Jan 17 2005, 02:57 PM
hi Chummers,
i`m looking for rules about voodoo in shadowrun. Any ideas?
Ancient History
Jan 17 2005, 03:29 PM
Magic in the Shadows for 3rd Edition; Awakenings, Target: SMuggler Havens, and Cyberpirates! for 2nd.
Crimson Jack
Jan 17 2005, 07:32 PM
Syrro, are you creating a PC houngan? If so, let me know what you're working on. My main character is a houngan. I'd be interested in what you're doing.
Jan 17 2005, 09:51 PM
Aye, if you're involved in a 2nd Ed. campaign, the 2nd Ed. magic sourcebook also has voodoo rules.
Jan 17 2005, 09:54 PM
QUOTE (ShortBusFury) |
Aye, if you're involved in a 2nd Ed. campaign, the 2nd Ed. magic sourcebook also has voodoo rules. |
Which was already mentioned ... by name even.
Jan 17 2005, 10:01 PM
Which was already mentioned ... by name even. |
I don't have the names of the 2nd ed. books memorized anymore. Sorry if I have offended anyone's anal sensibilities and double-posted information already given.
Jan 17 2005, 10:07 PM
Grimoire and awakenings. Awakenings (as mentioned by Ancient) I'm pretty sure is the one w/ the voodoo rules.
Jan 17 2005, 10:15 PM
QUOTE (ShortBusFury) |
I don't have the names of the 2nd ed. books memorized anymore. |
Then you probably could have recognized them by reading the second post in the thread.
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
Awakenings, Target: SMuggler Havens, and Cyberpirates! for 2nd. |
Jan 17 2005, 10:18 PM
Oh my gosh! You mean I'm human and I can make mistakes?!? Will wonders never cease... Fortune, you are a god among men. I bow down before thee.
Jan 17 2005, 10:20 PM
Ah, another worshipper.
Seriously though, I forgot to tack on a smiley to my last post.
Hocus Pocus
Jan 18 2005, 01:30 AM
well you can always come down here to New Orleans and ask some of the people who have voodoo shops on how to play one
Jan 18 2005, 01:43 PM
Thanx at all!
@ Crimson Jack:
No, I don't create a PC-Houngan. We have no books for creating a houngan and voodoo is unknown since now.
I want to confront "my" PC's with something misterious: a NPC-Houngan. But I have no rules for creation.
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