Friendly Face...................1
Good Reputation.................1
Photographic Memory.............3
Phobia: Un/Sev.(bug spirits)...-4
Hung Out to Dry................-4
V Mod Tonal Shift...............0.00
V Mod Second Pattern [1]........0.00
Interal Voice Mask [2]..........0.10
Memory [alpha] (200 Mps)..0.53
Knowsoft Link...................0.10
Chipjack, Multi-slot 4..........0.35
Expert Chipjack Dvr [2].........0.30
Skillwires [5] MP 75...........1.00
Eyes, Cyber Replacement.........0.20
+ Eyes, Opticam.................0.50
+ Eyes, Image Link..............0.20
+ Eyes, Thermographic...........0.20
Ears Cyber Repl.................0.30
+ Ear Recorder..................0.30
+ Ear Hearing Amp...............0.20
+ Sound Filter [2]..............0.20
Smartlink II....................0.50
Boosted Reflexes............0.50
Dermal Sheath- Ruth 1.......0.70
4x DS scanner...................0.20
Enhanced Articulation...........0.60
Disguise/Cosmetic [5/7]...................6
Stealth [4] .....................................5
Interrogation/Verbal [4/6]................5
Negotiation/Fast talk [5/7]................6
Forgery [6].....................................6
Artisan/Drawing [3/5]......................4
Unarmed Combat/Fists [3/5]............6
Athletics [5]....................................5
AC:Biology(KNO) [4]
AC:Psychology(KNO) [4]
IN:Fashion(KNO) [4]
Disguise(KNO) [6]
SW:Metahumanity(KNO) [4]
Area Knowledge(KNO)/Zone Crossings [4/6]
Denver(KNO)/Politics [2/4]
English(LAN) [6]
English(LAN) (RW) [3]
Sioux(LAN) [3]
Sioux(LAN) (RW) [1]
Gear: 1,000,000..........................30
Form Fitting Full Body Suit
Chemical Seal Rating [6]
Secure Long Coat
Secure Jacket
Secure Ultravest
3xOrdinary Clothing
3xFine Clothing
2xTres Chic Clothing
Medkit Rating 9
Medkit Supplies
2xTrauma Patch
2xTranq Patch [10]
2xTranq Patch [5]
2xAntidote Patch [8]
2xStimulant Patch [6]
Disguise Kit (2000 nuyen)
SkillSoft Jukebox 108MP 4 prts
LinguaSoft Gen. [4]-> Chinese
LinguaSoft Gen. [4]-> Japanese
LinguaSoft Gen. [4]-> Salish
LinguaSoft Gen. [4]-> Spanish
LinguaSoft Gen. [4]-> Sprethiel
ActiveSoft Spec. [5]-> Performance / Acting
ActiveSoft Spec. [5]-> Intimidation / Mental
ActiveSoft Gen. [5]-> Computer
ActiveSoft Gen. [5]-> Computer B/R
ActiveSoft Gen. [5]-> Stealth
ActiveSoft Spec. [5]-> Car / Americar
ActiveSoft Gen. [4]-> Electronics
ActiveSoft Gen. [4]-> Electronics B/R
ActiveSoft Gen. [4]-> Biotech
ActiveSoft Gen. [4]-> Pistols
ActiveSoft Gen. [4]-> SMG
ActiveSoft Gen. [4]-> Etiquette
Knowsoft Gen. [5]-> Denver Street Maps
Knowsoft Gen. [5]-> Ute Culture
Knowsoft Gen. [5]-> Sioux Culture
Knowsoft Gen. [5]-> Pueblo Culture
Knowsoft Gen. [4]-> Police Procedure
Knowsoft Gen. [4]-> Megacorporate Procedures
Knowsoft Gen. [4]-> Megacorporate Security
Knowsoft Gen. [4]-> Security Design
Knowsoft Gen. [4]-> Security Systems
Knowsoft Gen. [4]-> Security Devices
Knowsoft Gen. [4]-> Pop Culture
Knowsoft Gen. [3]-> Bushido Philosophy
Knowsoft Gen. [2]-> Small Talk
Knowsoft Gen. [2]-> Metahuman Politics
3xOptical Memory Chip 50MP
3xOptical Memory Chip 100MP
False ID Credstick Rating [6]
False ID Credstick Rating [4]
False ID Credstick Rating [4]
False ID Credstick Rating [3]
Pocket Flashlight
Binoculars, Low-light
Wrist phone - flip screen
Earplug Cell Phone
Pocket Secratary
The Me Box (a hollowed out cyberdeck case that he keeps all his chips in)
Shock Glove
Colt Cobra TZ-110
-Concealable Holster
Predator III
-Quickdraw Concealed holster
-3x regular
-15xDMSO (1 dose)
-15xGamma-Scopolamine (1 dose)
Here is the perfect anonymous vehicle, the most common of cars, the
Ford Americar
-autonav 4
-sensors 4
-datajack port
-photovoltaic paint
-morphing liscense plate
-Anti-theft system 6
-electric shock system
-storage memory 200 mp
-Library Transponder Chip 5
-concealed armor 4
-Runflat Tires
There once was a boy that for many reasons, people called Mouse. He was quiet, easy to overlook, small, quick but observant. No detail escaped his wide eyes. He lived in Chicago, and when the bugs came, he died there. That might be a detail that would surprise many people since they still saw him walking about, but Mouse, along with the rest of his family, died trying to gain refuge in the Wrigley dome. The last thing Mouse saw was the wasps descending on his family, and then there was a blinding pain, then nothing.
The boy who used to be Mouse woke up in a jury rigged hospital in Wrigley Dome. It was dark. The doctor said that he was lucky to be alive. The caravan had made it within sight of the Dome when the Wasps attacked. A team had been sent out to try and save them, but he had been the only survivor, barely. His head been smashed against the ground, almost split open. His eyes and ears had been destroyed. The doctor had given him cyber ears from a woman who didn't need them anymore, but there were no spare eyes, yet. The doctor asked him what his name was.
The boy did not know. Mouse had died outside the dome. He was sure of that much. Just like that woman hadn't needed her ears, Mouse hadn't needed his body, and so it had been given to him.
Soon enough, someone didn't need their eyes anymore, and the doctor gave them to the boy. It was was Mouse's face he saw in the mirror. He hoped that wherever Mouse was, he didn't mind him using it.
He tried many different things, thinking that when he did that one right thing, he would find out who he was. When help was needed in the soup lines, he became a cook, a very good cook. When an extra guard was needed to man the street entrances, he became a guard, and he did that job well too. When builders were needed to reinforce blockades and barriers, he became a builder.
The people who ran the Dome noticed how well the boy could become other people. He was afraid that they'd make him give back Mouse's body, and was surprised when they told him they were proud of his talent. They were delighted with how well he could become someone else, and the boy started to realize that being no one at all wasn't so bad, because it presented him with the possibility to become anyone. They sent him to the Sanctum, and Volkesville, and he told them what he saw. Then they told the doctor to install the chipjack, and it became even easier to become someone else. All he had to do was slot a chip, and he could slip into the Volk territory, and no one there could tell that he hadn't been raised embracing the Humanis cause. He was sent all over Chicago, to watch, and remember, and report. He learned how to become other races, as well as other people. Elves were easy. Orks were a little harder. He could even pretend to be a dwarf, until he grew too much. He thought of himself as many people during that time, and called himself many names, but sometimes, he just thought of himself as that little piece of 'ware in his head, and called himself Jack.
Finally, the wall came down, and the people at Wrigley didn't need their jury rigged Jack anymore. That was okay. He had learned that there were lots of people out there who could use someone who could become anyone, and remember so many things. He could walk into a building, just to use the restroom for a moment and then walk out, and draw of map of everything he'd seen. He could change his voice, his manners, his looks, and become so many other people. He could slip in almost anywhere, and no one could tell that he didn't belong.
His skills took him to Denver, where he was hired by a team that needed a good recon man. They needed to get into an office building, and pull someone out. He posed as a courier, sweet talking the lobby receptionist into letting him in, allowing him to see the security codes she used. He found the quickest, quietest route the team could take to the target. Later in the evening he returned, dressed as a suit, and fast talked the security guard into letting him in. Then using the codes, he let the rest of the team in. They then completly ignored the route he had planned. That lead to a small fight with secruity, that lead to a big fight with security. There was no use in being anybody, so Jack became nobody, unnoticed by everybody else. When the fight was over, he became Jack again, and slowly raised his hands, and said, "Excuse me. I surrender."
He was detained for several weeks and throroughly debriefed. Whoever was in charge though, decided that his skills might be useful because he was given the 'choice' of taking new employment. Jack of course accepted, but after getting back out into the open air of Denver he discovered that none of his former colleagues would have anything to do with them. Apprently someone was taking offense at the fact he had managed to be the sole survivor of that last run.
Jack is one of the most recent additions to the team, and when people see him as his 'normal' self, he is a very unremarkable human male, thin, a little bony, with olive skin and a close shaved head. He didn't join the team under the best of circumstances, starting out on the wrong side of a firefight when a running team attempted a datasteal from one of Ghostwalker's front corporations. A couple weeks later when the team was next called together by the 'Big Boss,' (an amerindian named Cesco Mandello; given that when the team is called in for business, he has sometimes been seen talking with Nicolas Whitebird, Ghostwalker's speaker, everyone has a good idea about the ultimate source of their orders) there was a familar face at the meeting (espcially if you looked at him over the targeting cursor of a smartlink). He introduced himself as Jack, and BB explained how he was now part of the team. Jack had a rather interesting set of talants. During one run, Gremish's particular talents were needed during an infiltration, but the opposition had him under survelliance. Jack became Gremish, right down to the voice, and the straight laced military mannerisms, using only a couple hours and a few prosthetics. His impersonation was so good that the tails never even knew a switch had been made, allowing the run to be pulled off sucessfully. A few of the team members have started betting pools as to what he'll look like next. So far you've seen him as an old amerindian, an ork street tough, a black, white collar salaryman, an elven businesswoman, even a dwarf (although that disguise only lasted until he stood up and unhunched his body).
He is an odd person to be around. His personality seems to change depending on who he's with. Around Gremish he also becomes stern, and a little uptight. If he was around Gypsy, then he would be anything but. It's not that he slots a new chip or anything, but you can almost see his mental gears shifting. It's not that he's mimicing people, but that his mental state changes to accomodate them.
His talents also make him an excellent choice for recon work. Not only can he record everything he sees and hears with cyberwear (and he has storage memory in both his head and his car for backing up records) but his meat memory is also nearly flawless (ask him about Chicago sometime. He _wishes_ he could forget that stuff).
No one can really say that they've spent much time with the actual Jack. When he's not actively being somebody else, he tends to be very quiet, observant. Almost like a mouse, calmly going about its daily routines, but always keeping it's ears cocked for the first sign of danger, watching the whole world, because the whole world is bigger than it is.
With the mana-centric nature of the team, Jack sometimes finds himself in the role of combat support, guarding the mages' meat bodies. This isn't always an ideal situation, since if he didn't come prepared, he might have trouble remembering which is the business end of his Predator. Still, the sheer versatility (with proper preparation) he can bring to any operation has made the rest of the team greatly appreciate the fact that none of them geeked him during that first encounter.