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OOC..Ok..Internet issues have been somewhat resolved and I should be able to make a solid committment of up to 2 posts per day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, not counting weekends.

Since Im a little post will cover a bit of time, I hope this doesn't confuse anyone.


:: As Olga leans up against her Jeep, she rips open a bag of snak-stiks and begins munching. Hearing Ohanzee's question, she pauses mid crunch and raises an eyebrow at Ib before turning her attention to him. The takes a second to swallow the half chewed mouthful. ::

"Silly boy...guns are for chicks! I am a shweet girl. Shweet as can be, and my daddy gave me my name. I can shometimes get a little carried away when Im excited."

:: Throughout the evening, Olga doesn't appear to be paying attention too much to her watch, but it's simply because her eyes aren't nearly as perceptive as her ears and nose. Besides, she's fairly sure that her fellow comrades are more than capable of spotting any incoming dangers and she'll be alerted soon enough. She does not walk rounds, but rathers stays close to the shack and her jeep keeping company with Ib. ::

:: Alternately shifting her attention from her mass assortment of snacks (which always seem to deplete faster than she anticipated), to basic girl talk with her freakish friend. As night draws near, she dons her goggles, but leaves them resting on her forehead . ::
Dawn's pale gray light reveals low clouds, and as the city slowly wakes itself from night, a soft rain begins. The bells of the Cathedral of St. Jude are muted as they ring out the five o'clock hour.
Almost 24 hours into the job, and not a peep yet...could this actually turn out to be a quiet duty?
:: Olga finishes off her last bag of soystiks and settles into the rather comfy drivers seat of the jeep. ::

"Heya Ib, gonna catch a few Z's wake me if anything happens."

:: Rolling up her jacket as a rather hard pillow behind her head, she smiles at the bliss of her sleep regulator. Not a moment is wasted before she's enjoying her standard 3 hours of REM state. ::
As the morning wears on, the rain slackens until all that remains is a cold, heavy fog as the distant cathedral rings out the noon hour.
Marcus tucks the Longcoat a little tighter around him as the fog covers the landscape, cursing quietly to himself as visibility is all but destroyed.

"Keep an eye out, everyone. We'd never see it coming in this pea soup..."
Ohanzee sends another comment over the team's com: "Just wondering: does everybody here have a sleep regulator or why's nobody taking a nap? My sleep is regulated so I don't need to sleep until some time tonight. I just thought we should keep our senses together. Granted, now with all the fog it's a bad time to loose a pair of eyes but as soon as we have some time to slack we should take naps in turns, even with our sleep regulated. We don't wanna be caught dreaming..."
"No sleep regulator, but I had planned on napping for a couple of hours this afternoon, so I'd be up before dark. It's only 48 days, I'm not that worried about falling asleep on the job. I've stayed up longer then that pub-hopping in London."

The last is said with a bit of wistful amusement.
:: Iblis pauses from her work on her deck and flips on her com unit.::

"I have the same thing in my head, that "never need much sleep" thingie. It was billed as "better me" so I went for it. I was planning on sleeping later in the day, like around noonish or so. I wanted to be at the switch board just in case."

ooc.gif With the fog being so thick Iblis is going to click on the ultrasound unit on her helmet, pack up her baby, and wander the front of the compound. Hoping to get some early warning if the gate is rushed.
The fog thins throughout the afternoon, blown out by the chill January wind. Traffic remains steady until just after the dinner hour, when it begins to slack off again to the odd roadmaster and taxi. The bells of the Cathedral of St. Jude ring six times as the sun sets.

ooc.gif Perception checks, please.
Perception: 9, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1
Again, using all kinds of perception enhancements on and off. It's yours to decide which ones apply since it really is a matter of luck which one is active at any given time.
I think the only enhancement I don't have is ultrasound...
However, with the fog coming up Ohanzee will rely more on infrared and hearing than anything else.
Ohanzee, you hear what sounds like a small electric drive engine approaching from the southeast.
Ohanzee halts his movements for a second as he tries to isolate and identify the noise and then switches to broadcast: "Everybody: I heard what seems to be a small electrical engine to the southwest. Maybe a drone or something. Check on that if you can but don't leave too many gaps just in case it's a distraction. Check the sky as well, just in case. Marcus, what can you see from up there?"
If Ohanzee is close enough to the source of the noise he'll take a closer look in order to find the source of the noise. He uses his spatial recognizer, sound filter and amplifier to further identify and pinpoint the source. However, if he is too far away he will let the others do the work and be carefull to guard his part of the warehouse.
ic.gif Marcus turns in the mentioned direction as the call goes out over the radio, scanning the skyline with his eyes and physical senses, and hefting the rifle to his shoulder to peer throug the scope if normal sight reveals nothing.

ooc.gif Perception: 1,4,5,3,10 , and Remington has a rating 1 scope.
Ohanzee, from your position by the side of the building you can just barely make out the small drone as it stops across the street from the warehouse. The dorsal mounted turret whines, elevates and fires two projectiles into the parking lot. *CHONK* *CHONK*

Marcus, from your vantage point you see what looks like three, possibly four individuals sprinting across the road towards the rear of the warehouse.
ic.gif "Four targets, rear of building." Marcus calls over the radio as he spots the dashing figures. He crouches down low at the edge of the building, concealing himself while providing cover against any fire as he sights in on the lead figure, checking for equipment loads and the like.

ooc.gif Taking 4 points of cover, Stealth if possible: 4,4,4,3,3,5,4,2,5, Perception: 5,5,5,14,8 looking for armor ratings and weapon categories. I'll take a shot if one of the figures attempts to breach or climb the fence.
It's difficult to tell with the shadows and speed of their approach. The third one in line appears to be carrying a bulky hand weapon, though. None of the four have slowed their approach, and will be at the fenceline in three seconds.
Ohanzee shouts over the comlink:"Grenades! Parking lot! Drone to South West!" and quickly steps behind the wall of the warehouse for cover, with his back to the wall. While waiting for the detonation he quickly scans the road in sight for further assailants again, randomly switching viewing modes:

ooc.gif Perception: 11, 8, 5, 5, 2, 2
ic.gif After taking a moment to make sure that the line hooked to th edge of the roof is threaded through his A/D harness, he sights in on the lead runner, and prepares to squeezes the trigger.

"Ohanzee, get to the rear. Let Ok deal with the drone."

It may be a bit pre-emptive, but from all the information the team had gathered before, the attackers weren't amatuers, and they weren't going to quit once they met resistance. Likely enough, they weren't going to bother climbing the fence, either, since they decided to go in loud, so he had to try and hold them up from breaching the fenceline until Ohanzee got into position.

ooc.gif Intention is to clip into the harness and start aiming.
Ohanzee takes the Remington off his back with a shrugging motion as he falls into a sprint towards the rear of the warehouse. As the Smartlink II switches on automatically and the rifle becomes part of his body he switches off the safety.
Whe he reaches the end of the wall leading to the rear of the building Ohanzee tries to find cover behind some crates, trash bins or other obsticles. If none are available he'll try to get partial cover behind the corner of the warehouse. He will then pop out of his cover as soon as possible and raise his rifle at the same time in order to take a shot at a random assailant, making use of his SmartLink 2 and Image Magnification Lvl. 3
When the shot is fired he will try to instictively judge the situation whether he has to go back for cover or whether he can afford to take another shot at another assailant.

Ohanzee's head is remarkably empty as he falls back into his learned and trained instincts which have helped him so many times already.
The two grenades in the parking lot explode with dazzling magnesium brilliance, throwing sharp, hard shadows around for two seconds before fading into nothingness. Ohanzee, your shot is perfectly placed, and you see the second in the line of four tumble to the ground. The other three seem to be a little confused, going down on one knee and scanning their surroundings for where the shot came from.
:: Olga gives a Toothy grin. ::

"Bought time something happened...I wash beginnin' ta think we were washting our time!"

OOC...depending on where the drone is in reference to the jeep...Olga will either jump into the jeep's rear and line up sights with the drone, or will grab her shotgun and run (using available cover) into a position to take a shot at the thing.
:: Iblis draws her two heavy pistols and takes cover behind the Jeep. She quickly checks the image link data from her toys spread out amongst the team members to ensure everything is working.::

"Ok everyone, big smiles. Let's show them how friendly we all are."

:: She switches on her soundtrack of Action Decker in her helmet and gives Olga a big smile. She begins to make a 360' sweep looking for targets.::

ooc.gif Perception 17, 11, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 2.
The drone continues its west-east track, firing off another pair of projectiles into the parking lot.

Iblis, apart from the three remaining personnel to the rear and the drone, you don't see any other targets. Something grates just below your awareness, though, some niggling thought that you're missing something to the northeast.
ic.gif He watches the figure tumble to the ground with a grim smile on his face, watching the group stutter as they search for a target.

The rifle kicks back against his shoulder as he fires at his target, sacrificing a bit of accuracy for speed as he shifts slightly, taking another shot immediately at the last figure he can see, intent on keeping them searching.
Ohanzee (ab)uses the moment of disorientation to move out of cover again quickly and take aim for the next shot. Zooming in on his next target he tries his best to target non-lethal parts of the body like legs or the stomach. Might be useful to question them later... As soon as he has a somewhat clear aim he will release the bullet from the rifle and move back into cover, quickly glancing for the consequences of the shot as he turns.
Marcus, your target collapses to the ground, unmoving. The other two seem to have broken their earlier indecision and retreat at best speed in the direction they originally came from. Ohanzee's shot sends one tumbling to the pavement, but with help from his friend he regains his feet and stumbles on.
ic.gif Wound one and slow down two..

"Excellent job, Ohan." Marcus speaks quietly into the radio, taking aim at the uninjured figure for a moment before squeezing the trigger. They only needed one alive, after all."
:: Olga leaps into the jeep causing it's shocks to groan slightly in protest as it nearly bottoms out before the springs react and the jeep bounces back upwards. Grabbing hold of the weapon mounted, she grabs hold of the loose soft top and pulls it back like a magician revealing the result of their latest trick. The few remaining snaps release and Olga grabs the LMG, targeting the troublesome drone before letting loose a full burst of bullets, the casings of which rain down on the near giddy troll. ::
:: Iblis moves from the jeep, and trys to keep out of sight. Working her way towards the northeast section of the compound. ::

"Heads up, moving to the north east. OK has been deployed."

:: She will check her HUD to make sure all the data is still streaming in. Her guns are out, safetys off and ready to go. She will shadow over and look around, trying to silence her nagging gut. ::

ooc.gif Stealth 17, 4, 4, 3, 3, 1 Perception 11, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1
Marcus, your shot finds its target, sending both figures tumbling to the ground.

OK, your burst rips through the relatively unarmored drone, reducing it to a pile of smoking components.
ic.gif Speed will have to suffice...

"All targets controlled. Ok, take your jeep out and check the bodies of our four assailants. Keep your eyes open, at least one of them is still alive. Ohan, cover Ok. Iblis, Ohan mentioned a drone. Do you have the ability to find out if there are any more drones in the area?"

He moves as he talks, checking each of the four directions from the rooftops, looking down streets, at roof tops, and checking arial approaches.

ooc.gif Stealth: 1,5,4,2,17,2,2,11,2 Perception: 4,4,1,2,8
:: In a sweeping movenment that defys her heafty build, Olga transfers herself from manning the cannon to the drivers seat. The jeep starts with a roar and shoots off with almost reckless speed, weaving back and forth slightly as Olga wrests control after the jack rabbit start. The drive is a short one as Olga hops out of the open jeep the second it's stopped. ::

:: Armed with her shotgun, she approaches the bodies and kicks each in turn to test for a reaction. She also relies on her thermal sight to see if their bodies are loosing heat in the chilly evening air. ::
:: Iblis crouches down and with a quick mental command, opens up a small interface in her image link. She begins a sweep of the signal traffic in the area, looking for rigger bands in use. ::

"I'm still in the northeast section of the compound. I've initiated a scan of signal traffic. The best I can do is tell you whether or not there is any nearby rigger traffic. OK please hold the cam unit over each face so I can record a still, I might be able to figure out who they were before they became road kill. Also let me know if we have any survivors. The med kit is in your jeep, in case we need to patch them up."

:: She continues to monitor the area around her, guns ready. ::

ooc.gif Scanner rating 8: 11, 8, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
The bodies lie cooling in the soft evening rain, twisted shadows thrown by the streetlights. The first two downed lie within a meter of each other; a young woman with Tres Chic clothing and a grubby looking young man. Each of them felled by a single high velocity rifle round. The second two are five meters away, a thin blood trail leading away from the first scene of violence to the second. These two, both young men dressed in working utilities, have fallen together. One appears to be alive but unconscious.
:: SHe pauses on each face as Ib requested before finding the lone survivor. FIrst, she secures the subjects hands and ankles before patting them down and removing any weapons. Once that's accomplished, she drags the tussed up character towards the jeep and settles them into the passenger seat. ::

:: Once that has been accomplished, she moves around to the drivers seat and drives the jeep back to the guard shack. Removing the limp body, she places it inside the shack before fetching the medpack and taking the time to read the directions carefully. She's used the packs before, but is always nervous that she might miss a critical step. ::

The medkit's prognosis is not good. The rifle round pierced the thigh, shattering the femur and sending bone splinters slicing through the surrounding tissue. He's lost a lot of blood, and continues to bleed heavily despite a pressure bandage over the area. If he is to survive for any length of time, he may need more serious medical attention.
:: Olga frowns at the medkits readings and rechecks the bandage. When she is sure she hasn't forgotten anything, she instinctively rips off the target's shirt enough to make a crude tournaquet around the top of the leg. ::

"Thish dude don't look sho hot. If ya thinkin' of interrogation, ya better be quick 'bout it. 'nless any of ya think you can do betta than me with this med pack thingy."
"I'm a-coming."

:: Iblis takes one last look around and moves back towards the guard shack. As she walks in she reholsters her guns. She gives OK's shoulder a friendly squeeze as she takes her place near the wounded intruder. She quickly pulls up the data from the med kit. She reaches into the kit and grabs some more medical supplies. ::

"You boys are good shots. I'll see what this candy striper can do. Did anyone get a good look at the drone? I want to know what type it was. OK, can you check the debris and see what you find."

ooc.gif Biotech 11, 9, 8, 2, 2, 1 Spent karma pool on a reroll. the first one blew.
The leg is a lost cause, too much damage to the femoral artery, but your patient will live.
"Good job, Iblis and Ok. If anyone's got any skills in interrogation, take a shot at it, that's definitely not my forte. Otherwise, gag him, and we'll let our employer decide what to do with him. Ohan, move around to cover Ok when she goes out to check that drone. There's at least one more person out there that knows what just went down. Once you've finished that, we need to gather up the bodies. I'm sure all of us would rather not have to answer the questions they would draw."

Restless energy is evident as he speaks, the constant pacing and searching for other threats continuing, even as he continues to rattle off orders with little concern for the reactions of those he's speaking to.

ooc.gif It's definitely not an issue, I just thought it was an interesting point how all of us make rolls for non-combat stuff, but usually combat rolls, the area that players are so concerned about, we've just left to Grendel. I think that's great. biggrin.gif
:: Iblis quickly ties off the leg and takes the steps needed to keep the man alive. She turns off her comm unit and leans down towards the side of his head. Her voice is thick with genuine regret. ::

"I'm sorry but I can't save your leg but you will live."

:: After hearing the list of directives, she flips her comm unit to open as she finishes up her first aid on the injured man. Ending with gagging him. ::

"I am a wiz at info extraction from hard tech but wet tech, not my thing. My version of interrogation involves letting OK beat the living shit out of someone until they want to talk and I don't think this guy can take much of that. Anyone else gifted and talented with a way with people?"
:: Olga grabs up her shotgun and vacates the tiny shack giving Iblis room to do her work. Huffing across the parking lot towards the gate, she gets a good line of sight on the drone, then magnifies her vision to it's max to prevent the need to actually cross the street. Knowing absolutely NOTHING about drones, she begins to describe the parts she can see as well as what she remembers before blasting the thing to pieces. ::
The drone appeared to be a slope-sided wedge riding on four outsize spun-wire all terrain wheels. The dorsal turret is a simple hump with the stubby snout of a grenade launcher protruding from the front.
Marcus, your shot finds its target, sending both figures tumbling to the ground.

OK, your burst rips through the relatively unarmored drone, reducing it to a pile of smoking components.

The drone appears to be a slope-sided wedge riding on four outsize spun-wire all terrain wheels. The dorsal turret is a simple hump with the stubby snout of a grenade launcher protruding from the front. After the last two grenades, both apparently smoke, it has not fired again and appears to be retreating down the street in the opposite direction from which it came. you can a bit confused...are there two drones?
ooc.gif Sorry, didn't mean to confuse. Post edited.
ooc.gif Haven't seen a post from Sandman in two weeks. Do we just push on without him?
ooc.gif Yes.
:: Grimaces slightly at the need to describe the hump of metal she sees. ::

"Uh...well, it kinda looksh like a doorshtop. Ya' a triangle on it'sh shide? Got 4 wheelsh, looks kinda off-roadish and it'sh gotta hump with the grenade launcher shticking outta da front."

:: After retreating back to the guard shack, Olga checks with Ib and her surveillance to confirm all hostiles are down. ::

"Heya Ib...don't ya tink we should call the J now? Sheems like we finished deez guysh off and he'll prolly wanna interrogate that one."
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