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Ancient History
Something interesting I'd like to note. Sperethiel, we all know, is the Elvish language. But what does the word itself mean?

Sperethiel 1. Speech/language 2.The Elven language

Now, breaking this down into its obvious component parts, we have:

Speren harmony, peacefullness
thiel Music. Poetically, a pleasing sound.

Literally then, Sperethiel means "Peaceful or harmonious music/pleasing sounds". But, if you note the "n" dropped from the first component, you can perceive another component:

reth Elf. Literally "Listener of harmony"

Now, we can see the second translation of Sperethiel: "Peaceful or harmonious Elven music/pleasing sounds." Or, for the longer version: " harmonious music of the Listeners of harmony." Or something ot that effect.

I only mention this as interesting, especially when you note:

Caynreth Daughter of Alamaise, First Speaker of Harmony in Elven myth.

Which, of course, begs the question of the difference between a Speaker of Harmony and a Listener of Harmony.

'Course, I'm just bringing this up for the young'uns. Us old hands have all porbably noticed this before, aye? wink.gif

Nope. Been on Shadowrun since '92 and I have never noticed… What are your sources?

Wait, I know, I've looked it up: the Tir Tairngire book from '93. cool.gif

Ken Peters talked some years ago—back when SoNA was published—that he developed some more notes on Sperethiel, and that he would like to publish them some time. I'd be very glad to see them.

Would be nice to have Sperethiel more developed. At least as much as Tolkien developed Eldarin. Very nice indeed…
Now, the Sperethiel word that I like is morkhan, it has always brought memories of the old Miracle Man video clip from Ozzy Osbourne… nyahnyah.gif
Ancient History
Well, Karmacoma, one of the reasons I collected all sperethiel words ever published in my on-line dictionary was so I'd never, ever, have to beat the crap out of myself finding my sources again. You should drop by
Uh… nice tip! wink.gif
Ancient History
Sorry, I'm an attention-whore.
QUOTE (Ancient History)
Caynreth Daughter of Alamaise, First Speaker of Harmony in Elven myth.

Which, of course, begs the question of the difference between a Speaker of Harmony and a Listener of Harmony.

Well, in ED the dragons called themselves "Name-Makers" rather than "Name-Givers." The distinction between a Speaker of Harmony and a Listener of Harmony would be made as an allusion to the true heritage of the Great Elves, yes?

Blood Wood p.26:
"And they Named her Caynreth, the First Listener of Harmony."

Are there references to Caynreth in texts other than The Blood Wood sourcebook?
Ancient History
The Dragons.pdf I could have sworn she was listed as first SPeaker of Harmony...damn, now I have to go check.
Caynreth is also mentionned in Dragons, as the First Listener of Harmony (p72)

I don't know if she appears elsewhere.
Does this mean that Alamaise nuked his own offspring? Or does it imply that Alachia was called Cayreth at birth?
QUOTE (Wireknight)
Does this mean that Alamaise nuked his own offspring?

What do you really mean ?

There was a battle between Alamaise and his offspring, and Alamaise lost it, but it was his offspring who rebelled against him.

QUOTE (Wireknight)
Or does it imply that Alachia was called Cayreth at birth?

Ancient History
Alachia was born later and over in the Western kingdoms (as far as can be told).

Seems I goofed on the Caynreth thing. Wonder if "cayn" means "first." Twould' be the first hint I've yet had to the Elven system of math, if it t'was.
Now seriously, Ancient History, you should create a Fourth World History consulting firm… nyahnyah.gif
Ancient History
Riiight. Oh, this DOES remind me:

QUOTE (Shadowbeat)
Glerethiel Morkhan, of course, Elvish.  It is supposed to bea pun meaning "Keeper in the Monkey House," "Inbreeding Causes Stupidity," and a third-level meaning that is untranslatable but pretty filthy.

Now, I can't vouch for what most of that Trideo show's name would mean...but, well:
Morkhan n. a fornicator of swine
Well. As a purely made up language (and not even a consistent one) it's pretty amusing to see analysis of it. I did work out an expanded vocabulary and some internal logic for the "new" Sperethiel in SONA and have a little dictionary for it. I'm NOT a linguist though, if you are one by trade then send me an email wink.gif

The canonical sources for the language are some phrases in the novels, Tir Tairngire, and the Blood Wood sourcebook. A few new ones crop up when the authors decide they need a cool 'elven' word for something (like the term for the contest between Ehran and Harlie in the Harlequin module).

Hmm. I still have the big email sitting in my inbox actually...

Some new phrases:

Zig cirolle perest se'faskit-ha! = "Move Zig, for great justice!"
Iluve ke'tesri teleg ve'fa = "All your base are belong to us."
Ve'morkhamnagee od ve'mieri ke'delduathdil! = "You love to sleep with swine, and your mother sleeps with demons."
Valauko makkanagee eo'nit Tir na nOg oro baug'escar = "The ignorant (and wiseass) assholes from Tir na nOg are keeping us down!"
QUOTE (Tzeentch)
Well. As a purely made up language (and not even a consistent one) it's pretty amusing to see analysis of it. I did work out an expanded vocabulary and some internal logic for the "new" Sperethiel in SONA and have a little dictionary for it. I'm NOT a linguist though, if you are one by trade then send me an email wink.gif

Well, it's not purely made up. A lot of the sperethiel words are exactly as they are in gaelic. Bratach Ghael, for instance.

And, the campaign I'm in takes place in TT, and the other GM actually is a linguist, so if I can find your email address I'll email ya. wink.gif
Senor 187
What about the hypothetical ork language?
Kanada Ten
Its called "English" I believe.
Arcanum V
QUOTE (Senor 187 @ Sep 10 2003, 08:08 PM)
What about the hypothetical ork language?

I use Marc Okrand's Klingon Dictionary for the ork language. If the elves can make up a language and pretend it's ancient, so can the tuskers.

We need "I can eat glass; it does not hurt me." in Sperethiel.

HIvje' mep vISoplaH. mu'oy'moHbe'. biggrin.gif
Ancient History
There's also some Orkish in the ED books, but fuck'em, Klingon's cool!
Hm, I need to make an Ork character who has a skill in Klingonese, and then that's all he speaks. That would rock.

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