Feb 6 2005, 06:27 PM
I've recently put my hands on braiscan but I have a problem: my last game was set in January 2062.
I cannot simply change the current date because in my last sessions teh events of Year ofthe Comet (2061-2062) have been really important (SURGE, Shedim, etc...) so I cannot come back. I cannot even let my players create new characters: we do not play so frequently and they do not want to create a new group abandoning the old one.
I'm thinking about modifying the chronology.
Does it have any sense to play brainscan an year later? When exactly the arcology was completely taken back by Renraku?
A further question: do you think is the best between Brainscan, Wake of the Comet or Survival of the fittest?
Large Mike
Feb 6 2005, 07:00 PM
Truthfully, you can delay Brainscan as long as you like, so long as you don't introduce any of the fallout of Brainscan first. So long as you do no mention a reopened Renraku Arcology, or the Network, there's no reason that Brainscan can't happen at any point at all in your campaign.
Feb 6 2005, 07:24 PM
Indeed. Just toss it in and either delay the retaking of the Arc or speed up the rate at which parts were retaken.
Feb 6 2005, 09:55 PM
Is there any official date for the total reataking of the arcology?
I gues some point in the first 4 or months of 2061 but I'm not sosure about that
Feb 6 2005, 09:57 PM
Renraku announces the situation resolved in 2061, though parts of the arc remain closed and it's unclear how resolved it actually is.
Feb 6 2005, 10:08 PM
I was under the impression that the Arcology was still closed to the public. Deus may be gone, but the SKs, Banded, Drones, and probably a few of the Whites still controlled the majority of the Arcology at the end of Brainscan. I guess I should read the end again...
Feb 6 2005, 10:10 PM
That was correct at the end of Brainscan. However, the Renraku security forces and UCAS army were attempting to retake it before that, and after Deus was no longer leading they were able to strike through and recapture the reactors pretty easily. After that, they had a bloody but winning fight through the rest of the Arc.
Feb 6 2005, 10:15 PM
Where is the Arcology situation mentioned after Brainscan? I know Pax and the Network show up a lot, but I don't remember anything mentioning the Arc itself.
Feb 6 2005, 10:18 PM
Threats 2 and (IIRC) Year of the Comet.
Feb 6 2005, 10:20 PM
where in Year of the comet?
Feb 6 2005, 10:25 PM
No idea, but I thought I remembered mention. If I can find the book somewhere in this mess I'll give you a page reference or retraction.
Feb 6 2005, 10:25 PM
where in Year of the comet?
Feb 6 2005, 11:33 PM
I mean, which page? I was not able to find it.
Feb 7 2005, 12:10 AM
Page 51 according to the index.
Feb 7 2005, 12:23 AM
Sprawl Survival Guide page 78 (april 2063)
SOTA:2064 page 161 (august 2063)
That's about as clear as you can get about the arcology situation.
Crimsondude 2.0
Feb 7 2005, 12:43 AM
More specifically:
QUOTE (Brainscan @ 12) |
After a year of effort, Operation: Excavation has only succeeded in reclaiming five floors... This is where Brainscan begins. |
QUOTE (Yotc @ 51) |
Ms. Barai... was rescued from the arcology by UCAS forces at the beginning of [2061]." |
SSG and SOTA64 only relate to general effects of the shutdown post-liberation.
One of the most telling aspects of Brainscan and the vague nature of the "earlier this year" quote from YotC is that the run, My name is Legion, is set in NOLA, yet no reference to Mardi Gras is made. In fact, given the general nature of weather in the various settings, you'd never really guess when this is supposed to takes place.
OTOH, the reclamation can't continue while the Army is still "securing" the city after the fallout from the first adventure, which lasts for, "several weeks" beyond the initial events of the first 48 hours.
Feb 7 2005, 08:02 AM
THanks, still not so clear what was happening in Year of the Comet but it is interesting that in Sprawl Surivival Guide it is said that at least 30 levels are not under Renraku controll. If this is happening in April 2063 it means that arcology could be a funny place fro adventures for a bit more time.
About Brainscan events I was thinking about slowering a bit the timeline and modifying it.....letting things heppeniung an year later!! (April 20062), maing in thisway the end of Year ofteh COmet and Brainscan contemporary.
Feb 7 2005, 08:09 AM
Yeah, I plan on tracking down Brainscan myself and running my group through it when we get to the timeline...of course, they're about to experience the original horror, so twice the fun... *dances the happy evil GM dance*
Feb 7 2005, 08:10 AM
It turns out the YotC reference was just Network foreshadowing. Gomen.
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