Jan 25 2005, 03:56 AM
How exactly does it work, do they have to be active and bonded? just bonded? or just worn? I'm trying to figure out how vulnerable a non-magic char would be if they had an inactive foci on them, or a bonded lock on them.
Jan 25 2005, 04:51 AM
How do they work? The magician or adept buys one or steals one. He spends Karma to bond it. If its a Sustaining Focus then he picks a spell for it to sustain at the time of bonding. Once bonded, the awakened character can turn it on or off by touching it and using an action. Activate Focus is a Simple Action. Deactivate Focus is a Free Action. (SR3 page 105)
A Sustaining Focus is placed on the person who is receiving the spell, and the spell is cast on that person while the magician is still touching the focus. It'll stay active till it is removed from the person or the magician touches it again to Deactive it. The spell can also be dispelled, and the focus can also be attacked/destroyed. That's it.
Foci can not be attacked from astral space unless they are active (turned on). In our game we play that a non-magic character has no way to hide an active focus from the astral plane (some GMs might allow you to hide it inside your clothes or a body cavity). Foci on mundane characters works best if the magician who bonded them is nearby to protect them from astral attacks. The lower the force of a focus, the easier it is to destroy it from astral space.
The only focus I know of that is self-protecting is a sustaining focus with astral barrier.
Jan 25 2005, 05:18 AM
I heard or read somewhere that someone can potentially be hurt from the astral by someone pumping a spell through the focus/lock or something similar and using that as a bridge to the physical world.
Jan 25 2005, 05:18 AM
Jan 25 2005, 05:19 AM
Jan 25 2005, 05:21 AM
Spell locks are from second edition. They no longer exist in SR3 other than at the GM's discretion. Grounding is also second edition, so again GM discretion.
Jan 25 2005, 05:23 AM
QUOTE (Grifter) |
I heard or read somewhere that someone can potentially be hurt from the astral by someone pumping a spell through the focus/lock or something similar and using that as a bridge to the physical world. |
Second edition, no longer exists in 3rd. It was called grounding.
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