> Hi, I don't know if I post in the right place so if it's not the case, please tell me or ask a moderator to move the topic.
So... I post because I have made some program working in my native language (French) but also in English. I think it's shame if I program it multilanguage and if only people visiting my site (in French, http://daegann.free.fr) can download those program... It's why I post the link of my program here:
Lifegen (http://daegann.free.fr/programmes/lifegen.zip) :
This program allow you to customize your character's lifestyle based on the Sprawl Survival Guide rules. You can save your lifestyle or export it to html for print.
Dae-run (http://daegann.free.fr/programmes/dae-run.zip) :
This program use the table provided by the Johnson Little Black Book to create a run on the fly. So you can use it if you need inspiration. There are not only JLBB rules but there are 4 kind of randomization possible. And it's customizable because it use .txt files. You can also pick a city or a corporation name, a random encounter or a NPC name with his activity.
As English is not my best skills, you maybe find mistake or bad sentence. If you find this (or bug), contact me please (daegann@seoul.com).
And, last things. I made it multilanguage, so it's easy for me to add a language in those program. So If you are interested to translate them (or one of them) into another language, I will happy to include it (with your name in the credits of course)
That's all. I hope it will be useful for you. ^^
> Daegann