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Full Version: Recruitment: The Heart of Africa.
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Okay I am going to try my hand at GMing, its my first time round as PBP GM. I am looking for a team of 3 to 5 players. Character generation is listed in the spoiler. I will not be requiring them, to be submitted yet as I am basing my selection on the Bio's. Once I have made my selections, then generation of stats will be excepted.

Beginner players are welcome as I am basing my selection on the Bio's only.
Bio to be submitted to seattleshadows(at)hotmail(dot)com by 16 th January 2005
1800 Bravo GMT. Notification of selections will be done by no later than the 18 th January 2005

[ Spoiler ]
What does the last sentence in the spoiler mean? You mean the player characters will have been working together for a year beforehand? Also, what language will the characters all need to speak? English, French, Swahili, or something else?

Also, is there any chance you would be getting SOTA 2064 before the game starts? There are a few items at the begining of that book that I would love to use. Of course, if you don't, then I can find plenty of other things to spend my nuyen on.
Also should the characters be African or not?

Also, I know a decent bit about African languages. I figure most people who live in tribes would have know at least their own tribal language, and then a euro language depending on the area they live in... but then again I have no clue what awakened africa is like.
Actually, forget SOTA 2064. I think it's about time I played a straight up street sam. There's plenty of good stuff in Man & Machine for me to choose from. I'll save my spy character for another campaign.

Answer to first post

Yes the team would have been working together for the better part of a year. Primary languages would be English, but other african languages would also be beneficial.

SOTA64 I have on back order but it has not arrived as yet. But SOTA 64 gear and others would be very high tech for the setting. These are 3 world countries, so SOTA 64 would be corp orientated. But I will brief on character gen of the availabilities, Maybe I will have SOTA 64 in 2 weeks time who knows.

Answer to second post

All arch types and other are welcome. So play what ever you would be comfortable with.


African Languages
Arabic, Hausa, Swahili, akan, Amharic, fulfulde/Pulaar, Igbo, Ganda, mende/Bandi/Loki, chewa/Nyanja, Kikuyu, kpelle, krio/Pidgin, Lingala, Oromo, shona, Somali, Tigrinya, wolof, Xhosa/Zulu/swazi/Ndebele, Yoruba Bemba, Malagasy, Ruanda/rundi, temne and tsonga. That is some of the languages

African Language reference that I would be using.

Euro languages

portuguese, French and Spanish
Hmm...working on a phys adept tracker/sniper/wilderness guide...
Are we from Africa? Europe? UCAS? Does it matter?

If we're not from/starting in Africa, are we taking the job in [base city] and traveling to Africa?

I have an elf merc I'm toying around with.
I was thinking of a playing a ghoul (a normal one, not a long armed one). One who would work as a sort of modern hunter-of-humans.

That sound good. Maybe Pro hunter if you from africa.(Just an idea) You are on a good track this character. I wait for your Background.


Where you are from is of no importance. The team will be working out of Africa. The starting point, could be any country from central to south Africa, pending background of the bio's


Ghouls, I have no objection to that. But but you bio's background would have to work around the rest of the teams. Hunter of human would make you a prime target if they found out. Lepprosy - can be assosiated

Please feel free to discuss back grounds with each other. You could be brother/sisters, personal friends, child hood friend, the play is open. Remember background/Histories first.
Have you received SOTA 2064 yet? I am working on my spy character concept, but he really needs that book's content to be complete.

Okay... I have not recieved the books as yet... But I am going to Let people use SOTA 63. and 64. BUT you have to send me the details of the Equipment, and its uses.... As I don't have the books as yet I don't have reference to the equipment please furnish me the details and I will review.

When would the campaign start? I'll be out of the country at the end of jan and until early feb. Wouldn't make much sense for me to submit a character bio if I would be missing the initial meet
I e-mailed my bio. Working on the technical side now. Is cultured bioware allowed at character generation?
The IC on OOC will only be starting on 1 Feb 2005.. Things have seem to ge very slow on the recruitment side. desision is yours.

I have recieved your bio. I have read it over... Very Interesting.

I have a very sketchy lay out from you, I see where you going. Please fill in some more detail when you can.

So far that all I have. So if any one is prepared for this I will run the adventure. if the submission dont increase by this afternoon.
Okay Interest is small I have to players.

Panzergiest and Whizbang.

Aes if you are interested You can join when you are back... I will place you in, thats of course if Whiz and panzer have no objection...

I am going to leave the recruitment open for any of those who ready and would like to join.

Whizbang and Panzergiest

Create your characters.... If you find that 2 players is not enough discuss it, and let me know if you would like to continue or not.
I'm fine with just two players, and letting in any others who are interested afterwards.
Not sure how I missed this thread before, but I'll have a character in some time today for you. I look forward to joining in. smile.gif What sorts of characters have we got so far?

I figured there would be more interest, so didn't really pay attention to the thread again after the first read.

I'm interested, and second Sphynx's request for a character review.
Current character thoughts is a Shaman Warrior, A 30ish warrior who has a combat-type totem. No cyber/bio, just magic and skills. Tribe was wiped out by runners who sought a magical artifact they kept, a holy symbol of sorts. Warrior hunted them down, and returned the item, but met members (who were also after the same runners maybe?) of his current 'team' in the process. Kinda need a feel for some of the other characters to work the story out some. Guaranteed not to be 2 to 10 pages in length though unless I use a really large font. nyahnyah.gif

If you're still short on players, I could probably cook somehting up -- But starting friday and a week on I'll be unavailable (going skiing). I'll tooss a sheet youyr way asap
My character is a spy type. I think we definately need more than 2 players. Four to six would be ideal. I'll create my stats sometime this week.
Thinking about a 'Great White Hunter' type. Details are slowly coming together, but it's a process.
Teddy Roosevelt with an elephant gun and stupid white shorts. That would be cool.
For some reason my char is making me think of Crocodile Dundee's African cousin...
Character Background:
[ Spoiler ]

Character Stats:
[ Spoiler ]

Spells (Outside of Spoiler because the Code tag doesn't work in spoilers):

Spell Name      Force  Drain         Notes                         Cost
Heal                6  2(Damage)   Fetish for reduced Drain
                                   Exclusive for Reduced Cost       4
StunBolt            5  2(Damage)   Exclusive for Reduced Cost       3
Imp Invis      *    3  2M                                           6
Incr. Reflxs-3 *    3  2D          Caster-Only for Reduced Drain    6
Levitate       *    3  3M                                           6
Stealth        *    3  2M                                           6
Clairaudience       3  2M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Clairvoyance        3  2M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Detox               3  2M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Fast                3  2M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Healthy Glow        3  2L          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Magic Fingers       3  3M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
MindLink            3  2S          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Nutrition           3  2M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Oxygenate           3  3L          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Prophylaxis         3  2L          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Stabilize           3  2M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1
Translate           3  2M          Exclusive for Reduced Cost       1

* = Sustaining Focus Purchased/Bonded
I must apologise for not responding to post made on the 19th JAn 05, due to technical issues with or adsl.

Firstly Sphynx and Fortune

Yes go ahead and prepare, Whizband and Panzergiest are already submitted histories. SO, get that under the belt and we can move forward.


If nobody has any objections when you get back from your skiing you are welcome to join..


Blow your hair back, you may want to discuss a bit with Whizbang. You may have a mutual interest.. Check it out with your Character Creation.


That sound great.

Note to All

If you are using the SR character generator great you can send the documnet to me. IF you have penciled pushed the Charactor sheet. Could you rewrite it to Word or Excel.

Mail me at


I follow the posts avidly from monday to friday. Weekend, I don't log on, SO you all will have your weekend.

Any other questions, please post them. Just incase someone has the same question
Is cultured bioware allowed?
Fortune, you ever use those messengers listed in your profile?
Very rarely. I just noticed that my character concept seems to be a carbon copy of yours ... or at least what you have written about yours. I think I'm going to have to rethink somewhat. frown.gif
D-d-d-double post!
Great minds think alike smile.gif
Yeah, but as much as I like the character's concept, I don't wanna be stepping on any toes.
Need to get the background typed out's the char sheet.

[ Spoiler ]

Mine looks almost identical in the skills department. He differs in that mine is a cybered dude, who is in no way whatsoever a conservationist, but other than that ...

Where exactly is this going to be located? I need to know where my contacts should be.

Bioware. if it is in any of the books and meets the requirements of character creation. Why not.

This is a tough one but did I fail to mention it. biggrin.gif Central to Southern Africa.


Please could you email the document as requested. Please, histories straight to me, no posting in spoilers. Just mail me.


If your blue print is like Whizbangs see on how you can make it different.
I am not going to slam anyone one for Carbon copies of character sheet.

Note to all

Whizbang and Sphynx I have you characters. History, Whizbang still waiting for your refined. Panzergiest I am waiting for you character.


Just let us know what is happening.
For some reason I thought I had already sent it to you...
Thanks Whizbang.

Its just Panzergiest I am waiting for now.
OOC:Not all that glitters is gold is now up now running.
I'll have it in by tonight.
Closing date for the character sheets is friday. But no later than Sunday.
IC: Not all that Glitters is Gold is now up and ready to go.
Took to hugging trees at terminal velocity and got home a little early. dead.gif I'll see if I can cook something up before limping back to my painkillers. Heck, most of my good ideas seem to crop up while heavily medicated anyhow nyahnyah.gif


Or not.... Bleh. All I seem to come up with is rehashes of the same char over and over again. I'll give it a crack after some rest and have it sent your way saturday evening at the latest.
Sent a profile your way now. Tried to balance out the hunter and mage, so I mixed up a face with a few bits of rigger and covert ops specialist in her to fill in the remaining bases. Probably won't be bringing her own aircraft or chopper though, what with anything that flies being that expensive and high-availability.

Sent! Waiting for word on wether stuff needs changing


Still waiting on a go/no-go from mr. Johnson on the character. But just in case, here's an abbrevated version of the bio and character sheet I sent him. (No need to list every single gadget bought, nor things she wouldn't have told everyone else). Still subject to change of course if there's something Johnson would like me to change - or the pc is a no-go. And I added a few changes and omissions not in the actual character sheet/bio. Reasoning behind it being that nothing not in the two spoiler tags below would be something the character would have freely told in less than a year.

[ Spoiler ]

Character sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Aes Sound good I have just got your mail I will look it through.. Looks good already , just rad through it in detail during the coarse of this monday morning.
If it's ok, I'd like to do some minor gear shuffling. Cut a few slap patches or field rations out and replace it with DSMO for the capsule rounds to go with the neuro-stun. Just realized its a gas, not a liquid. I R STOOPID. frown.gif
Do the changes and resubmit I have not read it as yet.
Done and done.
Got room for another character?
We are sitting at four strong. I will ask the other how they would feel about and extra hand... Just watch this space. Will advise.

What dow you have in mind ?
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