Jan 5 2005, 08:14 AM
Okay I am going to try my hand at GMing, its my first time round as PBP GM. I am looking for a team of 3 to 5 players. Character generation is listed in the spoiler. I will not be requiring them, to be submitted yet as I am basing my selection on the Bio's. Once I have made my selections, then generation of stats will be excepted.
Beginner players are welcome as I am basing my selection on the Bio's only.
Bio to be submitted to seattleshadows(at)hotmail(dot)com by 16 th January 2005
1800 Bravo GMT. Notification of selections will be done by no later than the 18 th January 2005
[ Spoiler ]
Date: January 1 2063
Location: Africa, Central and Southern Parts. ( All Location details will not be that from Fanpro or FASA publications. All location settings are created by myself and infomation I have.)
Character Generation:Priority
Normal 8 Availability, 6 Rating
Books Allowed:
Shadowrun 3rd Edition
Shadowrun Companion
Magic in the Shadows
Cannon Companion
Man and Machine
Anything that isn't in those books, I will not allow.
I'm looking for a decent background and personality. This doesn't mean I want excessive, 10 page bios, however I do expect 2 pages minumum. I'd also suggest putting at least a little bit of effort into contacts. But this will be done on generation.
Players have until 31-01 to turn in sheets, I'll be accepting the best sign-ups based on bio, regardless of how the team would normally work out. As the last year the characters would be working as a team.
Jan 6 2005, 02:11 AM
What does the last sentence in the spoiler mean? You mean the player characters will have been working together for a year beforehand? Also, what language will the characters all need to speak? English, French, Swahili, or something else?
Also, is there any chance you would be getting SOTA 2064 before the game starts? There are a few items at the begining of that book that I would love to use. Of course, if you don't, then I can find plenty of other things to spend my nuyen on.
Jan 6 2005, 03:49 AM
Also should the characters be African or not?
Also, I know a decent bit about African languages. I figure most people who live in tribes would have know at least their own tribal language, and then a euro language depending on the area they live in... but then again I have no clue what awakened africa is like.
Jan 6 2005, 04:46 AM
Actually, forget SOTA 2064. I think it's about time I played a straight up street sam. There's plenty of good stuff in Man & Machine for me to choose from. I'll save my spy character for another campaign.
Jan 6 2005, 07:16 AM
PanzergeistAnswer to first postYes the team would have been working together for the better part of a year. Primary languages would be English, but other african languages would also be beneficial.
SOTA64 I have on back order but it has not arrived as yet. But SOTA 64 gear and others would be very high tech for the setting. These are 3 world countries, so SOTA 64 would be corp orientated. But I will brief on character gen of the availabilities, Maybe I will have SOTA 64 in 2 weeks time who knows.
Answer to second post All arch types and other are welcome. So play what ever you would be comfortable with.
MaxxiAfrican Languages
Arabic, Hausa, Swahili, akan, Amharic, fulfulde/Pulaar, Igbo, Ganda, mende/Bandi/Loki, chewa/Nyanja, Kikuyu, kpelle, krio/Pidgin, Lingala, Oromo, shona, Somali, Tigrinya, wolof, Xhosa/Zulu/swazi/Ndebele, Yoruba Bemba, Malagasy, Ruanda/rundi, temne and tsonga. That is some of the languages
African Language reference that I would be using.
Euro languages
portuguese, French and Spanish
Jan 6 2005, 07:28 PM
Hmm...working on a phys adept tracker/sniper/wilderness guide...
Jan 6 2005, 10:03 PM
Are we from Africa? Europe? UCAS? Does it matter?
If we're not from/starting in Africa, are we taking the job in [base city] and traveling to Africa?
I have an elf merc I'm toying around with.
Jan 7 2005, 02:53 AM
I was thinking of a playing a ghoul (a normal one, not a long armed one). One who would work as a sort of modern hunter-of-humans.
Jan 7 2005, 07:33 AM
That sound good. Maybe Pro hunter if you from africa.(Just an idea) You are on a good track this character. I wait for your Background.
Where you are from is of no importance. The team will be working out of Africa. The starting point, could be any country from central to south Africa, pending background of the bio's
Ghouls, I have no objection to that. But but you bio's background would have to work around the rest of the teams. Hunter of human would make you a prime target if they found out. Lepprosy - can be assosiated
Please feel free to discuss back grounds with each other. You could be brother/sisters, personal friends, child hood friend, the play is open. Remember background/Histories first.
Jan 12 2005, 04:51 PM
Have you received SOTA 2064 yet? I am working on my spy character concept, but he really needs that book's content to be complete.
Jan 13 2005, 07:00 AM
Okay... I have not recieved the books as yet... But I am going to Let people use SOTA 63. and 64. BUT you have to send me the details of the Equipment, and its uses.... As I don't have the books as yet I don't have reference to the equipment please furnish me the details and I will review.
Jan 13 2005, 03:00 PM
When would the campaign start? I'll be out of the country at the end of jan and until early feb. Wouldn't make much sense for me to submit a character bio if I would be missing the initial meet
Jan 14 2005, 09:40 AM
I e-mailed my bio. Working on the technical side now. Is cultured bioware allowed at character generation?
Jan 18 2005, 08:43 AM
The IC on OOC will only be starting on 1 Feb 2005.. Things have seem to ge very slow on the recruitment side. desision is yours.
I have recieved your bio. I have read it over... Very Interesting.
I have a very sketchy lay out from you, I see where you going. Please fill in some more detail when you can.
So far that all I have. So if any one is prepared for this I will run the adventure. if the submission dont increase by this afternoon.
Jan 19 2005, 08:12 AM
Okay Interest is small I have to players.
Panzergiest and Whizbang.
Aes if you are interested You can join when you are back... I will place you in, thats of course if Whiz and panzer have no objection...
I am going to leave the recruitment open for any of those who ready and would like to join.
Whizbang and Panzergiest
Create your characters.... If you find that 2 players is not enough discuss it, and let me know if you would like to continue or not.
Jan 19 2005, 08:41 AM
I'm fine with just two players, and letting in any others who are interested afterwards.
Jan 19 2005, 12:22 PM
Not sure how I missed this thread before, but I'll have a character in some time today for you. I look forward to joining in.
What sorts of characters have we got so far?
Jan 19 2005, 01:04 PM
I figured there would be more interest, so didn't really pay attention to the thread again after the first read.
I'm interested, and second Sphynx's request for a character review.
Jan 19 2005, 01:41 PM
Current character thoughts is a Shaman Warrior, A 30ish warrior who has a combat-type totem. No cyber/bio, just magic and skills. Tribe was wiped out by runners who sought a magical artifact they kept, a holy symbol of sorts. Warrior hunted them down, and returned the item, but met members (who were also after the same runners maybe?) of his current 'team' in the process. Kinda need a feel for some of the other characters to work the story out some. Guaranteed not to be 2 to 10 pages in length though unless I use a really large font.
Jan 19 2005, 01:43 PM
If you're still short on players, I could probably cook somehting up -- But starting friday and a week on I'll be unavailable (going skiing). I'll tooss a sheet youyr way asap
Jan 19 2005, 09:44 PM
My character is a spy type. I think we definately need more than 2 players. Four to six would be ideal. I'll create my stats sometime this week.
Jan 19 2005, 11:11 PM
Thinking about a 'Great White Hunter' type. Details are slowly coming together, but it's a process.
Jan 20 2005, 12:01 AM
Teddy Roosevelt with an elephant gun and stupid white shorts. That would be cool.
Jan 20 2005, 12:34 AM
For some reason my char is making me think of Crocodile Dundee's African cousin...
Jan 20 2005, 09:41 AM
Character Background:
[ Spoiler ]
Born in the jungles of Kenya, Xola was often considered by most people to be a stocky pigmy. Very few in the region, where the average height for a human is under 5 feet, realized that the dwarf was even a seperate race. Whereas Elves, Orcs and especially Trolls were treated quite differently, dwarves were treated much like Elves would be in the taller countries. Life for Xola was nice, although lacking the menial labor of other cultures, the pigmies made a good life from hunting and surviving easily in the most hostile of places. His family loved him, and his affinity for magic made for easy rising of status for the family. By the age of 24, Xola was completely at peace with the world, his Leopard totem seem to purr from such contentment. Before the age of 25 though, his world was turned upside down. White Hunters came into the forest of his people, killing everyone they saw, and stealing from the small village cave, the most sacred heirloom of their ancestors, a statue of the mother goddess. All of his family was killed in the seemingly random attack, leaving Xola with no room for anything in his heart except revenge. He tracked the murderers down within minutes, and from the protection of the forest, personally killed every one of them, but not before finding out from one of them that they'd been hired from a rather wealthy french entrepreneur who happened to also be a religious artifact collector. Xola spent the next few years of his life learning about the "outside" world, a dispicable place where man pushed nature as far as he could from his home. After years of searching, learning the subtle arts of hitchhiking, and squatting in the process, he found his family's killer, the one who hired the assassins. He sat outside the walled world that his enemy laid within, and waited until Leopard took him to a part of the wall that was being breached. Although tensions ran high at first, the Runners who were repaying the enemies negative karma by stealing that which was his, allowed Xola to sneak in with them, to avenge his family. The french lord ended his dream that night by being gutted like a pig, and desecrated like only a pagan could do. Only after having quenched his thirst for revenge did Xola realize within his soul what precisely he'd done. Since then he's sworn to never take another life, and not be so completely swallowed by such negative emotions. He has returned to Africa to cleanse his soul of the evil he's performed in the name of revenge, and although he has no family anymore, he hopes to find peace here. (Continuation of story when another player has something that I can attach to).
Character Stats:
[ Spoiler ]
Priority A: Leopard Shaman
Priority B: Resources - 400,000
Priority C: Attributes - 24
Priority D: Dwarf
Priority E: Skills
Body: 6
Strength: 3
Quickness: 5
Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 3
Willpower: 7
Essence: 6
Magic: 6
Reaction: 5
Intitiative: 1d6
Combat Pool: 8d6
Spell Pool: 6d6
Sorcery: 6
Athletics: 5
Stealth: 5
Conjuring: 4
Unarmed: 4
Etiquette: 2
- Tribal: 4
Animal Lore: 5
Astrology: 5
Herbal Lore: 5
Animal Tracking: 4
Wilderness Survival: 5
English: 4
- Read/Write: 2
French: 4
- Read/Write: 2
+8 Spell Points = 200,000
Force 3 Sustaining Focus (Imp Invis) = 45,000
Force 3 Sustaining Focus (Incr Rflxs) = 45,000
Force 3 Sustaining Focus (Levitate) = 45,000
Force 3 Sustaining Focus (Stealth) = 45,000
Health Fetish
Low Lifestyle - 3 months
Cursed Karma (Must cleanse his soul of his evil deeds)
Focused Concentration
Bonus Willpower Point
Spirit Affinity (Watchers)
Spells (Outside of Spoiler because the Code tag doesn't work in spoilers):
Spell Name Force Drain Notes Cost ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Heal 6 2(Damage) Fetish for reduced Drain Exclusive for Reduced Cost 4 StunBolt 5 2(Damage) Exclusive for Reduced Cost 3 Imp Invis * 3 2M 6 Incr. Reflxs-3 * 3 2D Caster-Only for Reduced Drain 6 Levitate * 3 3M 6 Stealth * 3 2M 6 Clairaudience 3 2M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Clairvoyance 3 2M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Detox 3 2M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Fast 3 2M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Healthy Glow 3 2L Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Magic Fingers 3 3M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 MindLink 3 2S Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Nutrition 3 2M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Oxygenate 3 3L Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Prophylaxis 3 2L Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Stabilize 3 2M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1 Translate 3 2M Exclusive for Reduced Cost 1
* = Sustaining Focus Purchased/Bonded
Jan 20 2005, 10:24 AM
I must apologise for not responding to post made on the 19th JAn 05, due to technical issues with or adsl.
Firstly Sphynx and Fortune
Yes go ahead and prepare, Whizband and Panzergiest are already submitted histories. SO, get that under the belt and we can move forward.
If nobody has any objections when you get back from your skiing you are welcome to join..
Blow your hair back, you may want to discuss a bit with Whizbang. You may have a mutual interest.. Check it out with your Character Creation.
That sound great.
Note to All
If you are using the SR character generator great you can send the documnet to me. IF you have penciled pushed the Charactor sheet. Could you rewrite it to Word or Excel.
Mail me at
I follow the posts avidly from monday to friday. Weekend, I don't log on, SO you all will have your weekend.
Any other questions, please post them. Just incase someone has the same question
Jan 20 2005, 11:10 PM
Is cultured bioware allowed?
Jan 20 2005, 11:30 PM
Fortune, you ever use those messengers listed in your profile?
Jan 20 2005, 11:59 PM
Very rarely. I just noticed that my character concept seems to be a carbon copy of yours ... or at least what you have written about yours. I think I'm going to have to rethink somewhat.
Jan 20 2005, 11:59 PM
D-d-d-double post!
Jan 21 2005, 12:18 AM
Great minds think alike
Jan 21 2005, 01:04 AM
Yeah, but as much as I like the character's concept, I don't wanna be stepping on any toes.
Jan 21 2005, 01:21 AM
Need to get the background typed out's the char sheet.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Hunter
Metatype: Human
Archetype: Phys Adept
Bod: 4
Quik: 6
Str: 4
Cha: 4
Int: 6
Will: 6
Combat Pool: 9
Spell Pool: 6
Essence: 6.00
Magic: 6
Reaction 6
Initative: 1d6
Active Skills:
Rifles 6
Pistols 4
Stealth 4
Unarmed Combat 4
Athletics 4
Etiquette 4
Wilderness Survival 4
Knowledge Skills:
Botany 5
Zoology 5
Parabotany 5
Parazoology 5
Tribal Politics 5
Tourist Trivia 5
Language Skills:
English 4
English R/W 2
Swahili 1
Mende 1
Ganda 1
Yoruba 1
Zulu 1
Sense of Direction
Animal Empathy
Good Reputation 2
Friends in High Places
True Beliver (Wildlife conservation)
Hunted 2
Intolerance (Sport Hunters)
Adept Abilities:
Traceless Walk
Improved Scent
Enhanced Hearing
Sound Filter 5
Vision Mag 3
Low Light Vision
Thermo Vision
Improved Ability: Rifles 4
Improved Ability: Stealth 4
Sixth Sense
Side Step
Remington 950
Ceska vz/120
Narcoject Rifle
10 Narcoject darts
18 Round Clip (EX Explosive) x 3
18 Round Clip (Gel) x 2
18 Round Clip (Regular)
5 Round Clip (Ex Explosive) x 5
5 Round Clip (Gel) x 5
5 Round Clip (Regular) x 5
Large Flashlight
Basic Pocket Secretary
Wrist phone w/Flip up screen
Swiss army knife
Canteen and mess kit
Sleeping bag
Ration bars (10 days)
Small Military Rucksack
Small Equipment Pouch
Ascent/Descent Harness
Ascent/Descent Kit
Rappelling Gloves
Rope (50 meters)
Secure Jacket
Land Rover Pickup
Handling 5/3
Speed acel 80/6
body 2/0
sig nav 2 /-
cargo load 15/400
seating 2+6
Jan 21 2005, 07:10 AM
Mine looks almost identical in the skills department. He differs in that mine is a cybered dude, who is in no way whatsoever a conservationist, but other than that ...
Jan 21 2005, 02:18 PM
Where exactly is this going to be located? I need to know where my contacts should be.
Jan 24 2005, 12:47 PM
PanzergiestBioware. if it is in any of the books and meets the requirements of character creation. Why not.
This is a tough one but did I fail to mention it.
Central to Southern Africa.
WhizbangPlease could you email the document as requested. Please, histories straight to me, no posting in spoilers. Just mail me.
FortuneIf your blue print is like Whizbangs see on how you can make it different.
I am not going to slam anyone one for Carbon copies of character sheet.
Note to allWhizbang and Sphynx I have you characters. History, Whizbang still waiting for your refined. Panzergiest I am waiting for you character.
AesJust let us know what is happening.
Jan 24 2005, 03:59 PM
For some reason I thought I had already sent it to you...
Jan 25 2005, 06:47 AM
Thanks Whizbang.
Its just Panzergiest I am waiting for now.
Jan 26 2005, 11:53 AM
Jan 26 2005, 10:51 PM
I'll have it in by tonight.
Jan 27 2005, 06:35 AM
Closing date for the character sheets is friday. But no later than Sunday.
Jan 27 2005, 11:47 AM
Jan 29 2005, 01:15 AM
Took to hugging trees at terminal velocity and got home a little early.
I'll see if I can cook something up before limping back to my painkillers. Heck, most of my good ideas seem to crop up while heavily medicated anyhow
Or not.... Bleh. All I seem to come up with is rehashes of the same char over and over again. I'll give it a crack after some rest and have it sent your way saturday evening at the latest.
Jan 29 2005, 04:06 PM
Sent a profile your way now. Tried to balance out the hunter and mage, so I mixed up a face with a few bits of rigger and covert ops specialist in her to fill in the remaining bases. Probably won't be bringing her own aircraft or chopper though, what with anything that flies being that expensive and high-availability.
Sent! Waiting for word on wether stuff needs changing
Still waiting on a go/no-go from mr. Johnson on the character. But just in case, here's an abbrevated version of the bio and character sheet I sent him. (No need to list every single gadget bought, nor things she wouldn't have told everyone else). Still subject to change of course if there's something Johnson would like me to change - or the pc is a no-go. And I added a few changes and omissions not in the actual character sheet/bio. Reasoning behind it being that nothing not in the two spoiler tags below would be something the character would have freely told in less than a year.
[ Spoiler ]
Current name: Kelly McLoughlin
Height: 195cm
Weight: 72kg
Hair: Red, short cropped
Eyes: Green
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Obvious cyberware: Datajack on left side if the neck
Kelly has a tall, lithe build with obvious elven features -- Fully conforming to the stereotypical elf, with slanting green eyes, high cheekbones, generous lips and fair, pale skin. She keeps her hair shoulder-length and in a perpetual mess unless the occasion is formal - sometimes using hairspray to maintain the hairs volume.
She typically dresses in whatever's practical and comfortable; baggy streetwear with enough pockets to carry whatever knickknacks she thinks she'll end up needing. More often than not she wears something sleveless, showing off the barcode tattoo on her left shoulder.
To put a single word to Kelly: She's a daredevil.
According to herself, she's been an adrenaline junkie since she were 14, she spent much of her youth at the airbase, watching her father flying T-birds and jetplanes. She hasn't spoken much of why she left her family for Africa - or indeed who or where her family is, though she has dropped hints on occasion that she's looking for somoene. She's slightly cocky, but seldom excessively so. So far, she hasn't claimed she could do something she didn't pull off eventually. She's willing to try most anything once and cheerfully sets about whatever tasks are tossed at her if she thinks they'll lead to the next adrenaline rush.
The cheerfulness carries over into her people interactions. She beleives most anything can be accomplished with the right word at the right time. She's loath to have others suffering by her hand - to the point she refuses to carry live
ammunition in her sidearm. She looks with distaste upon live ammunition and edged melee weapons, but hasn't been shy in the past for sending a handful of neuro-stun bullets or gel rounds in the direction of trouble.
She were introduced to you about 12 months ago as a pilot for places hard to get to, which has been a mixed blessing. She has a knack for getting people just about everywhere when given a vehicle, but it's usually best not to eat before setting foot in anything she's piloting, lest you risk tasting it again coming back up. According to her, anything that flies was meant to soar less than 10 meters above ground level, and never at less than full throttle.
Character sheet:
[ Spoiler ]
Bod: 4(6)
Qck: 8
Str: 2
Cha: 8
Int: 8
Wil: 3
Rea: 8
Ini: 3
Ess: 2.05
Magic: 0
Impulsive (-2)
Pacifist (-2)
Bad Karma (-5) (Constantly pushing her luck)
Bonus attribute: Qck (2)
Good Reputation: Lv2 (2)
Daredevil (3) (Yay adrenaline junkie!)
Vehicle Empathy (2)
Active skills:
Pistols: 6
Athletics: 4
Stealth: 6
Etiquette: 6
Negotiation: 6
Biotech (First Aid): 1(3)
Electronics(Maglocks): 3(5)
Vector Thrust Aircraft (6)
Knowledge/Language skills:
Wilderness Survival (Jungle): 4(6)
Navigation: 6
Background - Gunnery: 4
Elven Society: 5
Paranormal Animals: 6
Racing Sports: 5
Smuggler havens: 4
Smuggling routes: 5
English (R/W): 3(1)
Sperethiel (R/W): 3(1)
French (R/W): 2(1)
Spanish (R/W): 2(1)
Portugese (R/W): 2(1)
Kelly has only mentioned muscle replacements when asked, but hasn't denied having more. She claims the muscle replacements were added to get her up and running again in a hurry after a crash a few years back. When pressed for details, she always dodges the questions.
In the past 12 months, Kelly has used or admitted to carrying the following cyberware:
Dermal Sheath [1]
Vehicle Control Rig [2]
Smartlink II
Cybernetic eyes w. built-in camera, image link and low-light vision
Headware memory
Savalette guardian sidearm, stock model
Plenty of gel and capsule rounds.
Jungle camouflage clothing
Pocket Secretary
Transceiver w. encryption/decryption module, modified to connect to her datajack
A full suite of camping and climbing gear
Well-stocked medikit with about a dozsen extra slap-patches
"Muddy", her modified Toyota Gopher. Comes with 2 seats in the front, a bench seat in the back and the remaining space filled with electronics and concealed armor. She picked the car up about 6 months ago as a means to get about whenever the Johnson didn't make aerial transportation available.
She keeps a pleasant apartment in the outskirts of Johannesburg. She's given the keycodes for the door to anyone who asked in exchange for a promise not to bring strangers over, raid the fridge and leaving their dirty underwear on the couch. IT's a pretty ritzy place, with a well-stocked freezer, air condition and plenty of room. The spare bedroom has been converted into storeage, usually holding her spare gear. She hasn't been home much lately, staying at a cabin some distance out of town climbing with some guy she met last month.
Jan 31 2005, 06:25 AM
Aes Sound good I have just got your mail I will look it through.. Looks good already , just rad through it in detail during the coarse of this monday morning.
Jan 31 2005, 08:32 AM
If it's ok, I'd like to do some minor gear shuffling. Cut a few slap patches or field rations out and replace it with DSMO for the capsule rounds to go with the neuro-stun. Just realized its a gas, not a liquid. I R STOOPID.
Jan 31 2005, 10:49 AM
Do the changes and resubmit I have not read it as yet.
Jan 31 2005, 01:03 PM
Done and done.
Jan 31 2005, 01:11 PM
Got room for another character?
Feb 1 2005, 01:26 PM
We are sitting at four strong. I will ask the other how they would feel about and extra hand... Just watch this space. Will advise.
What dow you have in mind ?
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