Something interesting I'd like to note. Sperethiel, we all know, is the Elvish language. But what does the word itself mean?
Sperethiel 1. Speech/language 2.The Elven language
Now, breaking this down into its obvious component parts, we have:
Speren harmony, peacefullness
thiel Music. Poetically, a pleasing sound.
Literally then, Sperethiel means "Peaceful or harmonious music/pleasing sounds". But, if you note the "n" dropped from the first component, you can perceive another component:
reth Elf. Literally "Listener of harmony"
Now, we can see the second translation of Sperethiel: "Peaceful or harmonious Elven music/pleasing sounds." Or, for the longer version: " harmonious music of the Listeners of harmony." Or something ot that effect.
I only mention this as interesting, especially when you note:
Caynreth Daughter of Alamaise, First Speaker of Harmony in Elven myth.
Which, of course, begs the question of the difference between a Speaker of Harmony and a Listener of Harmony.
'Course, I'm just bringing this up for the young'uns. Us old hands have all porbably noticed this before, aye?