Jan 9 2005, 08:07 AM
Having gotten into Shadowrun at a poorly chosen time (less than a year before FASA went under), I was able to find only 4 books at the local retailers: Shadowrun 3rd, New Seattle, Corporate Download, and First Run. I've used them some (tried to convert my D&D group, with some success, but then we all moved to different areas thanks to jobs and school and whatnot).
Anyway, it's pretty obvious a lot has happened since then in Shadowrun, and at best, I'm current through 2061. I'd like to get a bit caught up.
So, if you guys had to recommend two or three books to add to my collection, which would they be?
Any other tips/info for a player returning from quite a few years away would be appreciated, as well.
Jan 9 2005, 10:47 AM
the best thing I have found to help my knowledge of roleplaying SR as well as what things can be accomplished is to read novels. The novels are very hard to find right now, but check local used book stores, and the internet. Ebay usually has a bunch.
Suggested titles...
Perhaps the best (IMHO) first starting novel out there.
Never Trust an Elf
Very good for showing just how the lower half of shadowrun's metas live
Run Hard Die Fast
Argent is just a bad-ass
Hope it helps some.
Jan 9 2005, 01:22 PM
By the titles you quote, I'm assuming you're interested in sourcebook material too. If that is the case of the recent batch I strongly suggest:
Sprawl Survival Guide - Your insider's look at life in the Sixties.
Shadows of... series - Regional sourcebooks updating OOP location books and introducing new material. Currently North America and Europe are available, Asia is to follow in the Spring.
SOTA63 & SOTA64 - Both include "themed" rules expansions (mercs, adepts, espionage, magic, corp security, etc), but also annual setting updates in the cool "Culture Shock" which expands on ongoing metaplots and minor plots.
Year of the Comet - 2061 mixed things up with several major events and a couple of new twists to Sixth World.
Dragons of the Sixth World - Provides a wealth of info on draconic powerplayers and their new status quo, just like Corporate Download did for the megas. Mileage varies depending on style of play.
If you're American and have no problem with online shopping, I also suggest trying Stiggybaby's as a source, since Amazon is notoriously unreliable with FanPro material.
Jan 9 2005, 03:23 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
If you're American and have no problem with online shopping, I also suggest trying Stiggybaby's as a source, since Amazon is notoriously unreliable with FanPro material. |
Yes, they are. I'm still waiting for SOTA: 2064 that I ordered last October.
Tick: You also might want to pick up the Brainscan campaign book, as it updates the Renraku Arcology shutdown situation. And it's a few runs in a can (though some reconstitution is required), if you need them.
Jan 10 2005, 06:02 AM
I found Renraku Arcology Shutdown to be one of those few sourcebooks that I can just sit down and read. I even wrote a book report on it my senior year in high school.
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