James McMurray
Feb 12 2005, 09:08 PM
I couldn'r get a Cybertechnology, so I went through Man and Machine and put everything in it that hadn't already been covered into 2056 (Cbertech's year). The odds are pretty good that this messed something up. The only sourcebooks I had available for making this were:
Fields of Fire
Man and Machine
Cannon Companion
Corporate Security Handbook
I don't have any sources for pre-2052, so everything not on the list was either a) not in one of those books, or b) available before 2052.
http://www.colugo.org/jmcmurra/Shadowrun/T...gy_Timeline.htmIf anyone sees stuff that I screwed up, post it here and I'll fix it ASAP.
Feb 12 2005, 09:24 PM
The layout is fairly hard to follow, but everything in there looked accurate.
James McMurray
Feb 12 2005, 09:44 PM
I figure I'll pretty it up once its factually correct.
Feb 12 2005, 09:47 PM
Some indentations might be nice, just to make it easier to read. Personally, I ran a 2052 campaign that went all the way up to 2055 and I didn't go into as much detail as you did, so I think the diagram is more than adequate.
Cynic project
Feb 12 2005, 09:49 PM
Fields of Fire
Man and Machine
Cannon Companion
I think it is more like this.. I do not know where Corporate Security Handbook goes,but I think it is before SR3.
Feb 12 2005, 11:24 PM
FAB-UV? in what book? and how is it diffrent to the FABs in mits?
James McMurray
Feb 12 2005, 11:26 PM
Cunic: I wasn't listing them in chronological order. CSH is 2055.
hobgoblin: FAB-UV is in the Corporate Security Handbook. I don't have it or MitS here, so I don't know what the differences are.
Feb 12 2005, 11:29 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
hobgoblin: FAB-UV is in the Corporate Security Handbook. I don't have it or MitS here, so I don't know what the differences are. |
It's no different from FAB Strain I (the kind used to track astral travellers).
Feb 13 2005, 05:57 AM
Some of the stuff in the chem section at the end of the list has been available long before 2056 (and in a few cases available in the real world).
Feb 13 2005, 06:06 AM
Don't point out fallacies like that. This is an excuse for GMs to exclude gear and make the game more fun.
Feb 13 2005, 06:07 AM
Like DMSO.
I do have cybertech if you have any specifics you'd like to check on.
Feb 13 2005, 11:50 AM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
Don't point out fallacies like that. This is an excuse for GMs to exclude gear and make the game more fun. |
Actually, I got the impression that James was doing this an exercise to allow gradual improvements in tech over the campaign - not to withhold stuff for the sake of it.
It does highlight quite well just how few improvements have been made in tech and cyber over the past ten game-years...
James McMurray
Feb 13 2005, 10:21 PM
Alysin: I did leave DMSO off the list, but my knowledge of chemicals is almost nonexistent. Can you tell me which ones on the list should be removed?
Xirces nailed it. This is being done to help myself and others who want to start their campaigns earlier than the current SR year.
Feb 14 2005, 01:30 AM
I've run several campaigns set in earlier years, I like starting the characters out in 2050 and letting them experience the timeline. Gear, spells, metamagics, or whatever is usually not a problem. If it is something that just showed up in a recent book there is usually an excuse for prior inclusion. Like it has been around (but not statted in a book), it is one of the first working prototypes/the character happened to be one of the first to learn it. As far as that goes, maybe the character designed it.
With that in mind, excluding stuff seems like trying to limit power levels, screwing with players by making them update and replace stuff, or just plain pettiness. If that gets the GM and the players rocks off, good for them.
Feb 14 2005, 01:34 AM
QUOTE (Cynic project) |
SR2 Shadowtech Fields of Fire SR3 Man and Machine Cannon Companion
I think it is more like this.. I do not know where Corporate Security Handbook goes,but I think it is before SR3. |
Street Sam Cat
Fields of Fire
Feb 14 2005, 01:46 AM
Street Samurai Catalog is chronologically before Shadowtech. Shadowtech was the last book released before 2nd Edition was released; the original SSC was released closer to 1st Edition. The 2nd edition revision of SSC didn't introduce any new material, IIRC.
Feb 14 2005, 02:42 AM
My fault, Adam is right on the timing.
I think the only thing it did was update itself and ban a few things (like FirePower ammo) because they became superfluous.
Feb 14 2005, 08:01 PM
QUOTE (Adam) |
Street Samurai Catalog is chronologically before Shadowtech. Shadowtech was the last book released before 2nd Edition was released; the original SSC was released closer to 1st Edition. The 2nd edition revision of SSC didn't introduce any new material, IIRC. |
And all of the gear from SSC was in the back of SR2's BBB.
James McMurray
Feb 14 2005, 08:50 PM
Really? What year were SSC and SR1?
Maybe I can pull the timeline all the way back to 2050 (or whatever year SR1 starts in).
Feb 14 2005, 09:00 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
Really? What year were SSC and SR1?
Maybe I can pull the timeline all the way back to 2050 (or whatever year SR1 starts in). |
Well, the SR2 BBB had the SSC equipment in it as a sort of errata, updating all the SSC's stuff to SR2 specs. Essentially, it meant that you had all the equipment from SSC and the SR1 BBB in the SR2 BBB. In terms of timeline, consider SR2 to be the equivalent of SR1 + SSC together.
James McMurray
Feb 14 2005, 09:05 PM
Ok. Was there a year difference between SSC/SR1 and SR2? In other words, was SR1 set in 2050, SSC in 2051, and SR2 in 2051?
Feb 14 2005, 09:19 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
Ok. Was there a year difference between SSC/SR1 and SR2? In other words, was SR1 set in 2050, SSC in 2051, and SR2 in 2051? |
You had the progression right the first time. Don't worry about SR1 or SSC... just consider them all rolled into the same book, SR2.
James McMurray
Feb 14 2005, 09:41 PM
SR2 is (IIRC) set in 2052. If SR1 is set earlier than that, the timeline can be rolled back a few years.
For example, lets assume that SR1 is 2048 and SSC is 2051. If area cranial bombs are introduced in SSC, then they can be listed as having bee available in 2051. This woud let the timeline roll back all the way to 2048.
That's why I'm wondering about SR1 and SSC's in game dates. I don't need them for my campaign (it starts in 2052) but others who want to run campaigns starting in 2048 might want a better idea of what tech they have available.
Feb 14 2005, 10:27 PM
What a great idea this is!! It would be good to tweek this until its as accurate as possible and then post a final timeline in .pdf for download.
On chemtech:
DMSO is way older than most of us in RL. I have a bottle sitting in my lab about 10 feet way right now.
Gamma scopolomine is also RL tech, at least the scopolomine part. The gamma part may have been added to update or "futurize" it. The author of ST (Wu, IIRC) was fond of this (gamma-anthrax for example).
The green ring drugs, neurostun and seven-7 are older than MM. I believe these were introduced in SR1 which would be 2050, but its been awhile since i read it, so i could be wrong.
Laes was introduced in the Tir Tirangre Source book, not sure what the date is on that, but I'm guessing 2051 or 2052.
More later.
BTW: I don't have a lot of time, but I do have every SR book printed with the exception of some of the newer stuff (but I do have SOTA 63 and 64). If you want to really get after this, I wouldn't mind helping out when I have spare time...
email me at [methodX@mac.com] if you're interested or just post specifics and I can reply later...
James McMurray
Feb 14 2005, 11:31 PM
Apart from a few random items from MM that were printed in earlier sourcebook that aren't on my list (such as Laes and The Tir book) I think everything from 2052 - 2056 is good. I may be missing items that didn't get updated to 3rd edition. I am also pretty sure that vehicles and drones have timelines as well, but I don't have a way of tracking that down.
I'd love to be able to tack the more recent SOTA books onto the end of the list.
Feb 15 2005, 10:47 AM
FoF introduced the Condor, Steel Lynx, Ferret, Wasp/Yellowjacket, GMC MPUV, and Glider.
Feb 15 2005, 06:49 PM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
FoF introduced the Condor, Steel Lynx, Ferret, Wasp/Yellowjacket, GMC MPUV, and Glider. |
Actaully FoF introduced the F series of the wasp and yellowjacket. The plain vanilla versions were availible back in the SSC.
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