James McMurray
Jan 11 2005, 11:41 PM
I haven't seen Rigger 3 yet, is it enough of an improvement over Rigger 2 that its worth the money, or can I get by just converting R2?
Jan 11 2005, 11:52 PM
Pick up Rigger 3 Revised. It's worth it.
James McMurray
Jan 12 2005, 12:44 AM
Can you give me a rundown of some of the changes that make it worthwhile?
Jan 12 2005, 12:50 AM
Pretty much everything worth mentioning was changed in some manner.
James McMurray
Jan 12 2005, 01:17 AM
Change doesn't always mean better. Can anyone even give me a few examples of how things improved?
Kanada Ten
Jan 12 2005, 01:48 AM
R3R has pictures? Though they're from the original RBB and thus outdated. Personally, I don't think you need R3R if you have R2 unless you have a spare 30$ and a rigger happy player.
senior drekface
Jan 12 2005, 03:35 AM
I never got Rigger 2 but recently picked up Rigger 3. I find it to be one of the best sorcebooks I have read. I am using a bunch more drones and cars in my games now.
Jan 12 2005, 04:22 AM
Yeah, the section with New Toys makes it worth having, for me anyhow. I don't recall if naval guns and the like were in R2...I don't believe so...
Jan 12 2005, 04:29 AM
Naval guns and stuff for R2 rules were in cyberpirates.
James McMurray
Jan 12 2005, 03:24 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. I'll hold off on Rigger 3 and just use Rigger 2. If a player wants to play a rigger and really wants to be 3rd edition compliant I'll let them pick it up.
Jan 12 2005, 06:37 PM
I can't find my Riger2 anymore, but have R3. Things I miss the most, rules for anthroforms, and the stats for the Jabberwock missle. Those things were great!
Jan 13 2005, 11:00 PM
I like Rigger 3 on the whole, but the original printing was just about the worst edited Shadowrun Sourcebook ever. They even included typos that were present in Rigger 2.

A good many of the rules changes are nice and useful, but some weren't so nice. One personal pet peeve of mine is that they changed the aircraft take-off and landing rules. In Rigger 2 the take-off and landing distances were a function of the aircracft's body. In Rigger 3 its a set distance, so your Body 1 Fixed wing Drone and your Body 9 airliner have the same take-off and landing profile. STOL and VSTOL help somewhat, but you're still left with ridiculous distances.
Some of the things I did like are the inclusion of sizes of assembled and unassembled drones, and some new vehicle options for things like Photo-voltaic paint, morphing license plates, etc....
Jan 13 2005, 11:03 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
I can't find my Riger2 anymore, but have R3. Things I miss the most, rules for anthroforms, and the stats for the Jabberwock missle. Those things were great! |
The Jabberwock missile is in Cannon Companion.
Personally, I find R3 to be interesting. Evil to players, but interesting.
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