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Full Version: Comunicating in the Astral
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
My partner has asked me to post this one for him,

Can you communicate to other members of the team if you have gone astral and they are not?

if sow how? there are many occasions when we have gone astral seen something and thoght Dam i need to let the team know ( without returning to my body) but how the hell do i do it? we have been unable to find anything in the rules about this, but if we have mised something or anyone has any ideas please let us know!

if we are been blind and totaly miss a realy obvious rule then we prepare to be repremanded! hehehehe


torz x (AKA Attillius) question.gif
manifest.... pg. 173
Or relay the message to a watcher spirit.
Crusher Bob
Or use your ally spirit to relay the msg. You are out projecting, your ally stays with the team (maybe even with a radio on). You tell your ally via the telepathic link, your ally tells the team.
QUOTE (Crusher Bob @ Feb 22 2005, 12:47 AM)
Or use your ally spirit to relay the msg.  You are out projecting, your ally stays with the team (maybe even with a radio on).  You tell your ally via the telepathic link, your ally tells the team.

Ooo. An ally spirit that is in the form of a handheld or headset radio... "You are hearing me talk" "Stop that!"
ther is a spell for short range telepathy
QUOTE (Edward)
ther is a spell for short range telepathy

Don't the participants need to be on the same plane for a spell to work? Then again, Detection spells just have a TN modifier for being on a different plane.
Sustaining the spell when you go astral is the problem, I think.
All you need is a dual-natured buddy/walkie talky.
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