I'm not sure exactly when it's going to press [I hope this week...], but I hope to have a Developer's Say article for it online sometime before it hits the streets. Naturally, there's no space inside the Dossier for such an article.

I've included the sell sheet below - if you're interested in getting the Shadowrun Character Dossier, make sure to let your local retailer know!
The Shadowrun Character Dossier™
Publisher: FanPro
Title: The Shadowrun Character Dossier
System: Shadowrun, Third Edition
Stock Number: FPR10673
ISBN: 1-932564-01-2
Retail: $4.99
Format: 16-page stitched
Authors: Adam Jury, Jeff Makintosh
Developer: Rob Boyle
Cover Artist: Rick Berry and John Zeleznick, Adi Granov (Back Cover)
More Data Than Your Rap Sheet
Your shadowrunner has more safehouses than a slumlord, more false identities than a schizophrenic and a criminal record that takes up more memory than a Black Hammer utility. So where do you keep track of all that info? The Shadowrun Character Dossier provides 16 pages to record all of your character’s details, from skills to implants to spells. All of the archetypes are covered, from adepts to riggers to otaku, and space is included for edges and flaws, Karma expenditures, character background and more. The Dossier also features handy reference tables to make combat, skill use and healing run more smoothly. Store your runner’s info here and put Mr. Johnson’s files to shame!
For use with Shadowrun, Third Edition.