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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
OK, thanks to a suggestion by Adam, I've decided to re-start this thread here (from the General Gaming thread I posted a while back). Most of my advance info comes from picking up the latest Previews catalog at my local game shop;

This is what we already know =

FPR250006--Loose Alliances ("upcoming") $24.99, & can be found HERE.
FPR250005--Running Wild (possibly sometime in Spring '05) $19.99
FPR250007--Shadows of Asia (possibly a May or June '05 release) $24.99

Now, with the recent Previews listing for stuff slated for May of this year, I found this=

FRP25011-- Shadows Over Latin America $24.99
"Shadows Over Latin America details the nations of Central and South America, caught in the crossfire between powerful Aztlan and Awakened Amazonia. Critters and magical flora unique to the jungles are described, as are the mysterious criminal Ghost Cartels. Scheduled to ship in May 2005. (CAUT: 4)"
(CAUT: 4) = All information is subject to change, but this item should ship no later than 90 days past its scheduled ship date.

Which means a possible August release.

Just thought you'd like to know.
What is the difference between the Shadows Over South America and Shadows of Europe. Is it a different Sourcebook. Why the name change?

Inquiring minds want to know.


I believe it was just a one-time typo that propogated through the distribution system, as errors tend to do.
Stupid question but will we be able to get them in the uk?

All FanPro products are released internationally. Leisure Games in London offers them via mail order, as does FanPro Germany's F-Shop.
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