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What is the maximum hardening that a deck can support under 3rd ed? I havn't been able to find one either in the Core rules or in the Matrix book

5, I think. No books
In 2ed, I thikn it was your MPCP/3. In 3rd ed, I 've had a pretty hard time finding it myself. I think I remember it being 5 as well, but I haven't been able to find any rules for requirements as far as other deck componets (as in 2nd ed).
I play it as being max5, but still have the max also limited by your mpcp. Hardening isn't all that expensive. If you can have a deck w/ MPCP8, and 5 hardening..... well that's just no fun for the GM.
Stock Fairlight Excalibur has a 6. This indicates to me that the maximum is more than that
QUOTE (Gauvain)
Stock Fairlight Excalibur has a 6. This indicates to me that the maximum is more than that

Maybe Fairlight uses a patented process not available to the public. biggrin.gif
MPCP. See The Shadowrun FAQ

What's the maximum rating you can raise Hardening to?
Hardening cannot be of a rating higher than the deck's MPCP rating.
Thank you!

That really should be in the errata.
Which is one of the advantages that Deckers have over Otaku, they can really pump the Hardening up high.
QUOTE (Ecclesiastes)
Which is one of the advantages that Deckers have over Otaku, they can really pump the Hardening up high.

Eh? You know an Otaku PC with less than 6 Willpower? Or that his Willpower Attribute Max was less than 12?
yeah, but that means that an otaku's hardening caps at 6 (not counting echoes, which are too expensive to waste on that), whereas a decker's caps at MPCP.
Dont forget the edge "Natural Hardening".
An otaku's Hardening caps at Willpower. Most otakus I've seen has 9-10 Willpower.
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