I'm doing a sort of spy-on-the-run campaign. I'll give a synopsis below. It's long and complicated, so I'll throw a spoiler tag around it.
[ Spoiler ]
I'm currently running a game where the players are a team of covert operatives for Cross Global Development. Since CGD can't use Seraphim like the rest of Cross Applied Technologies (Seraphim don't trust Aurelius and his people), I decided they would try to form their own espionage network.
I decided that there was a prototype piece of bioware sitting around in CATco R&D that enhanced perception and memory by adding neuron density and interconnectivity to various portions of the brain (giving perception test modifiers and effective "perfect memory" for all of the senses, like an expanded photographic memory edge), but it was shelved because it was too stressful on the body (high bio-index made it non-marketable). However, when Aurelius came over he brought with him a scientist who had developed a ritual surgery procedure that would fool the body into accepting the implant with no difficulties (again, the procedure's too expensive to be marketable but worthwhile for building a spy network from the ground up in only a couple months). This allowed me to give the implant to all characters at chargen with no bio index cost.
The campaign started in Australia, where the group had been on assignment. The catch is that they all wake up with amnesia (moderate retrograde--they couldn't remember the past 2 or 3 years), and they eventually find out that they were caught in a manastorm that placed stress on the implant and caused some minor brain damage in areas of the brain responsible for memory. The first few adventures involved the players trying to figure out what they were doing in Australia (which ended up being working for Tesseract, a division of CATco), rescuing a captured team member, and ultimately trying to get back to Seattle, where they hoped to piece all of this together. During this time they were being watched by a Seraphim agent, who learned of their situation and decided to take the upstart spies out while they were vulnerable.
After doing some more work for Tesseract, the group got the help of a pilot by dealing with the Green Gang Triads for him (the Triads wanted to renegotiate his airstrip privileges after finding out he was smuggling telesma), but the Seraphim agent placed explosives on the plane prior to take-off. The group found and disarmed one, but the other still detonated, and they had to parachute out, ending up in the South Pacific (Christmas Island, which I had as a toxic zone because of the nuke tests done there in the 20th century). They fought mutant junk and a toxic spirit and made it to an abandoned settlement where they were able to repair a generator to power up a radio and get a hold of a nearby Peruvian fishing boat.
They ended up doing a bunch of running around in Peru, eventually coming into contact with the Minister of Economy and Finance, who wanted them to make an attack on a mercenary unit on the Peru-Amazonia border in return for safe travel to the UCAS. It was a double cross, but it didn't matter too much because the head of the espionage network for CGD (the espionage network having no name at this point other than Accounting Division 00523) finally contacted the runners (they had missed the debriefing date for the Australian assignment).
So now, finally in the know about what's going on, the group is reaping megacorporate benefits in return for doing a wide variety of assignments. Things will settle down now a bit, but they'll still be in competition with the Seraphim, not to mention the fact that they owe a favor to the Triads, and they made a few other enemies along the way.
[ Spoiler ]
Feb 4 2005, 07:46 PM
Our current campaign is based on amoral templates and Organized Crime. We are in Las Vegas, which helps as far as setting, and the Ute Nation provides an Anti-Anglo racism that uniquely flavors the PCs personal interactions (I can't remember how many times I've said "We don't serve your kind here, paleskin"). Overall, it's shaping up quite well, better than I had hoped.
Crimson Jack
Feb 4 2005, 10:10 PM
QUOTE (UpSyndrome) |
I'm doing a sort of spy-on-the-run campaign. I'll give a synopsis below. It's long and complicated, so I'll throw a spoiler tag around it.
[ Spoiler ] I'm currently running a game where the players are a team of covert operatives for Cross Global Development. Since CGD can't use Seraphim like the rest of Cross Applied Technologies (Seraphim don't trust Aurelius and his people), I decided they would try to form their own espionage network. I decided that there was a prototype piece of bioware sitting around in CATco R&D that enhanced perception and memory by adding neuron density and interconnectivity to various portions of the brain (giving perception test modifiers and effective "perfect memory" for all of the senses, like an expanded photographic memory edge), but it was shelved because it was too stressful on the body (high bio-index made it non-marketable). However, when Aurelius came over he brought with him a scientist who had developed a ritual surgery procedure that would fool the body into accepting the implant with no difficulties (again, the procedure's too expensive to be marketable but worthwhile for building a spy network from the ground up in only a couple months). This allowed me to give the implant to all characters at chargen with no bio index cost. The campaign started in Australia, where the group had been on assignment. The catch is that they all wake up with amnesia (moderate retrograde--they couldn't remember the past 2 or 3 years), and they eventually find out that they were caught in a manastorm that placed stress on the implant and caused some minor brain damage in areas of the brain responsible for memory. The first few adventures involved the players trying to figure out what they were doing in Australia (which ended up being working for Tesseract, a division of CATco), rescuing a captured team member, and ultimately trying to get back to Seattle, where they hoped to piece all of this together. During this time they were being watched by a Seraphim agent, who learned of their situation and decided to take the upstart spies out while they were vulnerable. After doing some more work for Tesseract, the group got the help of a pilot by dealing with the Green Gang Triads for him (the Triads wanted to renegotiate his airstrip privileges after finding out he was smuggling telesma), but the Seraphim agent placed explosives on the plane prior to take-off. The group found and disarmed one, but the other still detonated, and they had to parachute out, ending up in the South Pacific (Christmas Island, which I had as a toxic zone because of the nuke tests done there in the 20th century). They fought mutant junk and a toxic spirit and made it to an abandoned settlement where they were able to repair a generator to power up a radio and get a hold of a nearby Peruvian fishing boat. They ended up doing a bunch of running around in Peru, eventually coming into contact with the Minister of Economy and Finance, who wanted them to make an attack on a mercenary unit on the Peru-Amazonia border in return for safe travel to the UCAS. It was a double cross, but it didn't matter too much because the head of the espionage network for CGD (the espionage network having no name at this point other than Accounting Division 00523) finally contacted the runners (they had missed the debriefing date for the Australian assignment). So now, finally in the know about what's going on, the group is reaping megacorporate benefits in return for doing a wide variety of assignments. Things will settle down now a bit, but they'll still be in competition with the Seraphim, not to mention the fact that they owe a favor to the Triads, and they made a few other enemies along the way. [ Spoiler ]
Interesting story and bio-tech.
Feb 4 2005, 10:41 PM
Thanks Jack.
Feb 5 2005, 01:10 AM
I`m running my group on a gritty street level and they`ve finally learned how to go about doing their homework and all the other stuff that means the nasty cybered bodyguard of Ricky Wu`s niece doesnt get to fill you full of lead and drop you to deadly.
Most of the team has a decent moral level , that is the Gun Adept who tries not to kill people unless its unavoidable (and DOES NOT do wet work) The elf face/ skillwire jockey who`s more concerned with getting in and out with a job well done and no bullets expended... and then we have the ex mafiaso ork razor-chica, with the drug problem and who is ungodly fast and very dangerous with her cyberspur. Who will do anything to keep the Nuyen flowing and her in her latest addiction.
Throw in the fact they`re involved with a small biotech corporate `war` between Novatech and Shiawase as well as having really annoyed the Triads (the gun adept and the ork) and things are shaping up to be pretty grim and interesting all in one.
Feb 5 2005, 01:57 AM
My game seems to be more moralistic (several "rescue" ops have given them a rep) and more in the hero genre. I personally can't stomach some of the REALLY disgusting things in SR (like Tamanous and bunraku) so I tend to stay away from them, with a few exceptions of course.
However, the Arc shutdown is coming up, so things are getting darker in Seattle.
Feb 5 2005, 11:52 AM
Basic explanations in the spoiler who want 'em.
My PCs are all members of the Spiders gang in Seattle...so things are pretty dark. The game is set in 2057, and one of the characters only just barely got out of Bug City...
The PCs have damn all money, frag all gear, and some neat 'experimental' (read, "unreliable and crap") cyberware that Ares decided to test out on SINless people, and they're deliberately setting off to hunt Bug Spirits.
Lots of menace, little conflict...but when the hammer comes down, it will come down hard.
I strongly suspect I'll be starting another campaign in a very, very short time...
[ Spoiler ]
My player group are a mixed bunch. I have one player who has strict limits to the kind of things she'll do...and two others who will happily wetwork their way across the north american continent.
So, the nice player gets to be all heroic and hunt bug spirits. The scumbag player gets to deal BTLs and go organlegging....and the slightly more violent and morally flexible individual gets to run a protection racket....
[Health warning]
This explanation contained some exaggeration for effect. Exaggeration may be bad for your health.
Feb 5 2005, 12:17 PM
I have always run my games to have a moral and ethical "bottom line", as it were. Without it shadowrunners are just murdering mad dogs
Sometimes the line can get a little blurred - wetwork isn't completely out of the question, it just depents on who (think Martin Blank) - but it is rarely crossed completely, and the last time it was the runner in question was captured by his colleagues and turned over to Lone Star.
I even remember a retrieval run - "bring us this rock band so we can make them sign a contract" - where the group specified they would bring the band in for negotiations, but if the band wanted to leave afterwards they would make sure that happened too. One of the runners played pub gigs around Seattle, so they had a kind of fellow feeling
Feb 5 2005, 01:44 PM
That was a cool thing of the group to do, DrJest.
My players are also mixed. No real mad dogs though.
Orc rigger Kurt Miller from CalFree. Has a military background from Pueblo, and does spy footage of famous people for CalHot sims as a side gig. No goodie two shoes but prefers not to kill people unnecessarily.
Orc decker simply calling himself Johnsson. Azzie outcast who dresses in a black suit despite living in Puyalup gangland. He always been using stun rounds.
XS, human samurai. Fits the shadowrunner stereotype perfectly, down to always waring sunglasses. He´s stone cold effective, so who ever gets in the way...
Dwarf mage detective by the name of Mycroft Cunningham. Clean shaven and scrawny dwarf with sort of a Sherlock Holms complex. He seems to be bent on preventing violence alltogether.
Balam, human amazonian shaman. The player insists on being so mysterious, I simply don´t know what to expect. He´s following Moon.
I´m mostly doing the published runs, so you can propably figure what the overall tone is.
Feb 6 2005, 09:45 AM
Our overall feel is basically normal people (plus magic and cyberware) dealing with their lives and their very high-risk self employment. They've ranged from assassins who'd kill their teammates for a decent price to dedicated pacifists who are only there due to personal interest in another team member.
In most cases, I guess in our group it comes down to why we run, not how we run.
The tone changes with the characters. Games with Sahandrian and Yue tend to be more "good" because they tend to try and keep themselves at a moral level they'd be comfortable with their young children knowing about.
Games with Malkav and Ceres tend to be a little grittier due to their darker backgrounds (Bug City and a sadistic stalker ex-boyfriend, respectively), but still good-aligned, and often weirder, because they get tied up in magic things.
Games with Six, Fireball, or Drake tend to be very gritty due to their willingness to pull almost any job and Drake's backstabbing (he has quoted Machiavelli and similar people in explaining his actions).
Finally, games with Dot, Zem, Ler, and Rei tend to be silly, and are pure hell for an inexperienced GM due to their complete inability to follow a plot or plan of any kind.
Feb 6 2005, 02:50 PM
We have three main gm's and each gorup has a different feel.
When I GM, the players tend to be more cold and business like. I don't know why.
but they are mercinary willing to take a contract for any money.
With another GM we run a military campaign in CFS against the japanese, and tenk to be more violent. Think Arnold Schwartzzenagger or Steven Segal movies.
With our Main GM the characters tend to be more indevidualistic. Mine tend to be more "doing good work" but others are more likely to look at the bottom line. they might take a contract on someone, but mine won't.
Feb 6 2005, 03:02 PM
My last group was playing young-street-level-bored-post-highschool wannabes. For the most part it was gang related and gritty without the darker elaments, like blood magic, etc. They were neophytes, but their world was going to get pretty complicated and sinister just after we quit to play that other game
Feb 6 2005, 08:40 PM
I've run the same basic campaign off and on for several years with different characters.
The setting is 2059 in Detroit with the corp war as a back drop. I'll sped a bit of time focusing on various aspects of the 6th world, but in the end I've got 3 "main" plot lines. You have the whole Ares internal rivalries, the CATCo Seraphim stuff. I've also set up a street gang that's been pushing a custom drug in my campaign for years. Backing the gang is a criminal organization headed up by an Ant Shaman. I love the Earthdawn connection so I throw some shady global conspiracy stuff in every once in a while, but I don't beat my players over the head with it. It's more like a garnish to the main course. We have started going to the stable idea so my players can experience different runs with different characters. My players are pretty good, and even if they refuse to take a job, (even if it's just one character) I can find some trouble for them to get into. I try to keep the pay for the jobs under 6 figures unless it's "The Big One". That keeps the players on the edge. I guess if I would describe the overall tone it would be High Tension-Fight for Survival.
Feb 7 2005, 03:23 PM
I just discussed the next campaign I am setting up (to begin in March or April) with my players. We will be going for a massive, world changing level of run with very elite level characters. I anticipate that the types of things they will go up against will be dark and unspoken of in public, but those in the know will be seriously scared of the threats.
Feb 8 2005, 01:46 AM
I suppose the tone of my game would be more mystical than anything. Weird techno-magical drek happens, and the characters can either try to understand it, or work around it to do their jobs. So far, they've consistently chosen the latter. The game is set in Chicago, and the game date is August 20, 2055, so perhaps that's appropriate.
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